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high rated
The Riftbreaker: Prologue

Update to V1.50152.

No changelog.
high rated
Against the Storm Demo

Update to V1.5.6Demo.

No changelog.
high rated
Harding will go wild and show no mercy in this new I Am Your Beast update (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

Update nov_25 (December 03, 2024)
• Hand placed weapons will no longer disappear in wave levels
• Fix to credits
• Fix to intro dialogue being cut off in Support Group levels
• Sniper lasers will no longer persist after a sniper is destroyed
• Minor fixes to Support Group levels

• Small balance updates for the Support Group levels
• Spoiler notice on opening the Support Group level pack for the first time
• Updated credits

• Story Expansion
- It’s finally here! The new story expansion sees a new epilogue added to the end of the game where you’ll sit in as a part of the COI Support Group. Tall tales are swapped across nine levels, with ten new cutscenes and extreme situations for Harding to force his opponents through that you don't typically experience in the main game.

• Expanded level overview
- Giving you more info about each kill after you finish the level, making planning your next run a little easier.

• New Graphics Settings
- Toggle post processing and lighting quality

• Full Mixed Input Support
- Gyro users should find this incredibly helpful!

• Gore Toggle
- Less blood, same action

• Left Handed Mode
- Harding now holds their (or more than likely a COI guards) gun in their left hand.

Bug Fixes

• Crouch bug fixed
• Default reticle displays when using traps/equipment instead of the 'no entry' one
• Snowmen can now be kicked (if you are so inclined)
• Enemy radio displays correctly
• Throwable objects no longer hit bullet shells
• A number of other small bug fixes
high rated
Blackwell Epiphany:
Download changed from 3.1a to 3.3a


Empire Earth - Gold Edition:
Download changed from to

Size of the downloader changed (got bigger)
high rated
Many more patches for Drova which is now at version 1.1.4


Fixed Dead- and Softlocks
Fixed a bug where Fester and Kati got stuck in the arena
Fixed a bug in a cutscene in the Red Tower that got stuck
Fixed a bug where player got stuck in a dialog loop with "The Ripper"
Fixed a bug where dialog with Liesl displays wrong options
Fixed a bug where Seal of Drivanius was not activated correctly
Fixed a bug where Angus leaves the expedition under certain circumstances
Fixed an issue where Bertine leaves player behind and gets locked behind black flames
Fixed an edge case where the corpse of Aldo could not be examined

Reduced collider size for certain traps in the game to favor player

Other bugs
Fixed lots of collisions with obstacles
Fixed lots of typos
Fixed a bed below Georgefarm that could be used to glitch through a wall
Fix bug where Reija joins player "forever" after library
Fixed a bug where spider animations were played wrong when they descended from the ceiling
Fixed a bug where player can't inform Angus about Kendrick
Fixed some graphical issues with the floor at several locations
Fixed bug where Niala talks again about the attack on woodcutter camp in chapter 3
Fixed a bug where spider nests could be interacted with but then nothing happened
Fixed achievement "Help in the Grove" which had a missing condition
Fixed a bug in the bandit mine where players could not unequip the pannier
Fixed NPCs not opening door during combat
Fixed achievement synchronization with Steam


Fixed Dead- and Softlocks
Fixed bug where NPCs sometimes didn't start fighting in the arena
Fixed bug where Jendra doesn't follow player into the deep mine
Fixed bug where Dark doesn't go into the arena
Fixed a cutscene in Forest Primeval where it got stuck on Nemeton side
Fixed cutscene at Nemeton bridge freezing if Asmus wants to talk to player but is already at the Fire Festival
Fixed a repeating dialog with Karotte when getting ready for the expedition
Fixed bug where Reija disappears after re-entering the library after finishing it
Fixed softlock at "Vanished Weapons" where Harvey runs back and forth

Changed player collision with obstacles to avoid getting stuck
Removed door to sleeping area in Remnants mine
The spike ability of Diemo now disappears when he is beaten
Added some blockers to the spider dungeon to avoid cheesing
Increased volume of ambience in Drivanius cave

