Posted January 11, 2024
In terms of bang for buck, Life of Crime offers a little bit more, but in terms of the game itself... I'm split. I'm HELLA split.
Stability-wise, Life of Crime runs better. The music actually plays when it's on by default in LoC, and Reloaded has a bizarre issue where the game micro-stutters at certain times when you shoot a gun, not to mention some truly HILARIOUS glitches and faults. Like this one guy who wound up stuck in the sky after I shot him. If this is Reloaded at 1.04, I don't want to imagine what 1.00 was like.
But balancing-wise, I honestly prefer Reloaded. In Life of Crime, the opening is brutal and the pistol is underpowered. The weapon roster in general is wack with the Shotgun and Tommy Gun being the only guns you'll use probably. The enemies are unstoppable gods of death able to instantly down you in a handful of shots, and some encounters are quite bullshit, to be frank. Reloaded not only properly balances the enemies, but also fixes the weapons, meaning the pistol is actually useful now.
So... Yeah. Before I would rate Kingpin a 2/10, but now I think it's a high 7. Life of Crime is as frustrating as it is fun and Reloaded could be a better singleplayer experience in the future, but the performance is balked.
EDIT: Okay, in 1.05, Kingpin Reloaded works better. The fire-stuttering is resolved, and things are a bit more stable.
Stability-wise, Life of Crime runs better. The music actually plays when it's on by default in LoC, and Reloaded has a bizarre issue where the game micro-stutters at certain times when you shoot a gun, not to mention some truly HILARIOUS glitches and faults. Like this one guy who wound up stuck in the sky after I shot him. If this is Reloaded at 1.04, I don't want to imagine what 1.00 was like.
But balancing-wise, I honestly prefer Reloaded. In Life of Crime, the opening is brutal and the pistol is underpowered. The weapon roster in general is wack with the Shotgun and Tommy Gun being the only guns you'll use probably. The enemies are unstoppable gods of death able to instantly down you in a handful of shots, and some encounters are quite bullshit, to be frank. Reloaded not only properly balances the enemies, but also fixes the weapons, meaning the pistol is actually useful now.
So... Yeah. Before I would rate Kingpin a 2/10, but now I think it's a high 7. Life of Crime is as frustrating as it is fun and Reloaded could be a better singleplayer experience in the future, but the performance is balked.
EDIT: Okay, in 1.05, Kingpin Reloaded works better. The fire-stuttering is resolved, and things are a bit more stable.
Post edited January 25, 2024 by BenCrichton78