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I'll say first thing, I'm a little overwhelmed. I think I have a good grasp of typical mafia games, though little experience, but this one is out of my wheelhouse, so to speak. That and our current almost insomnia sale...

What is really throwing me off...
First, from what I've read, a first day lynch is beneficial. That said, sounds like many games still end with a no-lynch day 1. Second, to have no-lynch followed by no night kill...I've look at strategies, gotta say, this isn't covered.

So, first question to the more experienced. What the heck is a mason? I think I have my mind around what a cult is, but mason?

Now that the questions and confusion part is done, my two gold pieces.
1) Cult or no cult, we need to lynch. If it is a cult, every no-lynch they get stronger. That is not good. If it is a normal mafia game (and no night kill is either through some sort of deception or another game mechanic we are yet to understand), I'm of the school, lynches are a town's main power, gotta use it.
2) I said it before, I'll say it again, I looked at all of Telika's day 1 posts. All I see says pro-town. Telika may have brought up cults first but it was very early, almost to the point of first discussion of anything. Really too early to be a deception.
3) Flub. The posts are erratic. I get bad vibes from them, but I was in another game, I think, with him, and frankly, I seem to recall he was all over the place in that one as well. In short, I don't think I have a read on him one way or another. See below, leaning pro-town for now
4) If I saw anyone on day 1 that worried me, it was cmdr_flashheart. Starting with the early fluff votes, I am concerned that each time, they were a second vote for someone. Amok voted for himself, cmdr voted for Amok. 5foote gets voted by Flub, then cmdr joins in for a second vote which steamrolls into our first distraction. Granted, didn't help when 5foote dared us to vote him out... Then cmdr had a series of pro-town sounding posts...then concluded we have a cult and need to look at lurkers because a cult leader would be dumb to expose himself so much (in defense of 5foote). After saying that, goes after Flub. Shouldn't the same reasoning apply. Red flag there. Then pretends to race claim. Then goes pro race claim after not race claiming. Then tries to paint anyone looking into the RVS/5foote vote as "scummy". When I reiterate my vote against cmdr, replies it doesn't make sense. Claims my race claim might be a lie. All I have to say is there are others that know I'm not lying. Unvotes, Flub, revotes Flub, then attacks Amok for voting Flub because his reason wasn't good enough? Then points a finger at TB. Then points a finger at NMillar, semi-attacks those voting for Lolz. Then votes for Lolz, calls it a mistake and goes back to Flub.

In essence, if there was one person active in confusing the whole situation and causing our no vote, day one by jumping ship off a majority or accusing other people, it was cmdr_flashheart. Many many posts and all over the place, check it yourself. For now, that is where my vote leans. A no vote is anti-town/pro-scum in my opinion and even on the last day, continued to sway votes away from a majority. We had momentum toward Lolz, and at the last got swayed to Flub a little too late to make a majority. Makes me think maybe Flub is town though. If cmdr is scum, does that make Lolz scum with the last minute switch off? Or just a ploy for a no-lynch?

So day 2
Vote cmdr_flashheart/P1na

I hate picking on a replacement, but I'm playing to win, your predecessor set off my spider sense.

Short reads...(I guess as of day 1)
Telika - town
Flub - likely town (unlikely to be recruited so still likely town)
Cmdr/P1na - scum
Lolz/is that now Krypson? - possibly scum?
RWarehall: What the heck is a mason?
Masons are a group (always a group) of people that can communicate with each other and know of their affiliation (town affiliation). A group of people that can communicate with each other but do not know their affiliation are neighbours.
So you are saying there might be a group of people who know for a fact they are town? How does that work with a cult? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose when one gets recruited? I guess I'm trying to figure out how the possibility of this aids our discussion in any way? So there is a group that is pro-town with extra information. That's a good thing right? Not sure how that changes our discussion on who to lynch though.
RWarehall: Lolz/is that now Krypson? - possibly scum?
Yes, I replaced Lolz.
All these changes are a bit confusing. The old you (Krypsyn) sure was lurky. The new you provides insight.
It's like two different people. I'm still going to place you on the slightly scum side just from how Day 1 ended. That and I'm probably going to put anyone who didn't end on either Lolz or Flub as possibly scum as well. Off votes is a pro-no lynch as far as I'm concerned.
So that's:
Flub (but once again - both sides of the fence) just find it hard to believe scum would let the vote get that close to finishing him off if he was one.
Dustflinger87 (wasn't he replaced?)
IShoot4lolz/Krypsyn - You appear again

I'm not ruling out bandwagon voting scum, just can't say yet who that would be.

JMich' description of neighbors is more accurate to what I was talking about early on in Day One. Neighbors essentially know each others affiliation (read race) but can't communicate directly. They see each other from afar and there is a level of trust so to speak.

