PaterAlf: How did the Giana Sisters games end up in this promo? They don't have a co-op or splitscreen mode.
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams: (quote) "
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams now includes Dream Rush, a multiplayer arena racing mode that pits up to four players against each other in local PvP, speed-running in an effort to push each other off the screen with the help of boosters and power-ups. Smash through all obstacles! Run, dash, jump, head bonk, fire cannonballs and barrages of bullets onto your opponents. Switch the level layout on the fly as you rush through dreamgates. Collect gems to fill your speed booster and use your power-ups to knock out the other players!"
Edit: I admit, the second one (RotO) shouldn't be advertised as MP game
(regardless the mode), 'cause it isn't that.
But hey: this way people can complete collecting the series.