Magmarock: Of course you would. If Linux was a money maker more people would use it. I myself wanted nothing more then to escape the BS of Windows but the BS of Linux is even worse, Until it's sorted Linux will never be a viable alternative from windows
adamhm: I find Linux Mint to be far less hassle in general than Windows. Sure there are some irritations here & there, but nothing's perfect and on the whole I find it vastly more pleasant to use than Windows.
As I recall the problems you had were largely a case of 'PICNIC', caused by you expecting/wanting it to work like WinXP/Win7 and being somewhat unwilling to learn & adapt to its differences.
That's actually a fair point you made here. I'm not sure what you mean by PICNIC but I do think if a Linux distro worked more like Windows IE: Go to website, download a thing, install the thing, voila. I think that would be an improvement.
There's one major floor with all Linux based distros however that not only make it bad for games, they make it the worst possible platform for games. It's because of the way it uses dependencies. Thanks to dll files Windows has little to no problems running deprecated software. Linux on the other hand has nothing to counter this. If you want to see an example of this type of nonsense; then try to get Trine 2 gog to work on Linux Mint. All 17 versions worked fine but with 18 you have to go through more steps. By the time we get to 19 or 20, I expect Trine 2 to not work at all.
Magmarock: t and second, developers talk BS all the time. What they say they're going to do and what they actually do are two different things.
shmerl: You can trust CDPR themselves then, who listed TW2 release for Linux as successful to their own shareholders. So profits aren't the reason they didn't do TW3 yet, especially since TW2 release Linux gaming market only grew in size.
according to the Steam hardware survey Linux can't even reach a full percentage. I wouldn't really call that growth.