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high rated
ΔV: Rings of Saturn

Update to V1.63.6.


1.63.6 - Poltergeist Protocol

* Fixed the expansion configuration menu not being properly aligned in most screen resolutions.
* Some events were not cleaned up properly after you left them behind, and while they did not show any evidence of their continued existence, parts of them persisted and used up memory, CPU cycles, and could interfere with the spawning of events. This caused, among other things, your freshly deployed claim beacons to disappear if you moved just a few kilometers away from them and attempted to return to them.
* Updated translations.
high rated

Update to V3.6.6.40399.

No changelog.
high rated
Old World has been updated to version 1.0.75065 (GOG update number 77917).

Changelog from the developer's website:
Changes Overview

More kids: Increased chances for leaders to have children
Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements
AI improvements


More kids: leaders with no children now have a higher chance to have kids
VP calculation: Points required to win are now increased when projects that grant VP are available (i.e. Opulence in Behind the Throne)
Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements that can be pillaged but do not get destroyed, and cannot be replaced
Tribal Divorces: Divorcing a tribal spouse now results in a negative opinion with that tribe
Distant raids: No longer include ships
AI unit building:
The traits of Grand Viziers and AI leaders now influence their decisions of how many units they build
Heroes, Commanders, Tacticians, and Warlike characters build more units and Builders, Scholars, Diplomats, and Timid characters build fewer units
AI is more likely to build units in cities that give unit promotions and experience
Alliance events: Most alliance and tribal alliance events now either require a diplomat leader or are disabled in competitive mode
City reveal: Cities are now revealed from a greater distance, like settlements
City capture: Cities now take 1 turn longer to capture
Unit spawn location: Rebels from Slums spawn on Slum tiles and Religious Dissent rebels spawn on religious buildings, if possible
Starting units no longer spawn on the same tile, even if they are allowed to do so


AI improvements:

Less aggressive in saving yields for many turns when spending results in an immediate, albeit lesser, benefit
Better evaluation of laws to properly take into account the unlocking of unique units
Increased the value of growth for a city that is building Settlers/Workers
Decreased value of disciples, AI avoids building them if has no use for them
Revised AI build hurrying priorities
Improved AI danger assessment and retreating
Improved AI unit build selection

Headless autoplay:

Added support for AI auto-runs in headless mode
Run OldWorldAutorun.bat in the same folder as the game executable
All players in the save are controlled by the AI for the specified number of turns, after which the game exits
Can examine runs by opening the autosaves that are placed in the Auto folder

Other programming changes:

Performance optimizations: Improved performance of terrain rendering, tile ownership changes and event processing
Improvement and Project Legitimacy: now tied to effectCity and always converted to orders in no characters mode
Moving capital: Added support for moving the capital. Player’s original capital is now remembered and exposed to the event system
Roads from improvements: Added support for improvements adding roads to the tile
ZOC changes from improvements: Added support for improvements allowing units to ignore enemy ZOC
Mission bonus rework: InfoMission.miXP replaced with SubjectCharacterBonus
Diplomacy methods: now take players as arguments instead of teams, to that events are triggered for the most relevant players


Family tab icons: removed player color
Marriage missions: now grouped together
Inheritance and Tech Tree screens: now scrollable with camera keys (WASD)
Religion Tooltips: Active Clergy and Current Followers no longer shown if there are none. Added +2 civics to Holy City line
City Tooltips: Added tile tooltip content to bottom of city tooltip
Royal characters: Changed ‘your Relative’ to ‘A Royal’
Nation tooltips: Now always show number of cities on nation tooltips
Honey resource audio: Reduced volume of honey environmental audio
Custom campaign audio: Added custom sounds for priest attacks in Pharoahs of the Nile scenario 3
Tutorial events: Adjusted timing and added more to No Events mode
Button dragging: Disabled unnecessary button clone when dragging buttons
Laurion Mines: No longer show extra text on map

Bugs Fixed

Fixed recruitment with legitimacy penalty not getting applied on loading a save
Fixed info loading bug that could cause new games to fail to start
Fixed undo/redo related to tribal invasions
Fixed bug with random seed for event story trigger test not matching the seed of the actual triggered event
Fixed silent event failures caused by type cast issue
Fixed units failing to spawn from improvements in Barbarian Horde games after the invasion had started
Fixed disable environment audio toggle not taking effect immediately
Fixed Fickle Band effects not triggering when divorce happened from an event
Fixed ships exiting Great Cothon not always getting their size updated
Fixed multiple selection highlights
Fixed title of MP setup screen when coming from Mod selection screen
Fixed improvement spawned units not respecting DLC checks
Fixed project ambitions not respecting DLC checks
Fixed border expansion preview not updating when selecting option in minimized event
Fixed issues with unit list scrolling and units becoming unselectable
Fixed AI value placed on Strongholds and Citadels (will now be built more often)
Fixed spurious assert triggering when a nation is eliminated
Fixed graphical display issue affecting Arid Hills
Fixed inconsistency with the number of capture turns of cities
Fixed eliminated tribes being eligible for forming an alliance
Fixed improvement max player count not working for improvements with no improvement class
Fixed exception when submenus scrolled off-screen
Fixed bug where goal subject weight could result in an ineligible subject being chosen
Fixed acquired techs cost in Encyclopedia and added cost to tooltips in tech tree
Fixed some rebel spawn issues
Fixed event cache bug
Fixed modified collection exception
Fixed sort exception
Fixed incorrect iTriggerExtra in EVENTTRIGGER_CITY_CAPTURED
Fixed bug with bSingle effectCity effects that spawn rebels possibly being counted multiple times (affects mods only)
Text and event fixes
high rated

Updated to 2.0.20 for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Changelog from SteamDB:

Version 2.0.20 released as stable

Minor Features

• Search is now case and accent insensitive for all official languages.
• Added debug option 'always-show-lightning-protection'.
• Added gamepad stick sensitivity setting for map movement.
• Selecting a spidertron remote selection in the quickbar which is for a different planet than the current one will center on the planet.


