Iznuts: - this is wrong, anybody who didnt like anything was grouped up on and told to just not use that "feature" or stop using the beta. I got blasted hard when I asked for a way to disable/remove the "new" chat function. As did most others with complaints or issues that were brought up. Its beta it'll be fine when they shovel it out was the response they got. I just stopped using the beta and giving any feedback since I was ignored and/or hated for it. There were plenty of complaints that just got driven down and out, so no it actually wasnt very positive. We all just stopped voicing complaints cause we were basically driven out by the gaben fan club.
The statement that "anybody who didnt like anything was grouped up on" is simply not true and everyone can go see that for themselves, all of the discussion threads from alpha and beta are public now (as far as I'm aware, beta discussions has always been public).
The majority of people were very respectful towards each other.
I'm not saying that you weren't "grouped up on" by some people or didn't have a bad experience, this is the internet after all, but to suggest that this was the norm is a flat out lie.
You also gotta understand that Valve can't please everybody and sadly you are in the minority in regards to the new UI.
Most of these features have been requested since the Xbox 360 days and Valve has been working on them for years and has publicly stated that several times, so it's been a long time coming.
It sucks that you and others don't like it but as I advised OP, all you can do is try to get used to it and get as much out of the new features as possible.
You might end up liking it. You might not.
Iznuts: - you must be one of the people that drove away anybody posting about things they disliked or issues they found during that beta and to stop using it. "just suck it up and use it and like it"
I never said anything like that, stop putting words in my mouth, I just gave him some friendly advice as to what he can do in this situation.
I always try to have as calm and rational discussions as possible.
You, on the other hand, have a very aggressive, judgemental way of addressing other people and the impression that you're giving me by doing so is that you had a couple of people disagree with you, but in your head it became this huge thing where everyone is grouping up on you, and that everyone that disagrees with you must think the exact same way as those people, hence why you were so quick to throw me in that box.
Iznuts: Your entire post is basically a shut up and use it. dont like that feature? just get used to it, never mind all the extra resources it sucks up anyways, just get use to it. Sounds like you have zero valuable reason yourself to be involved with any beta testing yourself. You shoud just suck it up and get used to it btw.
Calm down my dude, take a deep breath and re-read my reply.
When your point of view is as full of anger as yours is, you'll find meaning that isn't there in every statement that doesn't pander to your opinion.
I was just stating facts and giving OP some completely neutral suggestions, it has absolutely nothing to do with my personal opinion about the new UI.
I never stated that the new UI is perfect even though you act as if I did, as a matter of fact, I never once stated my personal opinion about the new UI in my post.
Have you ever wondered how people are getting invited to alpha?
Alpha invitations aren't something you're signing up for, Valve manually picks you out from past beta tests because of your ability to give actual feedback and constructive criticism.
So stating that I have "zero valuable reason" to be in the beta is just plain silly.
Iznuts: I dont care about or want achievements, whatever the heck badges are, chat, messaging, skins. etc. I've been forced to deal with that garbage long enough and its now at breaking point. Just give me a way to disable functions I dont need/want instead of pseudo hacking my way around them. I want/need a usable small resource footprint GAME LAUNCHER.
I gotta be honest, I don't really think Galaxy 2 is for you then, the whole point of Galaxy 2 is to combine all of those features from the different platforms into one. It's not just a game launcher.
Take a look at LaunchBox, I think you might like it, it's made specifically for what you're describing.
Anyway, I hope that you end up coming to terms with the new UI somehow and maybe don't be so rash with your judgment in the future, not everything is as black and white as you make it out to be and there's actually a lot of friendly people out there, ready to have a calm discussion about stuff! ;)