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The Ship emerges suddenly from stealth, rounding the eastern end of Monkey Island. Aeshma is the first to know, being warned by one of her air wisps, and she calls out to the others. "Ship ahoy!" She sends the air wisp to rouse Count Karnstein from his morning sleep-in, and it puffs in his ear to wake him. He still takes the night watch, even when they should be protected on the dragon turtle.

Those of the Crew who are looking can see it now, dark and sleek and swift. It doesn't so much ride upon the waves, as the waves swirl around it, its spectral energies ebbing and flowing about it in shimmering iridescent hues of deep blues and violet. It looks newer, rejuvenated, its sails and hull whole again ... and at the main mast it flies the Brethren flag with a sapphire blue pennant over it displaying a golden phoenix feather.

"Argy, it looks like we'll be having more for lunch! Better have Kyp get more fish," Aeshma shouts over her shoulder as she quickly heads down to the newly rebuilt pier.

As the Ship draws near the Crew can see Cap'n Rummyfangs grinning while standing at the helm and quite a group gathered on the Forecastle deck, but there is no phoenix. Instead, a short (160cm) fair ethereal Elf maiden stands at the forecastle rail, overlooking the bow. She is dressed in a sapphire blue long coat over a crimson and gold brocade waistcoat, with pale golden breeches tucked into supple dark boots. A crimson silk pirate scarf is tied over her long fiery red-gold curls and a sheathed rapier with a golden hilt hangs from her baldric. Her look is youthful, but the intelligence behind the deep sapphire blue eyes is far older. Devin stands close at her right hand, a small indigo feather now worked in with the ribbon in his thin braid. To her left just slightly taller than the Elf, stands an unfamiliar human male with short dark hair, a day old beard and pleasant features. He is dressed in a long coat, breeches and boots. Just beyond him is a half-dwarf male, looking content and every bit as if he belongs there and is, in a sense, home.


Ahead the dragon turtle is coming into view. The pier is completely repaired and nothing looks amiss. It appears Count Karnstein has smartly smuggled the High Council ship into hiding somewhere.

Cliodhna stands at the front forecastle railing, surrounded. Close on her right is Devin, in bodyguard mode. On her other side Captain BenKii has positioned himself protectively between her and the half-dwarf who he does not know well yet. Her gaze falls on Grog'tial and she bites her lip to contain a smile. The feel she gets from him is unexpectedly content, almost buoyant, when he sees the familiar faces of the Crew. She can't help but wonder if it is one face in particular he is looking for.

Speaking of looking for particular faces, there appear to be a few missing. Mighty is not among the Crew. Perhaps he is on Monkey Island at the moment, overseeing a cricket tournament or conferring with Monkey. However Pugwash is also absent while Durik is back. She had been told that Pugwash had gone missing and was seen marched as a captive aboard the same ship Durik was. That does not bode well if Durik is here and Pugwash isn't. Instead there is someone she doesn't recognize, although she does know dragonborn and has counted friends among them, so she's pleased to see one here. He is emaciated for a dragonborn, but he wears his saber with a practiced air and he seems friendly with the Crew, especially Durik.

The face she had hoped to see also isn't here, and she cannot feel him near even though she tries. Cliodhna has stood on the forecastle in starlight and moonlight with Devin every night since sailing from the Misty Isles. She has not been able to reach Aylar. She knows he intended to visit his home, so must be deep in the Dreaming, but he was supposed to be back by now. But now is not the time for worrying, she reminds herself. She needs to meet with the Crew, introduce Captain BenKii and meet the dragonborn, as well as ease Grog'tial's way if necessary. She trusts Aylar's abilities ... but she also knows the aboleth's abiding hatred of Aylar and his concentrated targeting of him and she can't help but be concerned.


Captain BenKii, as the Ship rounds the eastern peninsula of Monkey Island, you hear the loud hoots and calls of many monkeys. Ahead of you is another island, but as you look again you see a massive turtle head with a fierce turtle beak rise from the waves and realize it is an island on the back of a giant turtle. Ahead lies a new pier and a short woman with bright red hair with feathers in it is hurrying down the hill to it, waving to the Ship as she calls out to others.