• [space-age] Changed tree seed default import location to Nauvis. more
• Fluid mixing will prefer the fluid with more volume and discard the other.
• Updated SDL to version 2.30.9.
• [space-age] Gleba evolution is smoother and more gradual.
• [space-age] Small stomper pentapod moves more slowly (also decreases stomp DPS).
• [space-age] Stomper pentapod vision range is reduced from 40 to 30.
• [space-age] Medium and big wriggler pentapod health is increased.
• [space-age] Streamlined quality selector to use separate buttons for each quality instead of a drop-down.
• [space-age] Changed crafting machines to reset quality of the in-progress result when module effects change. more
• Added inserter stack size override to be parametrised by blueprint. more
• Added Vulcanus 8 music track.
• Allowed negative multiplier of logistic (and constant combinator) groups. more
• Updated shortcut icons and increased their size to 56px.
• [space-age] Container sizes increase with quality.
• Reviving container ghosts no longer puts colliding items on the ground into the resulting container.
• Loading game for hosting now automatically offers the dialog whether the mods should be synced before continuing (as with normal game load).
• [space-age] Bulk inserter doesn't default upgrade to Stack inserter as they are not functionally interchangeable. more
• [space-age] Demolisher health bars will always be visible for at least 1 tick after they take any damage, even if they fully regenerate the damage in the same tick.
• [space-age] Default quality cycling shortcut simplified to alt+scroll.
• [space-age] Changed captive biter spawner to inherit quality from the wild spawner instead of the capture robot. more
• Spidertron selections saved into the quickbar will be darkened with a planet icon in the top when the selection leads to a different planet than the current one.


