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Banned for accusing albinistic of bulimia by proxy.
^ banned for presenting and subsequently receiving a diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy
Banned for using big words. Grug not like.
^ banned for not liking grog, Grug
^ Banned for not liking gog.
^banned for not liking gruel
banned cause you take things for granite
Banned for taking things from granny.
Banned for not doing anything to stop apehater from taking granny's things
Banned for sanding by and watching your shark father rape your human mother. (I hope somebody gets this joke.)
MichaelD.965: Banned for sanding by and watching your shark father rape your human mother. (I hope somebody gets this joke.)
^ banned for forgetting the letter "t" in the word "standing"
Banned for sanding down the top of the letter T to smooth its top.
Banned for standing down an entire alphabet regiment
low rated
Banned for standing up at an old folk's home
(poor old guys in the home feel even less confident now)


MichaelD.965: (I hope somebody gets this joke.)
King shark says he is not pleased ;)
Banned because king sharks are always pleased.
Post edited May 22, 2021 by ladyonthemoon