When the Ship docks at Dragon Turtle Island and you are able to meet the Crew, you learn the 153cm woman with the slightly angelic look, tinkling laugh and ready smile is Aeshma, the healer witch. You also meet a tall, pale, dark-haired gentleman who is introduced as Count Karnstein, Acting Captain in Captain Aylar's absense. Then there is Captain Baldbeard, a powerfully stocky bald dwarf with a luxurious beard. You begin to understand the admiral's mission has indeed united several captains on this Ship. Others of the Crew are Refyx, the tinkerer gnome; Durik, a half-orc with a cannon on his back; Pharos, an emaciated obsidian-scaled dragon-human without wings or tail; Kyp, a human-merman with webbed fingers and feet; Bellandra, a beautiful and graceful woman whose skin and features look like living carved wood; and Argy, a halfling lady that reminds you somewhat of Tanea, the halfling you met in those strange caverns several years ago. (roll dice) In fact, the last member of the Crew you see is a younger blond dwarf with a stone-elemental and you realize you recognize him. It's Gilius, the dwarf druid you met and was part of your team for a while in those very caverns! (roll dice) You remember Devin's strange question when you first met, about portals and shadowy figures. Was it a transporter malfunction ... or is something else in play here?

Gilius, you recognize Captain BenKii and may be surprised at seeing him again. You will be able to tell Admiral Cliodhna and the Crew about how and where you met him.

Pharos, you are able to meet Admiral Cliodhna, spectral Cap'n Rummyfangs, Devin the half-elf and Grog'tial the half-dwarf for the first time, even though the rest of the Crew know them. You are also introduced along with the rest of the Crew to Captain BenKii.

The Ship has returned, repaired and looking better than before. Instead of a phoenix, Cliodhna's form is an Elf maiden. Grog'tial has returned with Cliodhna. Mighty is needed on Monkey Island and is not able to sail with the Crew. Pugwash is dead. Captain Aylar has not yet returned. The Crew is introduced to Captain BenKii, who realizes he knows Gilius. Gilius recognizes Captain BenKii and can tell the Crew the tale of where they met.

Reminder, Use These: Post 2 of the thread = Current Notices and Missions/Turns links; Post 3 = Crew List w/linked bios, Berth Assignments, Cursed Weapons List w/linked descriptions; Post 4 = Crew Inventory; Post 5 = Merchant Shops

Welcome back aboard, Grog'tial! :)
Post edited September 23, 2024 by bjgamer
Argy takes a long look at the newcomers. She barely recognises Cliodhna in her new form. Argy is filled with joy at the sight of the admiral, although she realises the booze days are over and tea time will come back to the ship. However, with her current headache, she could do with some tea right now. She smiles and greets her with a gentle bow.

She warmly greets her mateys Devin and the ghastly Rummyfangs and turns on the other two new arrivals.

She rolls her eyes after being introduced to Captain BenKii
-"Blimey, *another* cap'n! make yerself room in the Cap'n's cabin... if thar be any"

She takes a long, stern look at the last newcomer, taking special notice to whether he is wearing some "unusual" outfit, and sighs.
"Sink me! Guess we'll 'ave to lock the lasses cabin at night again..."
Her expression suddenly changes to a wide happy smile and rushes to strongly hug Grog'tial.
"Ye be welcome aft, ye filthy scurvy dog! Ye owe us some tale about what ye was doin' all this here time."

She listen to the news they are carrying and inquires about Aylar's whereabouts. She brings some rum to welcome the crew and mourn Pugwash' death. Another matey that will be sorely missed. Argy also remembers she has a pending conversation with the admiral, about the several things she hid to the crew, but now it is not the moment. Now is the time to rejoin the crewmates, celebrate and drink in the memory of the fallen ones.


Some days later, before departure, she'll bid Mighty farewell and prepare him enough food for a small regiment.
"Durik an' me will miss ye. May Luck smile on ye!"
Post edited September 23, 2024 by Lone_Scout
Post edited September 25, 2024 by S_A_
Argy drops her jaw. She hadn't noticed Pharos, thinking he was some acquaintance of Kyp. Upon hearing him speak, she realizes he is another crewmate.
She turns to Pharos and apologizes: "Shiver me timbers, matey! Them words was not fer ye. Ye don't look like som'one who spies ladies in their intimacy." -scratches her head- "But time will tell. Ye be welcome onboard!"
Post edited September 25, 2024 by S_A_
Count woke up and with a relief heard the announcement of ship's arrival. Finally something was happening. When he saw a female elf on the deck, at first he thought that High Council managed to capture the ship after all, but something didn't feel right about that. First off, her clothing and appearance did not match that of a stuck-up snob.