• Fixed a freeze when setting logistic/construction robots to active=false through script. more
• Fixed that LuaEntity::vehicle did not work correctly for characters controlled by a player. more
• Fixed rendering of glowing items on belts would not be batched properly. more
• Fixed a crash when reading LuaEntity::robot_order_queue. more
• Fixed that the permissions GUI could not be opened in multiplayer as not-the-host. more
• Fixed some decorative entities like craters or chimneys not having a tall enough drawing box. more
• Fixed that factoriopedia_description would not be used if the prototype didn't also have a regular description. more
• Fixed a crash when space platforms are destroyed while specific entity GUIs are open. more
• Fixed undoing a copy-settings could void assembler contents. more
• Fixed tips not appearing in tutorials. more
• Fixed wrong times symbol in a logistic request tooltip. more
• Fixed that using pipette on GUI items did not consistently copy the quality. more
• Fixed that using pipette on tile items in GUI always selected normal quality. more
• Fixed that using pipette on entity items in GUI could select the wrong item if multiple items can build the same entity.
• Fixed visualisation issue around cursor attractor range enveloping an existing attractor more
• Fixed tile replacement logic ignoring tile ghosts covered by tile ghosts
• Fixed stations getting skipped when using the 'Destination full' condition for interrupts. more
• Fixed UI jank that widgets would snap to be centered on the cursor when dragged.
• Fixed selections using deconstruction planners etc. not getting cancelled when leaving remote view. more
• Fixed that changing viewed surface would not abort wire drag. more
• Fixed non-chart sprites sometimes being drawn into chart. more
• Fixed upgrading cargo bays with incoming pods would leave them permanently reserved. more
• Fixed a crash when changing tiles causes entities to die. more
• Fixed that a music track could play on a wrong surface. more
• Fixed bloom lightmap for fog was being rendered also when fog effect was not used.
• Fixed super force overbuilding entity with settings sometimes behaving incorrectly if overbuilt entity was marked for upgrade.
• Fixed fluid overextent warning would sometimes show on entities that would not help overcome the overextent. more
• Fixed cars not having lightning endangerement alerts despite being vulnerable to lightnings more
• Fixed a performance issue in the manage-mods GUI. more
• Fixed a memory corruption issue when changing a character's force from one that did not have logistics to one that did. more
• Fixed the Trash unrequested checkbox in the character logistic GUI expanding the GUI size. more
• Fixed that LuaEntity::mirroring write did not work for ghosts. more
• Fixed sounds of items inserted by robots being too loud. more
• Fixed the Trash unrequested checkbox showing in chests which have no trash slots. more
• Fixed a crash when switching audio devices when there were none initially.
• Fixed pin text rich text icon quality punching through GUIs. more
• Fixed that LuaSurface::find_tiles_filtered() did not work with rotated bounding boxes. more
• Fixed interrupt GUI targets list being squashed too much with lots of interrupt conditions. more
• Fixed that heating towers couldn't consume items fast enough if the fuel value was low. more
• Fixed a consistency issue when deconstructing the last roboport in a logistic network. more
• Fixed fog was clipping through agricultural tower. more
• Fixed that killed and rebuilt power switches would get stuck in the inoperable state. more
• Fixed a performance issue with large inventory GUIs. more
• Fixed that infinity chests didn't show hidden items. more
• Fixed that programmable speaker alert text wasn't included in the blueprint parametrisation logic. more
• Fixed that science pack descriptions in Factoriopedia didn't make any sense. more
• Fixed muzzle flash of artillery wagon was offset when the wagon was on elevated rails. more
• Fixed artillery wagon gun barrel was rendered under elevated rail fence.
• Fixed drawing linked fluidbox connections when they should be hidden.
• Fixed that manually-built trains were switched to automatic mode when a ghost attached to them was revived. more
• Fixed that blueprints could be grabbed while having a ghost item in the cursor. more
• Fixed an assembling machine could be set a fluid-only recipe with quality when set by circuit network. more
• Fixed maximum request limit (autotrash threshold) not accepting math expressions. more
• Fixed equipment requests not being cleared when the grid didn't have enough space. more
• Fixed that asteroid collector control behavior "set filter" would affect status light while wire was disconnected. more
• Fixed turbo splitter was missing description. more
• Fixed that the game would get into an invalid state if the backers.json file was manually edited in some ways. more
• Fixed a crash with lightning when setting time to damage to 0 through mods. more
• Fixed fast replacing a radar could cause radar network to break.
• Fixed that blueprint export/import to string did not work correctly for turret priorities with gaps. more
• Fixed that some asteroids could appear stationary if their velocity was lower than minimum position increment. more
• Fixed space platform autosaves being overwritten mid-journey when the platform changed its state. more
• Fixed market offer not working with nothing modifier. more
• Fixed rocket silo would start closing doors when next rocket was finished while lights blinking animation was already started. more
• Fixed LuaTechnologyPrototype::essential returning incorrect value. more
• Fixed that strafer pentapods couldn't attack a retreating target it was behind even when faster than the target. Attack range is increased but strafe distance is unchanged.
• Fixed more issues with blueprint reassigning changing the position of the entities or snapping values of the blueprint. more
• Fixed wrap-around of asteroid rotation animation was not seamless. more
• Fixed that Galaxy of Fame upload didn't clean its files. more
• Fixed more crashes related to using formatting strings with floating-point numbers on Intel Macs running Sonoma.
• Fixed cancelling deconstruction via deconstruction player was not showing counts for canceled deconstructions. more
• Fixed that galaxy of fame upload din't clean its files. more
• Fixed that setting negative value in constant combinator create 2 entries for the number in the blueprint parametrisation, one with underflown value.
• Fixed that it wasn't possible to input negative numbers in blueprint parametrisation. more
• Fixed offshore pump would present itself as water well pump even when it was not pumping water. more
• Fixed crash when trying to search invalid UTF-8 string more
• Fixed that hidden space locations would will show in descriptions. more
• Fixed that fast-transferring modules would put them into the rocket silo rocket inventory. more
• Fixed that switching surfaces while a platform hub GUI was open would leave the GUI open in some cases where it wasn't supposed to. more
• Fixed that you could remove your armor and spill items through the quickbar. more
• Fixed that modded attack_reaction could crash the game. more
• Fixed a crash when using surface.clear() on vulcanus. more
• Fixed that orbital request select window wasn't showing proper import from after chaning the group unless the whole window was closed and opened again. more
• Fixed double set of parameters in factoriopedia. more
• Fixed stack inserter would not wait for more items if spoil priority was set. more
• Fixed loaders would freeze or unfreeze partially. more
• Fixed arithmetic combinator gui would allow changing not relevant checkboxes in some cases. more
