DrYaboll: Heh, Cyberpunk 2077 for Linux would be a dream come true, and a day 1 purchase for full price for me.
shmerl: First we need to make CDPR interested in releasing for Linux again, and to reverse their negative attitude that cancelled TW3 for Linux.
I think that with the improvements they made to the Witcher 2, and just both the Linux platform, expectations, and other things have both evolved and changed.
I think that the Linux community would not be so negative about the Witcher 3 on Linux even if it launched in a bad state.
I don't think we'll be able to convince the guys that we've all changed, or that we really want it, I mean, I believe they support Linux on a considerable loss, and I don't think they'll start supporting it if we sign petitions, and send them lots of cookies..
It has to be genuine from them, and I'm not saying its all on them, its for us to show our love and support, but I'm saying, getting something back from the love and support we give them, is unlikely after we spat on their face, and cake during their birthday party.