Magmarock: I had to look over this twice. How could so much be wrong with just two sentience?
1. Do you have anything other then buzz words or an examples of how the backwards compatibly is better is Linux Ditsros?
2. Of course they used closed source drivers, every body does. Do you honestly think hardware makers are gonig to share their source code with you just because you want them to and think they should?
3. Serious question but do you know what open and closed source mean?
A simple example. Take some laptop that's relatively old, and try running recent Windows on it. Most likely it will go bust, because there are no drivers for your hardware. Tough luck looking for them, they are closed, and manufacturer never cared to update them for newer Windows. Their idea was "buy new laptop, pay for new Windows too".
More often than not, Linux will run just fine on such computer, because drivers are open and they still support that hardware. Such cases are commonplace. So again, what has better backwards compatibility support when drivers are concerned? Surely not Windows as far as I can tell.
So let's close this discussion about backwards compat. Windows simply loses here.