• Fixed surface editor would not set surface properties when creating surfaces planet-alike. more
• Fixed rail planner would remain active when changing surfaces. more
• Fixed a crash when reviving power switch with multiple ghost copper cables connected to the same side. more
• Fixed space platform hub gui would reset position when changing auto requests checkbox. more
• Fixed that assembler with set recipe enabled would not keep direction if current recipe did not require direction. more
• Fixed robot repair job assignmend ignoring repair packs stored in roboports when finding the closest source. more
• Allowed increasing of request count by blueprint parameters to push the max request count. more
• Fixed that corpses would block tiles from being deconstructed. more
• Fixed that restarting to reload mods on macOS would leave behind unresponsive zombie windows. more
• Fixed confusing blueprint parameter context tooltip for filter of storage chest. more
• Fixed music not switching correctly when restarting level. more
• Fixed that the production GUIs showed the graphs in 'All' when opened with saved precision. more
• Fixed that the "load save after sync" checkbox did not work in the sync mods with save GUI. more
• Fixed removing heatpipes from a blueprint could leave them visually connected to their neighbours. more
• Fixed 'Dropping to planet' button being too wide and pushing the 'Cancel' button off the screen. more
• Fixed 'Always show' label not being accurate to the behavior of only showing in "Alt-mode". more
• Fixed 'Parameterised build' GUI clipping off screen when too long. more
• Fixed robots failing to upgrade a container if it was the only source of the requested item. more
• Fixed that reusing the same sprite for multiple effects crashed instead of showing the error message and an option to disable problematic mods. more
• Fixed 'Galaxy of Fame' upload GUI clipping off screen on smaller resolutions. more
• Fixed vertical alignment of Current Research icon. more
• Fixed asteroid spawning being significantly reduced when a platform moved with paused thrust. more
• Fixed that fluids could get erased during migrations. more
• Fixed a crash when removing a roboport while robots in that network are deactivated by script. more
• Fixed that choose-elem-button wouldn't show the select list GUI if clicked with an item that didn't pass the filters. more
• Fixed that syncing mod while trying to host game didn't allow to continue the process after reloading the game. more
• Fixed chunks not being covered by fog of war when remote-viewing an unvisited surface. more
• Fixed all/any/individual request satisfied wait conditions ignoring maximum count of space platform requests. more
• Fixed offshorepump tooltip flickering too much when pumping at full capacity. more
• Disabled "Drive Remotely" button on driveable vehicles ghosts' GUIs. more
• Fixed Cargo Landing Pad and Space Platform Hub GUI being clipped off screen on smaller resolutions. more
• Fixed platform deletion and undelete platform buttons being clipped off the surface list. more
• Fixed that tanks didn't preserve all of their settings when mined and rebuilt. more
• Fixed that rebuilt tanks didn't have their inventory size bonus from equipment. more
• Fixed script error in PvP when setting starting item count to 0. more
• Fixed spectator players of dead teams showing on the map in PvP. more
• Fixed that inserters could get stuck with specific combinations of spoilage and disabled by control behavior. more
• Fixed that some pop-up GUIs would get closed when robots built the entity while the ghost GUI was open. more
• Fixed that robots performing module upgrades left some modules on ground when upgrading mixed modules to one type. more
• Fixed that space platforms could unload cargo while waiting for departure. more
• Fixed clouds and smoke were moving in exactly opposite direction. more
• Fixed that spidertrons would severely confuse demolishers. Demolishers will now retaliate against spidertrons. more
• Fixed the confirmation button behaving inconsistently in the remote view ghost picker menu. more
• Fixed Agricultural tower sometimes showing wrong status if its growing plants were destroyed externally.
• Fixed a crash when exporting a blueprint with asteroid collectors which had gaps in the filters list. more
• Fixed Being able to super-force entity through technology gui. more
• Fixed spoilage was not considered as more spoiled than any spoilable items. more
• Fixed that highlighted robots in the logistic networks chart view didn't smoothly follow robots. more
• Fixed mining fulgoran lightning rods would not show yield. more
• Fixed blueprint external wires were not added when pasting blueprint over existing entities. more
• Electric weapons damage infinite tiers start more expensive to naturally progress from the non-infinite tiers correctly. more
• Fixed wrong locomotive could turn lights on when train has locomotives both ways and goes back. more
• Fixed a crash when trying to cycle qualities in 2.0 base game. more
• Fixed foundry was not able to reach declared speed of crafting holmium plates due to input fluid shortage. more
• Fixed buildings constructed on space platform by space platform were not tracked by build statistics, research triggers nor achievements.
• Fixed pasting blueprint with constant combinator over constant combinator could create unnecesary copy settings undo actions. more
• Fixed upgrading storage chests would not preserve storage filter. more
• Fixed a crash when generating multiplayer maps while background simulations were enabled. more
• Fixed selection tools and some spawnable items did not work correctly when chosen via remote ghost cursor gui. more
• Fixed a crash when an item request proxy wanted to dispatch robots to insert items into invalid slots. more
• Fixed tip of the rocket poking through air objects. more
• Fixed rail planner in ghost mode would ignore existing ghost ramps and ghost supports proposing new supports that were not needed. more
• Fixed that selecting a quality comparison option when "any" quality was set did not work. more
• Fixed it was possible to set inconsistent signals on a control behavior by using parametrized blueprint with a shared parameter. more
• Fixed a crash when rotating entity that is destroyed inside of event handler.
• Fixed blueprint description label not showing in list view. more
• Fixed fulgoran attractor marking for deconstruction. more
• Fixed beacons deactivated by script loaded from a 1.1.x save file were not migrated properly. more
• Fixed a crash when using modded equipment without items to build it in ghost form. more
• Fixed inserter would not keep stack size signal through a blueprint string. more
• Fixed that you could pick up items off the ground while flying in a rocket. more
• Fixed inserter would not reevaluate enable condition when it was changed by blueprint parameters. more
• Fixed orbital logistics tips&tricks script crash due to space platform hub gui having different layout. more
• Fixed that recipe fuel tooltips did not respect the show-all-unlocked-items interface setting. more
• Fixed asteroid collector set filters from circuit network would set wrong filters for one tick after items were removed and read content is active. more
• Fixed a crash when lua orders entity deconstruction specifying undo item but not specifying a player. more
• Fixed that two damaged construction robots trying to repair each other could get stuck in an infinite loop of trying to hug each other and overshooting. more
• Fixed a crash when running under the Steam Runtime Environment on Linux in certain situations. more
• Fixed quality increase of self-recycling recipes being reported incorrectly in production statistics. more
• Improved super force building logic of belt related blueprints over existing belts. more