Fixed lots of bugs where player could get stuck in obstacles
Fixed lots of render order issues with objects in the world
Fixed lots of typos in all languages
Fixed some unintended locations where players could blink to
Fixed bug where Bonny has no food for player anymore
Fixed bug where Henik stops attacking in Mighty Boar fight
Fixed bug where spider eggs behave strangely
Fixed bug where boss fight between faction leaders takes ages when looting their weapons beforehand
Fixed bug where player could
Fixed items in Kendricks house counting not as crimes
Fixed cutscene when entering the Refugee for the first time but the NPC walked out of the screen
Fixed an issue with a cutscene in the bandit mine that seemed to "lag" for a few seconds
Fixed bug where spawned spiders didn't aggro properly
Removed a destructible wall that was accidentally placed in another wall


Fixed Dead- and Softlocks
Fix a bug where Harvey gets stuck between Jennifer and the door in the cave below Nemeton
Changed quest in bandit mine slightly where player is supposed to find mushrooms to avoid deadlocks
Fix bug where stolen package could not be given to Asmus in later chapters
Fix bug where a quest at Georgefarm could not be completed if Jurek went to Remnants Camp
Change journal entry for strange fossils to improve clarity on what to do
Improve brawl in the baptism of fire when playing gets knocked out
Add sfx to energy projectile during its flight
Lights not us bilinear filtering to avoid artifacts when scaling the sprites
Dialog with the raven vessel has been changed to have no portrait
Add some floor markings to improve clarity of a door in the ruins
Add journal entry to Talisman for Helma to improve clarity on what to do
Add journal entry for fishing quest in Nemeton to improve quest clarity
Rubin talisman can't be stacked anymore and removed one occurence in the world
Moved some fishing spots
Added new letters to our font to improve community translations
New bleeding stacks have reset the timer, resulting in reduced bleeding damage overall
Change sound volumes of voiceover in intro/outro
Improve a cutscene with Fulk and Aldo
Reduced chance of NPCs using abilities in combat depending on their level (lower level NPCs have lower chance)
Mog (arena) reduced health and damage by ~15%
Keep expedition group closer to each other to reduce risk of leaving a member behind
Reduce aggro range of bandit ambush in the moor
Friedel no longer borrows money if her list was stolen
Add quest reward when doing Lindons quest
Other Bugs
Fix a bug where spiders went invisible after rappelling
Fix bug where companions sometimes didn't give experience points
Fix bug where items disappeared from quickbar
Fix bug where weaker arrows equipped automatically when picking them up
Fix lots of typos
Fix bug where player position was wrong on maps when being in caves
Fix bug where Lorthiz didn't recognize that player already has ink
Fix bug where Bull's Eye talent had no effect with bows
Fix bug where bandits in front of mine stood up too quickly
Fix lots of placed where people and NPCs stuck at obstacles
Fix bug where cestus guaranteed critical strike with dagger special attack
Fix bug where bow could use melee spells like Wound etc.
Fix some render order problems with objects in the world
Fix bug where sword of Jendra could be looted multiple times
Fix bug where Gra could not be looted after brawl
Fix bug where Aldo decides to leave his cage to cheer in a brawl
Fixed bug where the injured Andarta stands up to threaten the player when drawing a weapon
Fix bug where bow attacks didn't consume wind talisman effect
Fix bug where focus catcher talisman didn't refresh when casting spells and wasn't applied when dodging
Fixed western Obelisk in the Morbid Moor not spawning enemies correctly
Fix bug where Dalin spawns back to captivity when entering the cave manually
Fix some abysses that had floating stalgtites inside them
Fix bug where alcohol in tavern in dialog with Josi had no effect
Fix bug where eating with the people in forest had no buff effect
Fix bug where an NPCs included in ambush with Emko could not be brawled afterwards
Fix bug where worms didn't trigger death animation properly
Fix bug where foxes were too covered by water
Fix Diemo AI when fighting him during the quest "Broken Trust"
Fix bug where Niala has wrong dialog after attack on woodcamp
Fix bug where loot of certain dead NPCs reset saving/loading
Fix Locke not teaching anymore after finishing his questline
Fix quest with bandits on bridge can be finished at Angus instead of Delani
Fix Bertine not being a companion during her questline, preventing exp sharing
Fix some building to allow stealing through walls
Fix multiple locations where objects/NPCs could not be interacted with properly with controller
Fix bug where Misty Step could be used to "enter" the center machine at the flesh enemies
Fix bug where arena could not be started after accepting a certain quest from Boris and owing Gera a favor
Fix a quest with Conor where he says the opposite of what the player has picked in dialog
Fix wrong dialog at Lore after before joining a faction
Fixed Throwing Knives and Poisoned Throwing Knives properly ignoring enemy armor
Fixed Leshen AI not progressing when they are stunned frequently
Fixed Stonefist AI not acting when player is in narrow environments/close to the wall
high rated
Drova updates continued -