Count Karnstein (186 cm including a haircut) awaited on the pier, ready to face any challenge the newcomers could throw at him. Instead, he received a surprisingly friendly greeting.

"Ma'am, I said it once, I'll say it once more: woman's vanity knows no bounds, but this now is gettin' a bit excessive! I swear, if that whole fuss with oh-so-mysterious 'n' oh-so-dramatic disappearance was but a girlish whim to change yer bloody garb, then I shall say... it was well worth it. Much better wit'out a beak! If I were Aeshma, I could feel threatened right now. Still, shame that not everyone benefited the same way from their enigmatic absence." - Count turned his critical eyes to Grog'tial and exaggeratedly shook his head in faux disappointment. "At least it's not worse I s'ppose." He shrugged. "But, but, but, beauty contest can wait, we have more pressing matters at hand. I see, ma'am, ye not only brought the ship back, but also that wretched rogue who hijacked it, alive no less." Count pointed at Devin. "Ye must be more lenient than meself, but fine, let's be civil. We shall prepare fer an execution, that is a trial I mean, right now. Take the prisoner to the barn!"
Captain's Log Supplemental:
As the Ship approached our destination to reunite with the rest of her crew, I could hear what sounded like hundreds of monkeys howling and hollering earning its name Monkey Island. Beyond that was a massive sea turtle with an island on its back. This planet truly has some magnificent wonders abound. We made dock at the pier of this "Turtle Island" and I was introduced to the remaining crew members. Aeshma, the healer witch, was a very kind and beautiful woman who I could purchase healing items from. I would do well to inspect her "wares" later on. Refyx was the other merchant and he had some offensive items for sale. The mysterious passenger was a half-dwarf named Grog'tial who shared similar looks to another dwarf I knew named Og'rialt. I wonder if they're related? I shook hands and introduced myself to the other members of the crew. Count Karnstein was the acting captain who looked like a pale white faced version of the actor Nicholas Cage. Captain Baldbeard was a tough looking dwarf with big cudgel. Durik an orcish looking fellow with another cudgel. I met a orc once in my adventure in the tunnels years ago called Fish. I wonder how he's doing? Pharos Na'unax was an interesting being. He was what they called a half-dragonborn but he looked more reminiscent of the Gorn species to me. Kyp was a fishy dude with webbed feet and hands. Bellandra was fine looking lady that had skin like wood. Perhaps some sort of half-tree species going for that Pinocchio look? Argy was a halfing who reminded me of another halfing I met in those cavern called Tanea. However, that is where the similarities stopped. Tanea was a kind soul who wouldn't hurt a rat (seriously, she wouldn't kill a rat in that game). Argy was a foul mouthed creature that I presumed would crap in your food if you pissed her off. I would be wise to not tick her off. Finally I was introduced to Gillius the dwarf druid who I recalled was from those tunnel adventures many years ago. I believe now that this planet may very well be the same place that the caverns were from. And from the descriptions I've heard where the dilithium is from, I may be returning to those very same caves. This could not be a coincidence. Perhaps the transporter did not malfunction. Perhaps something larger was at play here? Oh boy, here we go again.

"Gillius my friend!" said BenKii, "Good to see you again after all these years. I see you made it out of those tunnels safely. I'm glad to have you on this new adventure."

He turns to the Healer Witch Aeshma to see what she had for sale, "Greetings m'lady. I see ye have some healing stuff. May I request one o' those Healing Potions for 2 pieces of 8 and may I ask what this 'ere Magickal Gem enhancement do fer me weapon?"

BenKii introduces himself to the crew and recounts to them how he is in search of the purple crystals to repair his ship (making sure to not reveal it is a spacecraft). He pledges to help Admiral Cliodnha rescue her mortal form and to aid the rest of the crew in this endeavor. He also explains to the crew how he met Gillius and how they were all trapped in those tunnels many years ago. He purchases 1 Heal Potion for 2 pieces of 8 and asks what the Magickal Gem enhancement does to determine if he should purchase it. If there is time, he surveys the island taking in its many wonders and scans discreetly with his tricorder to record everything for later scientific analyses.
Admiral Cliodhna smiles and nods at Argy, happy to see the halfling. She watches with interest as Argy greets Devin warmly, and can only imagine what the rogue hasn't told her. A soft chuckle escapes her as Argy greets yet *another* captain. However what brings the glow to her eyes is when Argy finally runs to hug Grog'tial. Ah, young ones, ye warm my torn spirit. I missed ye. I suppose I can wait to ask for tea.