• Input loader supports filters.
• Changed base/space-age tile collision mask definitions so that they don't share references to the same tables.
• Added ItemPrototype::spoil_level.


• Added hide_clouds and hide_fog parameters to LuaGameScript::take_screenshot. more
• Added LuaEntity::get_logistic_sections(). Added LuaLogisticSections.
• Added LuaControl::set_driving() more
• Fixed/reworked how setting tiles behaves vis-à-vis (double)hidden tiles (concerns LuaSurface::set_tiles, editor and placing of non-mineable tiles in-game) more
• Added LuaEquipment::inventory_bonus read.
• Added LuaEquipmentGrid::inventory_bonus and LuaEquipmentGrid::movement_bonus read.
• Added LuaEquipmentPrototype::get_inventory_bonus().
• Fixed that LuaEntity::get_priority_target() would give invalid results for empty filters.
• Extended LuaEntity::splitter_filter, splitter_input_priority and splitter_output_priority to also work with lane splitters.
high rated
Cultist Simulator

Updated to 2024.7.b.3 for Windows, Linux and Mac.

No changelog.
high rated
Tunguska: The Visitation - Enhanced Edition

Updated to 1.90-7

Changelogs from SteamDB:

Gameplay Improvements

• Flipping switches will make sure the speaker and light states are synced

• Added more intuitive improvements to the auto item transfer (SHIFT + LMB)

• Added a "Store Ingredients" button when a chest is opened that can pull all the ingredients/food ingredients/seeds from the backpack to the chest. If the ingredient jar is open, it'll pull ingredients from the jar instead of from backpack

• Attempted to fix a problem with animals pushing player through walls

• Fixed an issue with strangling when player is too close to the target. This bug would lower player through the ground and fall indefinitely

• Added torches at the player farm in ravenwood, to help farming at night

• Various font adjustments

Update 1.90-7 Patch Notes

• Improved the logic for detecting Steam Deck

• Removed the code that automatically selects input field on Steam Deck which might cause problem with some users

• Buffed the damage, accuracy, and recoil for Rafaga to make it more viable

• Under character creation page, you can now press gamepad Y button to submit it
high rated
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Updated to 2.5.0aa for Windows and Mac.

Changelog from SteamDB:

Update 2.5.0aa

Hello, crusaders!

A hotfix 2.5.0aa is here!

We fixed some bugs regarding sacred weapons that may have become more holy than expected, and made the dragon form non-dispellable.

It also appears that there recently was a miscommunication with assigning the corrupted version of the Gold Dragon to be Chaotic Evil. According to the vision of the narrative team, a corrupted Gold Dragon as portrayed in the game is still balancing on the edge and has a chance to turn back, not yet having given in to the evil completely. Their correct alignment at this point would be True Neutral, and we’re changing that accordingly.

**If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves!

Classes & Mechanics**

• Some auras, such as those from The Covenant of the Inheritor, were retaining their effects after being turned off - fixed;
• Sword of Radiance sometimes duplicated its effect after loading a savegame - fixed;
• Both Gold Dragon forms now cannot be dispelled;
• Corrupted Gold Dragon’s alignment was switched to True Neutral in accordance with the vision of the narrative team;
high rated
Geralt_of_Rivia: Northgard

Update to V3.6.6.40399.
Changelog from SteamDB:
Patch notes for 21/11/2024



Text - Fixed lore speaking of Miklagard trade available in Conquest, Bifrost and story mod (the new victory is not available on this mod for now)
Rat - Fixed milice not sent with Guardian military path
Squirrel - Fixed Gift route relation gain
Owl - Fixed Hypnotic Spores not unlocking the Miklagard trade route when placed outside the Owl territory
Boar - Fixed UI displayed in the trading post once Bartering unlocked
Boar - Fixed Dwarf event not working with Bartering
Lore - Fixed Harpoons and Winter Festival being both stealable with Stolen lore (Only winter Festival can be choose now)
Notification - Fixed Miklagard notification for player on server games
Cross of Vidar - Fixed renfort not sent in mission 7 if Eir was chosen
Conquest - Fixed first Raven mission not allowing trade victory
UI - Fixed statue great trade route displayed
Bifrost - Fixed trade route being stopped for Ljosalf once 100 relations reached
Bifrost - Fixed realm rules not well displayed
Bifrost - Fixed old save Squirrel with the old shared start with
Bifrost - Fixed GoG and EGS solo game not starting

Known Issues

Bifrost - Thrall can’t be assigned on tile with full livability (assigned them before works)
Owl - Players can see lore selected in their lore tree in Owl Shared Knowledge
Unit - Scout can’t earn relation
high rated
No Man's Sky

Updated to 5.28_133107 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from the official website:
Cross-Save // PlayStation 5 Pro // The Normandy Returns 5.28

November 21, 2024.

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to everyone playing No Man’s Sky – Cross-Save // PlayStation 5 Pro // The Normandy Returns, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting.

We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 5.28, which is now live on Steam and will be coming to other platforms as soon as possible.

Bug Fixes

• Added a number of memory optimisations.
• Fixed an issue that could cause other player’s bases to not appear on PS4 & PS5.
• Fixed an issue that could cause multiplayer connections to fail on PS5.
• Improvements to cross-save flow on PS5 & Switch.

We will continue to release patches as issues are identified and resolved. If you experience any issues, let us know by submitting a bug report.