Dear travelers of the otherworld,

We have just released the patch version 1.1.4. We have added the French localization for 1.1 and there was an unpleasant bug where you could walk on water.

We are starting today with the Insane Patch 1.2, which will be released at the end of the month.

Have fun with Drova and have a nice weekend,

Fixed water collider north of woodcutter camp
Fixed a bug where sigil could be bought from Boris even after stealing it
Fixed a bug on gamepad where when closing menus an additonal action could be triggered when rebinding buttons in a certain way
Fixed a bug where Fawini didn't have loot after combat
Fixed a bug where NPCs didn't attack
Fixed a bug where certain NPCs where semi-naked for a few frames when they reapplied equipment
Fixed a bug where the flesh enemies played sounds at the wrong time
Reduced time it takes when using fast travel
Fixed a bug where Fawini didn't stop talking
Fixed a bug where camera moved away from the expedition in a cutscene
Fixed lots of typos
Fixed obstacle colliders in the world


Added quest chain and NPCs for fast traveling
Added new item to reset learning points spent on talents, quest starts at Aidan
Added a legendary slingshot!
Added a warning before entering the Red Tower to indicate point of no return
Added more dialogs to NPCs in bandit mine when entering from the outside
Added dialogs to various NPCs from the bandit mine when meeting them outside the mine
Added a way to rescue Cay but keep the spark
Added a way to buy the relic from Boris
Changed dialog with the Refuge when warning them and added responses later in the game
Changed dialog before spark ceremony to better indicate effects on the world
Collecting money from Mog only possible in act 1 now
Reworked what rings to give to Locke in Nemeton
Added possiblity to buy faction armors from the blacksmith from each faction
Added preview of faction armors when choosing them for the first time
Changed some journal entries for "Your very own Runestone"
Added dialog to Asmus and Humbert after fire festival
Added a training fight to Farina after getting the runestone
Repositioned Leru in Forest Primeval
Changed journal entries during expedition in the moor
Added a hint to Meluna on where to find Bady later
Added a way to warn Almar about the pickaxe scam
Added additional hints for the vandalism quest in Nemeton and Adwin behaves more obvious
Letter from Mikesch master can now be given to Boris
Tristans map can no longer be found before chapter 2
Decorated blessing locations to match the descriptions better
Added a workbench to the tavern in the forest
Added hints for the music puzzle in the library
ChaosSpirits now disappear after looting them
Changed journal entry for quest "Fish for Dunja" to clarify quest goal
Improved Baltus routine after unloading the rubble in the bandit mine
Improved foglet AI when player leaves the fog area
Changed answer from Eugen after defeating Farlan when trying to get his vote
DiggerPigs now play an intimidate animation
Added a sound to the transformation of the silver spear in library
Added a new animation for piglets
Added new rotting state for critter rats
Improved laughing animation for humans
Own arena fights can be manipiulated now
Added a new sprite for caltrops after triggering
Changed how the roof fades at Aidan