Count points at Devin. "Ye must be more lenient than meself, but fine, let's be civil. We shall prepare fer an execution, that is a trial I mean, right now. Take the prisoner to the barn!"

"Belay that!" Cliodhna snaps out quickly. "Count Karnstein, I appreciate what ye thought ye saw, but Devin and Cap'n Rummyfangs pirated the Ship to keep it, and the Crew, out of High Council hands and to retrieve me from the Sea of Lost Souls. Devin discovered what had happened and had little time to act. I be briefing ye all once Captain Aylar returns. Meantime ye may ask Captain BenKii for verification if ye wish. The good captain here witnessed Devin retrieve me, as well as himself, from that dark and desolate sea." She winks at Karnstein. "I would also very much appreciate it if ye didn't try to get yerself killed before we even leave the pier, Count. Ye've already had yer heart pierced through once and a rather shocking experience later I hear. I would think that be enough." Cliodhna shakes her head as she also recalls what Captain Jac had reported about his wanting to capture the Envoy, a powerful mage. Karnstein is a valued member of the Crew, if only he would quit trying to return to being dead.

"Durik, I be glad to see ye returned and well. I hear we almost lost ye. Thank ye for bringing Pugwash's body back. We'll attend to his spirit at dawn." After hearing the tale of the rescue, Cliodhna nods to Captain Baldbeard. "Captain Baldbeard, me thanks for yer quick thinking and rescuing Durik. Well done!"

She turns to Pharos, who she sees is waiting patiently to greet her. "Me hearty thanks, Pharos, for yer aid to my Crew. Be it yer wish then to join us?" At his assent she gladly welcomes him to the Crew and meets with him later to have him put his mark upon the Crew oath and to hold to the Code. Only then is he allowed to board the Ship as it is Warded against those not Crew or specifically invited aboard. She informs him that she will discuss other things with him tomorrow, as there is much demanding her attention at the moment.

Pharos, as you board the Ship for the first time you feel the spectral energies swirl up to embrace and evaluate you. There is a momentary sinking sensation, a small tug way down inside your very being, then an acceptance and you notice Cap'n Rummyfangs grins at you with a nod. He shows you to the Warrant Officers cabins just down the stairs of the main deck sternward (The Ship, deck plan). Your cabin is the first door on the left, next to Argy's and across from Grog'tial's. The Warrant cabin is small but bigger than a monk's cell. It contains a bunk with a sea chest at its foot, a locker and a small table and chair with a lantern hanging above it. All but the chair are bolted down securely against the possiblity of rough seas. Since fire is ia safety concern aboard ships, the lanterns can be shielded, but the fire within is an Eldritch one in a more starlike hue that glows and doesn't burn like flame. There is a single porthole, to let in light and a breeze if opened. The rugs are in muted tones, but warm and cozy. The door, sea chest and locker do not have keys, but the locks glow slightly and open at your touch, locking again when closed. Other things will have to wait once the Admiral has more time.


Aeshma is overjoyed to see her friend Cliodhna in her Elf form once again. She runs to hug her and thanks Devin for fulfilling his promise. She laughs at hearing Argy's mumbling about the number of captains about. Aeshma, however, has no problem with so many fine captains and is delighted to meet Captain BenKii, who seems to be a gentleman captain by the way he is treating her friend and admiral. She introduces herself as the healer witch and tells Captain BenKii he is welcome to visit her shop in the forecastle anytime once they move everything back aboard.

Captain BenKii, you purchase 1 Healing Potion. Aeshma explains Magickal Gem Enhancement as: she takes a gem and enhances its natural properties to provide benefits to the wearer or a weapon. (The gems occasionally come from the rolled loot of missions and their properties will be described. They become available to be chosen when loot is fairly distributed after the briefings of new missions so Crew may know what they want/need to prepare for the next mission.)