Thank you,
Hello Games
high rated
The Witcher 3 REDkit
Patch 3 for The Witcher 3 REDkit is now live, featuring a multitude of improvements to the most powerful modding toolkit on the Continent! Dive into the patch notes to learn more:


Scene Editor:
Double-clicking on an empty animation event will now open AnimBrowser.
AnimBrowser will now open on double-click.
Double-clicking on the timeline will now create an event for the clicked track. If it’s an animation, it will open the AnimBrowser.
The "Swipe" button will now remove Scene Editor's subtitles as well.
If there’s a Scene Editor fragment, it will always show the scene subtitles.
All additional debug information will be displayed when the Scenes debug checkbox is enabled.
Enabling Free Camera Mode will restore the editor's default camera FOV.
Camera FOV in preview will not be editable.
FOV in Free Camera Mode will always use the last free camera FOV setup.
FOV on the viewport will now refresh when switching cameras in Edit Mode.
Viewport FOV will apply to the active camera on change (the edited camera in Edit Mode or to the free camera in Free Mode).
Fixed issues with the Undo Manager.

Added an option to create .xml files in Asset Browser with correct encoding.
The “World” tab will be updated with the current World name.
Updated the Blender Plugin:
Added pose bone weights for different NPCs, it can be selected during lipsync generation.
Added interpolation easing while generating a lipsync.
Fixed issues with installing the plugin on Blender 4.

Updated the credits in the “About” section.
Added shortcuts to move plane and select plane for the world edit gizmo (press X and Y to select the XY plane).
Added a button to set default lipsync and audio overwrite paths in scenes.


Fixed an issue where the tangent calculator didn't work properly for some vertices during uncooking.
Fixed an issue where the Vertex paint tool wouldn’t save changes.
Various UI fixes:
Fixed an issue where dragging panels in the Scene Editor would cause a crash.
Fixed an issue where the editor would crash when loading a level while having a floating toolbar.
Fixed an issue where the Item Select dialogue box would not close properly.
The gizmo will now use thicker debug lines.
Improved the check icon in the PropertyGrid.

Fixed an issue where the .xml parser error would not show the correct file path.
Various Scene Editor fixes:
Saving will now always teleport to the first node.
Fixed a crash on deleting any pause event on Timeline.
Fixed a Scene Editor crash when switching from Edit Camera Mode to Free Camera Mode and trying to edit the camera from the Properties page.

Fixed an issue where the minimap generation stretched output images.
Fixed an issue where loading game definitions with standard templates would crash under certain conditions.
Fixes for revert and drag-and-drop actions in Journal Editor.
Fixed splash screen sizing for the game.
Fixed an issue where the world edit gizmo could get stuck when pressing two shortcut keys.
Updated the Wwise license acquisition steps.
Fixed an issue where searching for a quest graph block by name criteria didn't work properly.
high rated

Updated to

Changelog from SteamDB: PATCH NOTES


• After the final Chapter 2 mission, downed survivors now become automatically revived and start the shelter phase with 1 HP.


• Julius: adjusted the chances of finding scrap and grenades in the "Search through scrap" action.
• Hector: greatly increased the damage of the "Slice Them" skill.


• Made some of the skill descriptions more clear when it comes who (enemies/all targets) will receive damage/become stunned.
high rated
Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Updated to 1.1801120H for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Changelog from SteamDB:

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.180

Hey everyone,

This week’s update addresses several issues, removes the much criticized Chinese and Japanese machine translations and features some Quality of Life optimizations. Alongside this, we are continuing to work hard on our coming DLC, and will endeavor to share more about it as we progress.

Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Patch 1.180

General Improvements :gift:

• After considering the overwhelmingly negative player feedback, we removed Chinese and Japanese machine translations because we felt that their quality was not up to standard.
• Slightly increased/optimized savegame loading speed.
• Greatly optimized the storage of archive logs, which will aid us to better identify certain types of issues in the future.
• Added Dual Shock 4 and Dual Sense support.

User Interface Improvements :pencil:

• Changed the language selection screen texts to better indicate that those were not official translations.

Bug Fixes :bug:

• Fixed an issue that caused manual saves to be impossible if the player’s vagrus had special characters in their name.
• Fixed an issue that caused the loading screen to lock up.
• Pressing Shift+1 on the Settlement main screen no longer opens the first Event on the Story pane in addition to opening the player’s Crew pane (its expected behavior).
• Further optimized the performance of the Outer Realms location.
• Fixed an issue that caused the minus button on the Discipline UI to zero out the value instead of lowering it by on

As ever, more is coming, so stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
high rated
Endless Sky

Standalone installer updated:
[Windows] 0.10.8b ⇒ 0.10.10
[Linux, Mac] 0.10.8 ⇒ 0.10.10
Stable release 0.10.10 [Oct 26, 2024]

This is a stable release, focused on fixing bugs and making some other small improvements.

• The biggest change this release is the removal of the "hold fire" command, added in 0.10.9, because of bugs associated with it that could not be adequately resolved prior to this release.
• We hope to have addressed those issues for the next release in a few months.

This release brings one new feature:
• The addition of the "silent jumps" and "silent scans" attributes, which allow ships to jump and scan without playing any sounds, not even the default ones.