GUI Changes
Reworked the rebinding system to allow more customization
Added a new category to journal to help find and memorize people in the world
Added names of people and creatures when looting them
Added more markers to be placed on the map
Added a new map of the caves below the Remnants Camp
Added a new menu to (re)view tutorials from the pause menu
Added new icons for items in inventory and merchang menu to indicate learned recipes and spells
Tweaked all minigames
Added a "perfect" timing for mining minigame
Changed how fishing minigame works
Added more save slots (PC only)
Added a shortcut to trigger camera zoom from within the game (PC only)
Added shortcuts to player menus (inventory, journal, etc.) to swap between tabs without clicking (PC only)
Added a counter for equipped ammo in the inventory
Added help to learning GUI to see how much Prowess is learned
Changed how attributes are displayed in learning GUI after the limit has been reached
Changed how the number of owned items is displayed in crafting menu
Added segments to focus bar to improve readability
Flipped colors of rune puzzles to match the hints in the world
Improve controller navigation to trading menu
Improve controller navigation to crafting menu
Improve controller navigation to journal
Added option to toggle hardware accelerated mouse icons
Added option to disable to auto-aim with controllers
Added option to change color of friendly healthbars to help with red-green impairment
Added more autosave intervals in the options

Tweaked poise regeneration of enemies to give more time to intervene
Poison now also reduces phyical armor by 30% while active
Swapped names of Execute and Blood Frenzy
Blood Frenzy now also applies bleed effect. Extra damage per stack reduced from 50% to 35% and focus cost from 50 to 40
Surprise Attack now quadruples chance to land a critical hit instead of adding 25%
Poised Tip now only has a chance of 50% to poison instead of poisoning 100% of the time
Pierce focus cost reduced from 70 to 60
Firecry base damage per tick reduced from 150 to 120
Reduced damage of spear secondary attack but generates focus now
Focus Catcher talisman triggers a bit later to avoid activations even when canceling spells
More reward for betting at the arena
Tweaked item prices
Added experience points to small spiders
Increased chance of arrow recovery

Fixed a bug with the worms where they did not die properly when going back into the earth
Fixed bird sounds at night
Fixed a bug where opening letters from inventory didn't work when journal was never opened
Fixed a scaling issue with the quickslot elements
Fixed a bug where boars stay after the Diemo fight
Fixed a collider issue that prevented interaction with a palisade in Nemeton
Fixed lots of typos
Fixed lots of issues with obstacle colliders
Fixed an unintended entry into the Forest Primeval with Misty Step
Fixed an issue with the achievement "A Nice Beginning" that sometimes didn't fire after loading a savegame
Fixed a cutscene where Aidan doesn't interact properly
Fixed a bug where arena fighter didn't start with full health
Fixed an issue with Delani dialog where she keeps talking about the bandits at the bridge
Fixed a bug where players can got rewards from Fulk indefinitely after finding the corpse
Fixed a money glitch when borrowing money from Friedel
Fixed a dialog error with Antonius where he keeps saying the same thing
Fixed a bit of dialog from Bernold after joining a faction
Fixed some quests at Georgefarm after chapter 2 - some are canceled now
Fixed teaching dialog with Fritjhof after learning everything
Fixed getting a letter from the blackboard in Nemeton twice in different chapters
Removed some objects from counter in the Remnants tavern
high rated
Updates for Against the Storm and Going Medieval listed:

Against the Storm

Update for 2 December 2024 - Hotfix 1.5.6 (Cornerstone Forge, Hauling Carts)
Offline installers updated to 1.5.6R

Changelog from Steam DB

Greetings, Viceroys!
We just released another small patch with a new batch of fixes and improvements:

- Fixed a bug where dead villagers were being assigned to worker slots in buildings, breaking the UI in Forsaken Town games.
- Fixed a bug where the perk price increase penalty in the Cornerstone Forge was incorrectly lowering the price.
- Fixed a bug where some small glades would be uncovered from the start when playing a game with the Abandoned Settlement modifier.
- Fixed a bug where Experimental Cornerstones created in the Cornerstone Forge with effects that increase the production of two goods at once (wine and ale, jerky and skewers, etc.) were not correctly counting progress in their tooltips.
- Fixed a bug where Experimental Cornerstones made in the Cornerstone Forge with effects that increase resolve for two needs at once (biscuits and pies, religion and treatment, etc.) were not correctly counting progress in their tooltips.
- Fixed a bug where the Greenhouse Ruin was giving the same reward twice in its "Salvage" option.
- Fixed some typos in the Polish version of the game (Hanged Viceroy World Event, Lori dialog).
- Fixed a bug where orders with the "Discover Glades in Time" objective would automatically be completed when starting a Forsaken Town.
- Fixed a bug where some Cornerstones created in the Cornerstone Forge would disappear after reloading.
- Fixed a bug where effects that increased the resolve bonus from biscuits in the Cornerstone Forge increased the resolve bonus from paste instead.
- Fixed a bug where the "Negligence" penalty increase from the Cornerstone Forge was available in games with the Holy Flame Monastery modifier.
- Fixed a bug where hauling carts could get stuck when an unfinished Small Warehouse was deactivated.
- Fixed a bug where salt was not available in the Training Expedition window.
- Updated the Supporter Pack with the new music from the Ashen Thicket biome, new World Event art, and a new portrait.

The current game version is 1.5.6.

Going Medieval

Update for 2 December 2024
Offline installers updated to 0.21.28REL

Changelog from Steam DB

Bugs and Fixes
- Fixed several crash occurrences.

Known issues:
- If your settlers are experiencing weird animations with some actions, be sure to turn off V-sync and cap the game's FPS in the game's options. Cap it to 60fps. If the issue persists, cap it at 30.
- Assigned Pets don't sleep with owners.
- Some items are missing icons and localization values.
- Player-triggered events don't have sound effects
- Settlers will not refuel torches if there is no floor/ground beneath them.
- Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.

Previous Patch (0.21.27) also 2 December 2024
Bugs and Fixes
- Fixed several crash occurrences.
- Additional code cleanup.

Known issues:
- If your settlers are experiencing weird animations with some actions, be sure to turn off V-sync and cap the game's FPS in the game's options. Cap it to 60fps. If the issue persists, cap it at 30.
- Assigned Pets don't sleep with owners.
- Some items are missing icons and localization values.
- Player-triggered events don't have sound effects
- Settlers will not refuel torches if there is no floor/ground beneath them.
- Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.
high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
Patch Notes v3.6.15.40566


• UI - Fixed crash when checking leaderboard or personal ranking menu
• UI - Fixed crash when hovering a lore speaking about Miklagard in the clan selection menu
• Stoat - Fixed Mimirsbrunn lore regarding bear knowledge choice
• Bifrost - Fixed crash at start of a game when an objective tile can’t propose a new bonus

Known Issues

• Owl - Second "invasive fruits" might not work
• Bifrost - Thrall can’t be assigned on tile with full livability (assigned them before works)
• Owl - Players can see lore selected in their lore tree in Owl Shared Knowledge
• Notification - Trade victory progression of other players are not notified (when playing on server)
high rated
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Updated to

Changelog from the developer's website:


The patch has been released on PC and will follow to other platforms once the remaining obstacles have been resolved.



• Fixed a crash that occurred when parties entered a settlement to exchange troops.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when the player rescued an imprisoned companion and gave them to a new party, while having a custom filter on the Party screen.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when riderless mounts tried to find a retreat position.
• Fixed a crash that occurred due to a deprecated policy being referenced in map notifications.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when assigning traits to teen heroes.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when talking to someone through the Clan screen while being in a settlement.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to attack the besieger party after accepting a peace offer from that same enemy faction.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when a raid of a village that had no notables finished.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when a settlement claimant decision was canceled.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when entering missions or the campaign map.
• Fixed a crash that occurred when ending the mercenary contract through dialogue.


• Fixed a bug that prevented the player from leaving a siege after making peace with the enemy as an independent clan.
• Fixed a bug that caused party roles to be reset after the Rival Gang Leader quest battle.
• Fixed a bug that caused the town’s security to increase on success rather than decrease (and the other way around) during the Bounty Hunter quest.
• Fixed a bug that caused the courtship to end due to the player being in an army.