Admiral Cliodhna greets members of the Crew. She stops Devin's arrest, explaining the stealing of the Ship and will brief them after Captain Aylar returns. She greets Pharos and he is allowed to board the Ship and given his cabin assignment after signing the Oath and the Code. Aeshma greets Captain BenKii, sells him a Healing Potion and explains Magickal Gem Enhancement.
Post edited September 23, 2024 by bjgamer
"Et tu, Polly?"

Count can't help feeling slightly impressed by mischievous bard's ability to play these women like a fiddle. Against his better judgment, purely for the sake of keeping morale high among feminine part of the crew, he decides to not punish half-elf at the moment.

"Is that so? Well, if Gilius can vouch fer Cap'n Benkii I see no reason t'not believe 'im. How jolly thoughtful of ye, minstrel. Truly masterful ploy indeed." Count rolls his eyes.
"The flowers bloom for me again now that I see ye, sweet Argy," Devin grinned and bowed to Argy at her warm greeting. Then he chuckled as she took a long stern look at Grog'tial, muttered something about locking the lasses' cabins and rushed to hug the half-dwarf that Devin had retrieved at the admiral's request.

As Aeshma thanked him he bowed over her hand and brushed it with his lips, his eyes serious when he stood again. "I promised thee, divine one. I keep me promises."

Devin's brow raised as he heard Count Karnstein call for his arrest and execution. He smirked. The Count was welcome to try. He reminded himself his lady had admonished him not to be fatal in his dealings with the Crew - if possible. She quickly shouted out the order to "Belay that!" He kept his peace as she explained briefly, then grinned and performed a flamboyant full court bow in acknowledgement of the Count's 'thoughtful' appreciation of his strategic abilities.

He turned to meet the dragonborn, Pharos. "Well met." Upon hearing Pharos' will be joining the Crew he also cautioned him. "Go not aboard the Ship 'til ye be sworn and escorted. It be warded and ye're likely to find yerself hauled into the rigging or thrown overboard by the magics." Devin had helped his lady charge the wards, but they would remain somewhat quarrelsome until Captain Aylar returned to finish charging and sealing them properly.

That evening Devin asked Captain BenKii and Pharos if they would care to join him at a game of cards. [If they accept] Devin shuffled and dealt the cards, but it seemed luck was not with him that night. Perhaps it was Argy's rum. Captain BenKii wins 5 silver and 4 pieces of 8, while Pharos wins 5 silver and 5 pieces of 8. (per GM. I am told that if other Crew members wish to enter the game the GM will roll possibilities of win/lose.)

Afterwards Devin returns the small pouch she had given him to the admiral in private. "It be done as ye requested, M'Lady," he spoke quietly. "A shame Lady Luck did not favor me, but it be nice to know me skills still be sharp, even when I be losing." He winked at her.

Devin returns the greetings of Argy and Aeshma. He keeps his peace while Cliodhna explains to Count Karnstein. He greets Pharos and warns him about the wards on the Ship. That night Devin asks Captain BenKii and Pharos to play cards and loses.
Devsea: That evening Devin asked Captain BenKii and Pharos if they would care to join him at a game of cards.
"I'd be honored Devin of Moonsea." said BenKii, "I don't believe I know the rules to this game so go easy on me." Little did they know Captain BenKii was a quick learner and has easily won many games of Texas hold 'em with his crew on Saturday nights.

And Luck was on his side that night as he won 5 silver and 4 pieces of 8. "Beginners luck I suppose." said BenKii, "Thank ye for the game."
They had spent most of the day loading the supplies and Crew belongings back aboard the Ship. That night the Crew celebrates, toasting both the return of the Ship and the final farewell to Pugwash to occur in the morning. Aeshma dances to the music of harmonica and accordion, lute and flute with the silvery tinkling of the bells attached to her belt and all are merry. First she dances a jig, then a dance she learned in an exotic marketplace, moving her hips setting all the bells jingling rhythmically, and then one where she leaps and twirls gracefully reminiscent of her celestial heritage. Between Argy and Kyp there is plenty to eat and the rum and grog flows. Later Devin invites some Crew to play cards.

Cliodhna uses their distraction to go to the bow. Tomorrow, at dawn, they will say a final farewell to another member of the Crew and her heart will bear another scar. Fixing her eyes unseeingly on the horizon. She sends out a Call to the sea, and waits. Then to the winds and again, waits. She sends out one more Call. There is no answer. Turning, she slowly returns to her cabin, troubled.