Some other changes are:
• Particularly large capture defense values on some outfits were reduced, to work better with changes to capturing mechanics in 0.10.9.
• Fixes and improvements to various Incipias, Remnant, and Successor missions.• Updated landing messages for some star sprites to improve accuracy.

For a complete list of changes, as well as further detail about the summarized changes, see the changelog. A special thanks to everyone who contributed to this release: @alextd @Anarchist2 @Arachi-Lover @chrisandreae @Daeridanii1 @Hurleveur @Koranir @mOctave @opusforlife2 @Quantumshark @reticent-rem @Saugia @tekker2234 @TheGiraffe3 @thewierdnut @tibetiroka @TomGoodIdea @Zitchas
Unstable release 0.10.9 [Sep 28, 2024]

This is an unstable release, introducing new content and features that may contain bugs. Major new changes and additions include the following:
• Boarding now pits attack against defense when both the attacker and defender choose the attack option.
• A new fleet formation mechanic has been added with several different formations the player can cycle through.
• A fleet "hold fire" command has been added.
• Two new alien species have been added to the game - the young Incipias north of Hai space, and the elusive Successors south of The Graveyard.

Some other notable additions and changes to content and mechanics are:
• Wanderer planets now have defense fleets and can be demanded tribute.
• The Dragonflame Cannon now pierces through its target.
• Several new missions involving the Gegno.
• New scroll bar for various UI elements.

For a complete list of changes, as well as further detail about the summarized changes, see the changelog. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to this release: @alexrovw @Amazinite @Arachi-Lover @aradapilot @AvianGeneticist @Azure3141 @bene-dictator @blue-four-seven @Daeridanii1 @eebop @Ebreus @GefullteTaubenbrust2 @Hurleveur @implicitfield @Koranir @mOctave @moonliiiqhte @nickshanks @petervdmeer @Quantumshark @RisingLeaf @reticent-rem @roadrunner56 @Saugia @SomeTroglodyte @stefanct @Tangle10 @tekker2234 @tibetiroka @TheGiraffe3 @thewierdnut @TomGoodIdea @UnorderedSigh @warp-core @ziproot

If you are using the high-dpi plugin, you should download and install the updated version that goes with this release.
high rated
Two new updates for the following games are avaiable now (Offline & GOG Galaxy):

Colt Canyon

• Shields will now combine into a stronger shield when you have 3 of them. The default shield is no longer yellow but white (in HUD).
• Increased default ammo cap, from 40 to 50, and from 75 to 80 for light ammo
• Added bonus chance to find specific upgrades based on the played character
• Modified a bunch of loadouts
• Changed how weapon power levels are calculated and displayed
• Tweaked how weapon spray works and the dynamic crosshair
• Taking time to aim is rewarded with increased accuracy
• Rebalanced accuracy while riding horses
• Tweaked how ammo drop types are chosen to be more balanced
• A ton of balancing changes and fixes for all kinds of weapons
• Nerfed first boss again slightly
• Slightly reduced attack frequency of Big Bear and increased damage and stun received by beartraps
• Reduced coop player count health scaling on bosses
• Made explosives more effective against bosses
• Various late-game enemy changes
• Changed how medicine drop amount on companion death is calculated
• Incendiary upgrade makes explosive weapons incendiary too now and bullet burn effect length depends mostly on penetration power and bullet speed instead of damage now
• Indestructible upgrade no longer requires pocket magnet
• Leathersuit upgrade will now also reduce slowdown in toxic plant fields
• Sharpshooter upgrade will do less overall weapon spray reduction but makes aim focus much faster
• Contact TNT no longer bounces off of shields
• Slightly reduced effect on dodge cooldown for athlete upgrade
• Balanced Hardened Upgrade to focus more on making throwing weapons less expensive
• All rare weapons now match their non-golden versions except for being slightly faster to reload, instead of having various minor differences
• Allowed praying at shrines
• Added some more uncommon decoration objects, alternative visuals and rock variations
• Added simple info tutorial to horses after having tamed one
• Improved various visual and sound effects
• Fixes to bullet rendering and penetration
• Fixed shield not rotating with player when dashing
• Fixed multi-TNT drops not actually granting more than one TNT
• Fixed ammo being more likely to drop for guns carried by player #2 when playing in coop
• Fixed empty bottle not breaking into broken bottle when used in melee
• Fixed big rock collisions sometimes being off when loaded from save
• Fixed TNT sometimes glitching into Mineentrances, leaving them unscathed
• Fixed bayonet melee range being very limited on horse
• Fixed not being able to return to previous level from boss level before triggering boss
• Fixed being able to mount a horse that is already being ridden by someone else
• Fixed custom run settings text sometimes overlapping with pause menu
• Fixed signs always showing X when level is loaded from disk
• Fixed shields in inventory being in wrong order when loaded from save
• Fixed some enemies no longer attacking in their unique patterns when loaded from save
Big changes

• Made horses ridable
• Switched to true 64-bit builds and updated engine (may cause new bugs—report accordingly)
• Added Steam Rich Presence
• Added new upgrade that makes throwables indestructible (available after acquiring Big Knife, Hardened, and Pocket Magnet)
• Added dedicated interface animation reduction setting
• Added run settings options for disabling wolves and elites
• Added game settings to reset or hide tutorials
• Made locked crates easier to find (look out for signs)
• Changes to most loadouts, mostly increasing starter ammo and making late-game loadouts more rewarding
• Added a free stick of dynamite to all rare loadouts

