[Before The Disappearance (] Hi Everyone,
We have an exciting new update to share! We are happy to announce the latest update to Dahlia View. This includes some new content as well as a lot of fixes.
It’s been a few months since our last patch and we wanted to bring you a big new update before we take a break for winter! Since release and after seeing all the great feedback, we thought it might be fun to include a new scene to introduce Charlotte May at the start of the game. We won’t give away too much but be sure to check the scene out and let us know what you think!
We’ve also made 55 fixes (yes, we counted!) of small issues we’ve noticed across the game as we’ve been QAing Dahlia View for release on consoles that we wanted to include in the PC builds to provide the best possible experience for you all.
It’s a big update, and one the team has been working incredibly hard on so let us know what you think! We’d love your feedback on any other quality of life improvements we can make too.
Below is the full list of fixes in this patch. Large Fixes • Raytracing has been removed from the Options Menu. Dahlia View doesn't have Raytracing support and was a legacy option left over.
• Players now see correct translations for French, German, Spanish and Traditional Chinese across the whole game.
• Players are no longer able to access Notepad or Pause Menu in/during unintended sections of the game.
• Players are no longer able to spam/access previous menu/options after they have committed to an action or while fade in/outs are happening.
Small Fix • Fixed an issue where picking up the note from the milk bottle adds it to Conway’s inventory.
• Players are no longer blocked from progressing in The Crows Nest Bathroom.
• Fixed a lighting issue in Levy’s Evidence Review so that players can complete this section without having to adjust their brightness.
• Fixed a lighting issue in Mckee’s Pantry so players can see sections easier.
• Players no longer hear Conway repeat his monologue if they reload after taking the brooch in Epilogue.
• Fixed an issue where the radio would stop playing when entering Levy’s Kitchen.
• Players no longer see Conway covered in oil in Levy’s Garage.
• Fixed an issue where pick ups would appear too close to the camera.
• Players no longer see the default text for a subtitle that sometimes flashes up between 2 sentences.
• Fixed issue where Conway would say a dialogue line when returning to the Main Menu.
• Fixed an issue where the Crows Nest delivery note dates did not match the Read overlay.
• Fixed an issue where the player can pick up the Toy Car when it is wound up in Levy's Garage.
• Fixed an issue in Doerr’s Manor where the player would be put into the wrong camera.
• Fixed an issue where the player would reload a checkpoint in Doerr’s Manor, Lady Doerr would be missing.
• Fixed an issue where the curtains in the Accusation opening sequence would sometimes hide Conway.
• Fixed an issue where the player would reload a checkpoint in Opening and the background characters would be missing.
• Players can no longer move/interact or use mechanics while transitioning from one area to another.
• Players are no longer blocked from progressing when loading from a checkpoint in Epilogue.
• Updated Focus Distance logic to better display Post Process lines during the Opening.
• Observation cameras now appear nicer based on UV offsets relating to focus.
• Players are no longer able to ‘Return to Main Menu’ when not allowed while using Controller.
• Players can no longer go off screen when they reload from a checkpoint.
• Players can no longer mismatch the language shown in the Options Menu and Opening Menu.
• Fixed an issue where the interaction prompt still appeared with Lady Doerr after all interactions had been completed.
• Players are no longer able to open the inventory/notepad during cinematics.
• Players no longer hear a double up of Conway voice when locking in Evidence Review answers.
• Players now have the correct levels streamed in during the Epilogue if they reload a checkpoint.
Quality of Life • Pool cue interaction difficulty has been decreased in The Crows Nest.
• Players are no longer able to see the Bios of neighbors until they have been interacted with.
• Fixed an issue where the Toy Train was missing its pickup name.
• Fixed issues related to Read Overlay placement locations on pickups.
• Fixed a lighting issue in Accusation to reduce the effect on Catherine's hair.
• Fixed a shader issue in Doerr’s Manor where the knot display case looked like it had no glass.
• Fixed a lighting issue in Mckee’s Pantry where pick ups were overly bright when interacting with them.
• Fixed a lighting issue where the Eviction Notice was being incorrectly lit.
• Fixed spacing issue in Theo’s Bio entry.
• Fixed an issue where players would have to use the Read Overlay on the Dahlia View notice board to access additional Conway dialogue.
• Players can no longer incorrectly back out the Stair Lift interaction in Doerr’s Manor.
• Players can no longer go off screen during the closing Epilogue scene.
• Players now see a dialogue prompt when interacting with Shirley Calendar in Read Overlay mode.
• Players see correct levels loaded when interacting with Levy’s letterbox.
• Players are now able to access Scene Select across all their Save Games if they have unlocked it in at least one Save Game.
• Updated Dahlia View gates to be open in the Epilogue to improve player experience.
• Options Menu when in the Pause Menu now doesn’t appear as cramped when displayed on screen.
• Players now receive an audio sting to let them know they can leave the interaction they are currently in.
• Fixed an issue where Take Photo was incorrectly translated in Doerr’s Manor.
• Question Board and Evidence Board are now properly translated during Evidence Reviews.
• Players can now use Scene Select within level (if they have it unlocked), which is accessible from the Pause Menu.
• Players no longer see Conway’s shadow below his wheelchair when he isn’t in it during the Opening.
• Players now see ‘Comment’ prompts in the ‘Read’ overlay on interactables, where Conway will have additional dialogue.
• Police Report interaction has been tweaked so that the Photo doesn’t clip through the Folder.
• Players no longer hear the same dialogue when interacting with Annabelle's calendar in relation to repeatable occasions.
Spoiler Fix • Players no longer have the option to hear Conway’s damp comment after they have drained the basement in Levy’s Garage.
• Removed an unneeded step when interacting with the Pigeon in The Crows Nest.
• Players no longer get stuck interacting with Doerr's locked basement door while accessing inventory.
• Players no longer are blocked from progressing when guiding Tony Morgan in The Crows Nest.
• Fixed an issue where a syringe was floating in Conway’s bedroom.
• Players are no longer able to access Conway's inventory when interacting with the Telescope in Doerrs Manor.
• Fixing issue where a Toy Train has moved position in the Doerr’s Manor.
• Players are no longer blocked from progressing when taking the brooch from Doerr too quickly in the Opening.
• The Mallet is no longer interactable or visible during cinematics in McKee’s Apartment.
• Fixed an issue where players were able to photograph Levy’s shoebox outside of the correct screenlock.
• The player's view is no longer blocked by the raised doll house cover in Lady Doerr’s Manor.
• Fixed an issue where the prompt for the knife was missing in Lady Doer’s Manor.
As always should you have any issues, please get in touch using support@whitepapergames.com