Posted August 31, 2016
shmerl: Complete silence can prevent failed expectations, but it also distances them from the community, which puts them squarely in the legacy media mindset. Another way to avoid this is to be more open, and communicate changes of plans to the community in the timely manner (with explaining why they changed). Someone will be upset either way, but being open can prevent a lot of frustrations from cancelled plans and the like, plus community would feel more direct connection with developers. Usually crowdfunded projects follow the later approach.
Problems start with approach in between. I.e. when they produce something like those SteamOS ads and confirm Linux plans, and then for a long time don't update anyone about any cancellations or encountered issues. That for sure causes failed expectations.
Sure, I think there are things to be open and engaging with the community about, in particular things that are factual and known quantities, but there are things that IMHO should be not discussed also which are things that are more speculative or wishful thinking/best intentions in nature and the like. There are certainly pros and cons to things no matter how it is done, and selecting one communication method for a given thing over another is a process of weighing those pros and cons and coming to some kind of conclusion and accepting the results either way while simultaneously knowing that no matter what you decide to do - share information or withhold it - there will be people out there thrilled to hear it and those who are upset about it, or there are people ok with not knowing and those who are upset with not knowing. It's just a given that everyone can never be simultaneously pleased because of human nature. The key is to not get tied up in an irrational place of trying to please everyone, and to make sensible decisions that find a balance in the middle where business objectives can be met, and you share as much information as you are comfortable and willing to share with the public without delving too much into fantasy land or excessive speculation before things gel into concrete decisions such as product/feature releases etc. Problems start with approach in between. I.e. when they produce something like those SteamOS ads and confirm Linux plans, and then for a long time don't update anyone about any cancellations or encountered issues. That for sure causes failed expectations.
One company may choose to do things in a way completely the opposite of another company in this regard, and I don't think there is any one official "best way" because as said above it is a game of selecting a preferred set of pros and cons and the consequences (good and bad) of both. Personally however I have found that the more open and public a company or project is about discussing some of their future plans or ideas are for a product, the more likely that a fraction of the listeners out there are going to interpret the words as promises and want solid release dates and other commitments or try to hold the company/project to such commitments even if the company never stated they were guaranteed. Not only can one with the best intentions end up promising things that they should not before they know they can deliver (such as No Man's Sky for example), but even if one does not promise anything many people out there have a way of spinning what they personally would like to see happen into imaging that they were promised it.
People can feel upset about something not being communicated to them and having to wait to find out, but in my observation over time if a company puts out a good product that they stand behind, people will be happy about it even if they didn't know all the details in advance etc. and that people tend to be much more emotional and let their imaginations go wild and turn into an artificial reality when they're hyped up with promises or even speculation about what might appear in a product eventually, even if the company genuinely planned to do it.
It really falls into "don't make promises you can't keep" really, and with so much of it being speculative to begin with, so many variables that can delay a product's release or cause a feature to get axed due to lack of resources or time or complexity etc. - making claims and promises even speculatively can be very harmful to a company's reputation.
Personally if I were running a company I'd be more comfortable having a reputation for being silent about things and people grumbling about that, then putting out great products that people love and praise than I'd be openly engaging with people to let them know everything I was doing and have them rip me and my company apart thinking everything was a promise, and feeling like I needed to defend everything I did, or put a webcam over my shoulder to let my customers watch me type out the source code as I wrote it.
I like to find out information about games in advance too and feel some excitement about it, but I'd rather not be told things speculatively that end up not happening in the end due to internal business decisions or other unforseen circumstances over time. That's just me personally both from the perspective of a customer and a developer. I know everyone does not all feel the same way about that though too, everyone has different needs/desires and that's ok.
Overall I think CDPR released reasonable information and came through in the end on most of it though in a nice middle ground. If they planned to do some things with the game that never made it in, I'm not going to burn them at the stake for it and overlook all of the amazing things they did plan to do that they did accomplish though. Anything missing, including the Linux port is IMHO a minor thing in the grand scheme of what they did accomplish and give us in the end. :)