My concern, which I raised early on, was whether or not there could be or had been any infiltration by the enemy.
flubbucket: Neighbors essentially know each others affiliation (read race) but can't communicate directly. They see each other from afar and there is a level of trust so to speak.
Neighbours can communicate with each other, but don't know if they are talking to town or scum. Lovers know that they are both town, but can't communicate with each other. Masons know they are all town, and can communicate with each other as well.
RWarehall: Dustflinger87 (wasn't he replaced?)
Dustfinger87 was replaced by Red_Baron. AFP has kept the OP updated with all 5 replacements to help us keep everyone straight. ;)
Yea, thought it seems some confusion still sneaked in :P


Ixamyakxim: Interesting take on things and I admit your treatment of Primal Form educated me a bit (the notion that someone could lean scum not by their vote patterns but by "fluff" / avoiding-lurking-only-posts). I haven't been paying too much attention to Robbeasy but the one of yours that has me most curious is Telika. I'll be honest he's been the one that has MOST triggered my warning sensors as he seems to be constantly manipulating situations (painting far too many people as scum or "steering the crosshairs" to individuals, especially Flub).

And he was also probably most responsible for our non-lynch on day one (everyone that issued a vote was "scummy" and thus every other person proceeded to at best totally back off or at worst lurk even more). However I am colored by the opinion that a quick day one lynch is a good thing, to see who jumped on the bandwagon and when, and then what happened at night relative to who said what during the day - though this game is going a long way toward blowing that theory up in my face! ;)
It might just be due to me being used to Telika, but this post of just doesn't sit right. The usage of "properly the most responsible for our non-lynch" & "Steering the cross-hairs to specifically flub" is plain wrong, given that Telika was fairly clear in who he wanted lynched and his attempt to get the lynch through. In addition I would say that Flubbucket by far made the greatest effort to "steer the cross-hair" onto himself. Telika just argued for lynching him, while others considered that he made so large an effort to get lynched that he must have had a reason. I found myself among those in doubt if he was doing it for a town or a scum reason - given the perspective that the lack of lynch was due to the flubbucket discussion I among others were more part of the no-lynch by aiming to lynch the inactive (now replaced by Krypsyn).

Admittedly anther reason the post caught my eye is that I keep forgetting that a player with your name is in the game :P But the latter is not really part of my reasoning.

However where to place my votes is a darn tough call. Flubbucket still makes the list, so does lxamyakxim - then there is the lurkers (I don't believe they were replaced) 01kipper - which leads to the whole discussion if lurking equals scummy. However should we get near lynch and the most likely candidate isn't one of those I already had, voting for a lurker is definitely an option to get the lynch through and thus gain something to judge/analyze..
Ixamyakxim: Interesting take on things and I admit your treatment of Primal Form educated me a bit (the notion that someone could lean scum not by their vote patterns but by "fluff" / avoiding-lurking-only-posts). I haven't been paying too much attention to Robbeasy but the one of yours that has me most curious is Telika.
Red_Baron: It might just be due to me being used to Telika, but this post of just doesn't sit right.
This could be it right here (the bolded part) as I think this is the second time someone has pointed out to me that "this is just Telika." I'm very much a knee jerk type of player and I'm focusing a bit too much on the fact that on day one, I felt like whenever we were moving in a direction, Telika jumped in with "You're Scum" WALL OF TEXT. I'm very much "here's what I think and why, here's my vote" and whenever I see someone tossing up walls of text my first thought is drowning out those other voices. Something for me to reconsider perhaps.
The Dustflinger Red Baron confusion carried on to post 450. Since you are down for two votes. That also means one person didn't vote at all. JMich, if that is correct.
Ixamyakxim: ... whenever I see someone tossing up walls of text my first thought is drowning out those other voices. Something for me to reconsider perhaps.
I get it. In general, I actually tend to somewhat agree with you. However, where Telika in particular is concerned, you just don't fully understand. In his first game (I think?), Telika diagrammed and charted every relationship in the game, then posted links to his findings in the thread. Posting in-depth analysis is sort of his thing. His arguments are sometimes dizzying and perhaps a little complex at times, but I would be more worried if he were not posting in such ways at this point. ;)
Hmmm, am I really the lurkiest now? Well, I guess I'd better post something! (Seriously though, I'm not very verbose in real life, and that comes through here too. I'm the type of person who blends into the wallpaper).

Anyway, regarding the game, I really don't get the whole hullaballoo about flubbucket. He neither strikes me as scummy, nor as wanting to get lynched.

I think Telika tends to overanalyse everything, which can cause as much confusion as it clears up. However, I feel he is doing it from the best of motives.
flubbucket: Neighbors essentially know each others affiliation (read race) but can't communicate directly. They see each other from afar and there is a level of trust so to speak.
JMich: Neighbours can communicate with each other, but don't know if they are talking to town or scum. Lovers know that they are both town, but can't communicate with each other. Masons know they are all town, and can communicate with each other as well.
Okay. I'm seeing what's in this game as a hybrid of the neighbors more so than masons.
I like how we have both a discussion about how to interpretate Telika and a discussion about neighbors/masons going on :P