The next morning at dawn Cliodhna stands at the bow and slowly raises her hands. The energies of the Ship rise, gently taking and cradling Pugwash's body in iridescent glory, before carefully taking it down and forward alongside the bow, close to the Ship. There it flares in a small brief display of light just below the surface of the water before disappearing.

Mid-morning finds Cliodhna out on the bow again as a seabird slowly glides in to perch nearby. A second seabird arrives and there seems to be a discussion taking place. A short while later both birds leave and the admiral walks to the Navigation Room and calls for Pharos.

"Ye asked about an island with a colosseum in the middle of the sea. Aye, I know of such a place. A grim place now it be, carved out in the middle of a crater with the bones of dragons nearby. Now I would know why ye ask of such a place, and what be yer business with it?"

As to the repairing of clothing, the admiral tells Pharos she has taken care of such things before for members of the Crew. If he tells her what he needs and brings it to the Great Cabin, she can see to it. Or if he prefers, he can spend 1 piece of 8 for 2 needles and spools of light and dark thread from Monkey Island traders.

The Crew celebrates, Aeshma dances and Devin invites some Crew to play cards. Cliodhna goes to the bow and tries to Call, but there is no response. At dawn Pugwash's body is tended to by the Ship in a final farewell. Mid-morning Cliodhna meets with some seabirds then goes to the Navigation Room and calls for Pharos.
Post edited September 24, 2024 by bjgamer
"New crew hey?!"

"I wonder what's their motivation for joining the crew, are they to be trusted?
What does a ship need purple crystals for anyways?
Captine Benkii also has an accent I've never heard before... I be wondering if he be hiding something... I be keeping me eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything fishy..."

Oh well suspicions can wait... Got to get some food for the voyage and some food so Pugwash's spirit won't go hungry as it goes to the land beyond this world...
Post edited September 25, 2024 by S_A_
Pharos, Admiral Cliodhna says she understands and gives you a moment. Then she tells you she knows of a colosseum described as she said in old scrolls, but not where nor which sea it be in. She has told the birds to bring word if it be found or heard of.
-She then takes you onto the main deck and has you choose your Cursed Weapon. (You chose the Trident in PM.) "The Trident be your choice. It can be used as a regular trident weapon or for fishing, but concentrate on an enemy and it will pin anything within 5 your weight to the spot where they be standing. or bring anything within 5 body lengths and up to 3 times your weight to the ground." The Trident glows briefly with a deep bluish light, then adjusts itself to perfectly fit Pharos' size, strength and power. It attaches itself to your baldric over your back.
-There is no magical or valuable rope, just plain rope which you find in the Ship's storage area. You may take 1 rope and add it to your inventory. (GM note - Be careful with things like this, the inventory post will stop letting me add things to the lists at a certain point and I will have to start eliminating items. Personal inventory is best kept for wanted and/or important personal items. Normal things like rope can always be picked up from the Ship's storage right before a mission if needed and returned after so as to not stuff your personal inventory and carrying capacity which is limiited.)
-You find no items in your cabin, everything must have been cleaned and gone through in the Ship's repair and renovation. Your garments are patched and you find them returned to your cabin the next day.

The third day of the Ship's return a catamaran approaches the pier and the Ship and the Bruja comes aboard. She meets Cliodhna in private in the Great Cabin, which has now been renovated to be the Admiral's Cabin. Soon Grog'tial is sent for.

"You have something which holds great majick with you," the Bruja tells Grog'tial. "It be in your pocket. Bring it forth and I be making it serve you." When Grog'tial finds a leftover pink ribbon the Bruja nods. "Yes, yes, that be it!"

She has Grog'tial hold on to the pink ribbon while she draws something in the air and chants in a strange language and the Ship's spectral energies surround the ribbon, then fade. The Bruja whistles and the ribbon ties and unties itself and finally lies quiet in Grog'tial's hands.

"It be done," she tells him. "This Pink Ribbon be now your Cursed Weapon. Throw it if close, or tie it to a bolt and shoot it if farther and it be ensnaring 1 enemy who be not too powerful to your purpose for a time." (Throw or shoot, ties itself onto an enemy and ensnares them to your purpose for 1d4 turns. Does not work on boss enemies.)