• Certain Aserai helmets that were previously unavailable in shops have been made accessible.



• Fixed a crash that occurred when exiting the lobby as the News items were loading.


• Fixed a bug that prevented the player from speeding its mount up after dying and taking control of another unit in Captain mode.
• Fixed a bug that prevented the LogOutputPath launch argument from working for Dedicated Servers - now replaced with LocalOutputDir.


• A multiplayer refactor that represents a deeper technical change towards a more scalable infrastructure has gone Live over a week ago. We expect it to provide greater flexibility in the backend development, help with our long-term server support, and resolve several issues with services not scaling appropriately during heavy load - i.e. it should help with lobby connectivity during a sudden increase in player numbers during f.e. an event.
high rated

Updated to 2.0.23 for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Changelog from SteamDB:

Version 2.0.23 released as stable

Minor Features

• Assemblers circuit allows to choose if items in crafting should be included by read contents.
• Asteroid collector circuit allow to choose if items held by hands should be included by read contents.


• Jelly is no longer mined from Slipstack trees so it is less confusing where to get jelly from.
• Nightvision is less orange.
• Moved the "Any quality" option into the comparison dropdown.
• Disabled spoiling for items created in an infinity chest until the first time they are removed from said chest.
• Removed "Select previous technology" control which didn't work (replaced with the generic back/forward navigation in 2.0). more
• Added an error message when manually trying to launch a rocket to a full space platform.
• Changed space platforms to not delete items on the ground when deconstructing them. more
• Added back a simple version of the Sandbox scenario. Improved the behavior of god controller.


• Improved asteroid chunk creation and movement performance.
• Improved chart overlay performance in several cases.


• Fixed that undo tooltips could show the wrong surface. more
• Fixed quality selector not appearing in infinity chest GUI if qualities are not yet unlocked. more
• Fixed quality selectors in unfocused windows reacting to quality cycling. Fixes quality cycling while selecting upgrade planner entity modules.
• Fixed selector combinator using the old quality dropdown UI.
• Fixed a desync when holding blueprints with spidertrons. more
• Fixed "option" key name on macOS. more
• Fixed modifier key order on macOS.
• Fixed that reaching inventory transfer limit didn't cancel additional item requests. more
• Fixed performance issue when long transport line sequence is remerging while having active belt reader. more
• Fixed "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish" achievement not triggering with Space Age enabled more
• Fixed robots cancelling module upgrade requests if they didn't have enough storage for the old modules. more
• Fixed that upgrading a rocket silo destroyed the second rocket if it was prepared. more
• Fixed drawing of quality conditions in entity/blueprint preview in GUI. more
• Fixed screenshot command crash when passing zoom of 0. more
• Fixed it was not possible to copy settings between artillery wagons. more
• Fixed another script issue in orbital logistics tips. more
• Fixed that undoing a module upgrade didn't update the GUI. more
• Fixed missing technology dependencies in quality technologies when playing base+quality. more
• Fixed stack inserter would start dropping partial held stack when waking up by control behavior. more
• Fixed an issue with obtaining achievements after loading a save file in some cases. more
• Fixed construction robots not delivering items to an entity marked for upgrade. more
• Fixed rocket silos requesting more items than their inventory size. more
• Fixed flamethrower sound still playing after a tank is deactivated or destroyed with its ghost created. more
• Fixed a crash when interacting with ghost tanks in some scenarios. more
• Fixed persistent working sounds remaining silent after fading out on pause. more
• Fixed that you could exit the rocket while landing on space platforms. more
• Fixed a crash when your inventory was full and robots were trying to store items in your inventory. more
• Fixed that infinite item resources would not produce if the yield went below 100%. more
• Fixed that the automated insertion limit tooltip for artillery turrets was incorrect. more
• Fixed cargo pod didn't have transparent background when landing on Fulgora. more
• Fixed some light sprites rendered incorrectly when Occlude light sprites option was disabled. more
• Fixed surface list being too tall when loading into a game in remote view. more
• Fixed generic interrupt logic not replacing station names in wait conditions. more
• Fixed that modded custom cameras would always show fog of war. more
• Fixed a crash when pinning resource patch results that had been fully mined. more
• Fixed that clicking the "delete blueprint book" button in the same tick auto-save started as a multiplayer host would crash the game. more
• Fixed that the display panel would lose its settings when fast-replaced. more
• Fixed that the bonus GUI did not show recyclers benefiting from belt stack size research. more
• Fixed that space platforms could get stuck waiting for rockets which became frozen. more
• Fixed spidertron inventory sort interfering with item pickup requests. more
• Fixed problems with incorrect setting of allowTipActivationFlag. more
• Fixed robots attempting to enter a roboport which had all slots reserved for robots of a different type. more
• Fixed trains and logistics map views would not preserve their settings. more
• Fixed the tips and tricks window on small screens.
• Fixed on screen keyboard appearing when some tips and tricks were shown. more
• Fixed renaming all trains stops wouldn't rename the stops in wait conditions or interrupts. more
• Fixed that slow-moving asteroid chunks didn't collide with space platform tiles. more
• Fixed a crash when the game tried to unlock Steam achievements in minimal mode.
• Fixed a crash when trying to open tips and tricks from chat. more
• Fixed that cancelling entity upgrade didn't remove invalid requests. more
• Fixed choppy fog animation in saves with 300+ hours of play time. more
• Fixed a consistency issue when script inserts items at the back of a stopped transport belt. more
• Fixed requested robots failing to cross a gap in the network. more
• Fixed that space platform included thrusters marked for deconstruction in "can produce enough thrust" calculation. more
• Fixed death messages for players with no username. more
• Fixed stack inserters would not drop held items if they became incompatible due to filter change.
• Fixed Quick Panel Panels tab missing next/previous page labels. more
• Fixed a crash when opening assembling machines with a fixed recipe in latency. more
• [space-age] Fixed that some recipes could not be crafted by god controller. more