Balancing changes

• Made all two-handed weapons one-handed, except for the gatling gun
• Buffed explosive weapons, melee weapons and a bunch of rifles, but nerfed some arrow weapons
• Buffed "Big Knife" upgrade to increase range and hit count
• Reduced the number of enemies in B levels and Area 3 slightly
• Decreased some late-game enemies' accuracy, health, and damage
• Companion behavior improved: less likely to engage unaware enemies, and "defend" command stops engagement
• Companions will now refuse to use some of the high-tier weapons
• Increased bleed-out time for companions
• Merchant prices are more likely to be cheaper
• Allowing "Welcome To Hard Times" achievement unlock when starting a looped run from run settings
• Dog companion gains experience faster and damage bonus on the first 3 level-ups, also bleeds out slower when playing as Jim
• Tweaked blood weapon drop rate, some of their stats and made them cheaper to use
• Unrescued prisoners and other friendlies, except merchants, are killed/removed when returning in B-Levels
• Alerted human enemies and wolves will get more resistant against melee attacks when looping
• Buffed first boss a bit by fixing a related bug

Various changes

• Adjusted damage popup colors and trap object's visual effects
• No longer hiding weapons during dodge rolls
• HUD becomes transparent now when it's in front of a relevant character
• Various small adjustments to the game's visuals like reducing bloom, improving level border and text rendering, adjusting some colors etc
• Disabled always showing player indicator when playing with color blindness mode enabled
• Swapped sprite of heavy spear and pike
• Fixed rare volley gun not unlocking as a starter loadout
• Fixed gamepad stick switch/reload settings not loading after restarting the game
• Fixed two players joining when pressing join with a single gamepad
• Fixed melee attacks not showing damage against shields
• Fixed first boss minions not respawning quickly enough and some not turning aggressive as intended
• Fixed melee attacks allowed through solid objects
• Fixed floating vertical fences
• Fixed issues with dodge rolls not pausing attacks for forced-repeat weapons (e.g. volley gun)
• Fixed dynamite silhouette not growing before explosions
• Fixed silhouettes lagging at high refresh rates
• Fixed heavy TNT launcher firing 6 grenades instead of 5
• Fixed destruction sounds sometimes playing while loading saves
• Fixed question marks in credits text
• Various other minor fixes and changes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

Impaler Gold

1.1.653 (November 23, 2024)

• “Health Bars” upgrade was replaced with a new upgrade called “Lost Souls”


• “Steroids” upgrade has a visual effect when active (a trail that follows the player)
• “Vampire” has a visual effect on heal
• “Bullet Time Heal” provides instantaneous heal w/a visual effect
• Added suction animation to evil offering for added clarity
• “Jump Boots” upgrade has an associated effect when air jumping
• Improvements to all smoke effects
• Improved coloring of various projectiles
• Added back ceiling fog in the campaign arena
• New particle effect for "Bouncer"
• Improved visuals of "poison spikes"
• Improved some spark particle effects
• Removed "creep" decal from under drone sacks (looks better without)
• Improved drone sack particle effects
• increased density of some smoke effects


• New audio for “Bouncer” upgrade

Balance / Gameplay

• Campaign round times shortened to 60 seconds down from 75
• Increased duration of bullet time slightly
• Rocket launcher direct hits do more damage
• Bullet time can be activated by stomp (shooting still default)
• “Bullet Time Activation” setting added to toggle between shoot and stomp
• Jump pads spawn slightly more frequently
• Increased healing slightly across all difficulties
• Increased all weapon base damage by 15%
• Increased the mass of all projectiles for more impulse on enemy monsters (feels more powerful)
• Improved logic for choosing monster lineups in the campaign
• Reduced likelihood of hornet spawns (was too prevalent previously)
• Hard and nightmare difficulties have more frequent shielded and "big" monsters
• "Bouncer" upgrade buffed significantly and has a much more noticeable effect
• Low health healing thresholds and rates more generous
• Healing upgrades are now more effective
• "Poison spikes" are more effective against air monsters
• The last offering will explode instead of despawning at the end of the round


• Removed some rounded UI elements in favor of rectangular
• Various minor fixes
• Fixed coin counter not being visible in the pause menu

Technical / Bugs

• Reduced load times
• Some small optimizations
• Upgraded UI library in hopes it avoids memory crashes for users with AMD Smart Access Memory enabled
• Fixed death cam (was completely broken prior to this patch)
high rated
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy

Updated to 1.7.19

Changelog from SteamDB:

Patch 1.7.19 Fixes some bugs as we prepare to overhaul the tutorial

This week’s patch only fixes a handful of bugs, as we are preparing to do a final overhaul of the tutorial to reflect all the latest changes to the game.

Bug Fixes:

• Potential fix for strangers and similar groups of accidentally cloning your gear when you finish a quest.
• The quest to ‘find a way’ to revive the flame elemental can actually be finished.
• Suppresses superfluous ‘learned quest’ messages when you reload a game at a quest location.
• You can remove and replace the Staff of Yendor on the Prime Elemental Forge as often as you like without consequences.
• When you have placed the Staff of Yendor on the Prime Elemental Forge you cannot leave the area by entering buildings.