Posting the wagon history in case there is something in it :
nmillar: Unvote nmillar, vote SirPrimalform. Because voting for oneself is frowned upon, and SirPrimalform is almost always the bad guy.
flubbucket: I will also say I think there is a cult at work more than a mafia clan. I have no evidence only a nagging suspicion which I can't seem to shake. I have a sinking feeling the cult leader could have a level of immunity or some way to continue at least in the early stages. However I will vote because the laissez faire attitude of SirPrimalform has me concerned he could be the bad guy. 1) not contributing even though there has been much analyze 2) not posting since June 23rd
Vote: SirPrimalform Robbeasy: Although I have been almost as slack as SPF when it comes to posting this game (I can only apologise, upheavals at work!)..
I am also going to
vote SirPrimalForm mainly because i refuse to let another day slip by without a lynch, and his lack of input is as good a reason as any
Red_Baron: Glad to see that others (CSPVG) agree with my vote on Ixamyakxim - I still consider him the best target, but clearly its not bringing the lynch any closer with just two votes.
Another option for a lynch is flubbucket, primarily due to day 1 behavior and the latest revelations he made, where a lynch could go ways to confirm it and bring some solid facts.
SPF: Hmm it would be a lurker vote, but I was willing to do that on day 1 to get a lynch (though circumstances was different (given the replacement)). Still its been forever since I've seen a post by him - followed by JMich and P1na whom are both fairly silent as well.
Of those the current votes is going towards SPF - So while I prefer lxamyakxim, I have to agree we need a lynch, SPF is more likely (given current votes) to be lynched and given the lack of activity - not a bad target.
So in the interest of lynching:
Unvote - Vote SirPrimalForm The exciting part now will be how many of our lurkers will notice the deadline - and how they react.
flubbucket: My apologies. He cleared up something with that post.
Krypsyn: Yeah, the sound of subtext was rather deafening. ;)
And, it looks like my vote is going to come full circle, as there is a better choice for lynch now:
Unvote: nmillar Vote: SirPrimalform Ixamyakxim: Wow this is happening quickly! Is this how it usually plays out? Still think Darko inadvertently "spilled the beans" about having a knowledge of a "cult" quicktopic but I can certainly get on board culling a solid lurker.
Unvote Darko Vote SirPrimalForms RWarehall: Unvote Vote SirPrimalForm Had to do my due diligence...
Let's see...
Posts protesting that he isn't evil and not evil in most games.
Posts all games talking about how behind he is.
Post claiming to have read up and saying there isn't much to analyze.
A post going after 01kipper for the 5foote pile on.
Post going after Ixam for voting for someone with more votes.
Only really semi-redeemable action was joining the Flub lynch bandwagon.
(and by that I mean, helping town get a lynch, not addressing the choice of Flub)
Strong lurking credentials, not much if any insight provided, only semi-pro town action was joining in on the failed day 1 lynch. Acceptable candidate for lynching, maybe a little too much protesting to not be evil gives me some hope we might have a scum. Not sure how this works with the cult theory. I don't get cult leader vibes, but if the theory of cult starting with two, could be the second, maybe.
DarkoD13: Meh.
Unvote flubbucket Vote SirPrimalForm