• Corpses used by entities with health automatically use the collision box of the parent entity. more
• Added LuaEntityPrototype::auto_setup_collision_box which defaults to true.


• Added LuaEntityPrototype::auto_setup_collision_box read.
• Events::on_cargo_pod_finished_ascending Lua event added.
• 'rocket-launched' achievement condition now triggered by cargo pod ascending instead of rocket.
• removed property 'player_index' from Events::on_rocket_launched data.
• Changed LuaLogisticPoint::targeted_items_deliver and targeted_items_pickup to include quality.
• Changed all instances of get_item_count to support quality.
• Changed LuaPlayer::get_quick_bar_slot to include quality.
• Changed LuaEquipmentGrid::get_contents() to include quality.
• Changed LuaEquipmentGrid::count() to support quality.
• Changed LuaEntity::storage_filter read to include quality.
• Added quality to selected_prototype during custom input events.
• Added GameViewSettings::show_surface_list property to control its vibility in the Remote View.
high rated
Tunguska: The Visitation - Enhanced Edition

Updated to 1.91-1

Changelog from SteamDB:

Update 1.91-1 Patch Notes

• Increased NPC investigation range and duration (making it easier to distract patrolling guards)

• Fixed a bug with electronics selling price

• The item info panel now shows the item count

• Disruptive tutorials will no longer show up when player is performing an action

• When a tree is broken down, it will now generate one last piece of firewood

• Fixed a bug where killing a ghoul while helping out an invasion doesn't give you relationship boost

• The "Sleep" button when resting should be bound to Y button instead of A button

• Fixed a bug with keychains showing up too often in NPC loot at the beginning of game progression

• When pressing X button to unload a gun while on the workbench, it shouldn't trigger a Dismantle

• When opening the inventory, the item info panel will not immediately show which often blocks the view of loot
high rated
Patch 3 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is available now (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

Patch 1.0.3 (December 03, 2024)
Crashes and memory leaks

• Multiple LowLevelFatalError crash fixes.

Controls adjustments

According to your feedback, we adjusted following parameters/values to decrease input lag on keyboard+mouse input:

• Mouse Smoothing is disabled by default.
• Mouse Acceleration is disabled by default.

Additionally, default values of mouse sensitivity were updated to allow a predictable default experience for our players with new values of two parameters mentioned bellow:

• Camera sensitivity: 25%.
• Aim sensitivity: 15%.

Main and Side missions

• Fixed issue with [redacted] that were able to chase player outside [redacted] during the In Search of Past Glory mission.
• Fixed an issue where the NPCs [redacted] would die after trying to enter a building during the mission On the Edge.
• Fixed issue with [redacted] which could despawn before player loots a collar from it during In the Name of Science mission.
• Fixed issue with player potentially locking oneself during Dangerous Liaisons mission.
• Fixed issue with [redacted] becoming hostile upon noticing a player [redacted] during King of the Hill mission.
• Fixed an issue when [redacted] despawns in front of the player after the dialog in the bunker during A Heavy Burden mission.
• Fixed issue with NPC's despawning when player successfully finishes Legends of the Zone mission.


• Fixed an issue with mutant bodies stretching after a shot from an automatic weapon.
• Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to block the doors during the Back to the Slag Heap mission.


• Fixed issue with [redacted] not selling certain ammo types.


• Fixed issues with missing player saves after a hard reboot of the PC/Xbox.
high rated

Offline installer updated to 2024.1 Patch 23

Changelog from Steam:
- Fix: Officer using AA gun on Type II U-boats could become invisible for the time of using it in certain circumstances.
- Fix: In rare cases, it wasn't possible to assign an officer to perform a repair, if it was previously being repaired by a sailor. This fix corrects that problem in the affected game states as well.
- Fix: Sailor could sometimes enter a state, where he stood idle near the position where he stopped to work and wasn't going to rest, even though he was tired.
- Fix: On Type VII U-boats, if officer was assigned to a helmsman station, that was being already occupied by a sailor, he sometimes wasn't walking to the work place and was standing still instead.
- Fix: Increased tolerance of a galley to water in the compartment on Type VII U-boats.
- Fix: The external hatch could in a specific case not be closed once the last person left the deck. Once this happened, the dive orders were ineffective, because assigned officers were waiting for the hatch to be closed before flooding the tanks.

- Added a fade out animation to a loading screen.
- Fix: Compass tool was clickable, even when it was behind something else, for example a menu dropdown.
- Fix: "Vacation" modifier to discipline was renamed to "Last vacation", to make it clearer what it means.
- Fix: Warehouse inventory screen couldn't be scrolled with a mouse wheel, when the cursor was above the window's background. It was working only when the cursor was above one of the items.
- Fix: Assignment about destroying oil tanks near Haifa was having a wrong description in German.

- Fix: Combat music could stop to play in some cases when it should be playing as usual.

- Fix: Save system fixes.
high rated
The Painscreek Killings

Standalone installer updated: [Windows] 1.0.8 ⇒ 1.1.0.
• Changed all locks to start at 0. ex. 6 digit lock will be 000000.
• Changes to how items are rotated while being Inspected.

• Added 3200x2000 resolution.
• Fixed an issue with Andrew's House. Read more here.

• Fixed a bug where the resolution options were not showing.

• Added 3840x1600 and 5120x2160 resolutions.
• Made Controller Settings scale better to different aspect ratios.

• Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.
• Removed one instance of a note that could be found in two different locations.

• Fixed 3840x2160 resolution.
• Enabled Sprint Toggle and Subtitles on by default.
• Fixed an issue where if you delete saveoptionsData.txt, the game changes your Brightness to 0.1 and Master Volume to 0.

• Fixed a bug in the Portuguese (Brazil) translation.

• Added 5120x1440 resolution.

• Fixed an issue with 2560x1600 resolution.
high rated

Dragon Age™: Origins

Looks like issues with previous update must be fixed now,