It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Syphon72: It's a beta patch. Has an offline install ever got a beta patch? It's not even officially released on steam.

You can only access the patch this way:
To access beta channels please open your library and select the game; from there click on the Customization button, then select “Manage Installation“ > “Configure...”. You will see a section called “INSTALLATION” - click on community.
Lucian_Galca: There needs to be solo patch offline installer for beta patches like there is for other games if they don't want to update the full game installer. That game has had several beta patches now, and none of them are available via offline installers. Gog is getting lazy and starting to rely on Galaxy, ignoring the offline installers that were the reason alot of us came here in the first place. That's the issue.
I believe we should have an offline installer for this patch; however, it is currently a beta patch that has not yet been officially released on Steam. If it weren't for Galaxy, developers would likely only provide us with that patch once it is fully completed.

In fact, many GOG games are missing beta patches because developers do not release them on GOG, and would probably be way more without Galaxy sadly. SpellForce 1 and Minor Lord are examples of this problem. This is the unfortunate reality we face right now. It sucks

it's not simply a matter of GOG being lazy in this situation, although they have had issues in the past. Regardless, I’m sure the offline installer will be available once the patch is out of beta. I think dev needs provide GOG stuff for offline installer as well.
Post edited November 19, 2024 by Syphon72
high rated
Arsene Lupin - Once a Thief

Updated to 0.0.10 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Latest changelog from SteamDB:
Patch 1.0.3 Now Available

Thank you to each and every player that has played, and provided feedback for, our game, Arsène Lupin – Once a Thief. We appreciate the kind words and constructive notes and are happy that people have enjoyed our adaptation of the Gentleman Burgler’s adventures.

Like Inspector Ganimard, we are also obsessed with the exploits of Arsène Lupin and so have continued to make improvements to enhance our game even further. While doing so, we have also addressed the most-pressing issues raised by our players.

The following is a list of updates included in our previous patch, but also a list of updates included in our most-recent patch, which is now LIVE.

General Fixes

The latest patch included the following fixes/updates:

• Improved mouse sensitivity in POVs and Object Inspection minigames
• Improved interaction areas on POVs and Object Inspections
• Corrected an issue where player objectives were not updating correctly in The Arrest of Arséne Lupin Part 2
• Improved objectives in The Arrest of Arsène Lupin part 1, 2, and 3 to ensure better signalling to the player
• Corrected issue where a black texture would appear at certain rotations in the sewers in the Escape of Arsène Lupin.
• Corrected invisible glass issue in Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late part 1

On top of the fixes mentioned above, the upcoming patch will also include:

• Enhanced player objectives during gameplay sections for improved progression signalling
     ○ General narrative flow tweaks
     ○ Improved signposting for players

• Prop and texture improvements across the game to enhance visual fidelity
• Audio improvements during dialogues and dialogue challenges, providing better balance and highlighting significant moments.
• Music transition improvements to improve audio cohesiveness
• General SFX enhancements for an improved audio experience
• UI/UX improvements/standardization
     ○ Refinements to dialogue challenge presentation to improve screen layout
     ○ Font size and spacing improvements to aid readability in all screens
     ○ Russian, Chinese (simplified) and Japanese font improvements across the game to aid readability in all screens
     ○ Icon and layout refinements to ensure no overlap with other updated elements

• Minor changes to Chinese and Japanese languages to improve the narrative experience for players in these languages
• Fireside dialogue box placement improved to better signal a change in speaker during these scenes
• Navigation improvements to ensure players can comfortably move throughout all environments
• Mindmap layout improvements to better aid deductions
• Object manipulation animation adjustments to help players comfortably inspect relevant items
• Further Improvements to POVs and Analysis minigames to ensure cursor and inspection elements move smoothly
• Inclusion of video in game’s initial startup to enhance player’s initial experience
• General gameplay and narrative tweaks throughout all chapters to enhance player experience
high rated
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat:

I think, the only change was, that there was an "Intel Patch" added to the extras?
The version number is still the same (, and that patch was the only extra, that I hadn't had downloaded, yet.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl:
Updated from to

Additionally, this one has now also an "Intel Patch" in the extras.

(+ MAYBE a "Multiplayer Update"(?), though I can't tell for sure, since I don't care about MP)
Post edited November 20, 2024 by BreOl72
high rated
Tunguska: The Visitation - Enhanced Edition

Updated to 1.90-5_1

Changelog from SteamDB:

Update 1.90-5 Patch Notes

• Fixed an issue where you can jump out of the room in the Editor's Office

• Arranged the location of UI so that they don't appear out of screen when zoomed in

• If a domestic plant that you grew has germinated, now you can see the name of it, and it will say "Immature". This way you don't mistakenly think the plant is bugged.

• Fixed an issue where NPC might spawn on top of the tree in Ranger's camp
high rated
BreOl72: snip
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

Update (20 November 2024)

Removed parental control DLL.
Fixed issues with fsgame.ltx containing erroneous entries and occasionally getting corrupted during gameplay.
Added direct support for all languages in the installer, eliminating the need for a custom language switching program.
Added Ukrainian localization to expand accessibility.
Game no longer requires admin access; removed the "RUNASADMIN" compatibility flag.
Validated stability.
Verified compatibility with Windows 10 and 11.
Verified Cloud Saves support.

Note: The fix for setups using 12th-gen Intel CPUs is available as a separate downloadable "goodie pack" file.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Update (20 November 2024)

Added support for DE, FR, ES, IT, and UA localizations to the installer, eliminating the need for manual file management.
Added support for Traditional Chinese localization (text only).
Fixed issue with fsgame.ltx file occasionally getting corrupted during gameplay.
Game no longer requires admin access; removed the ""RUNASADMIN"" compatibility flag.
Validated stability.
Verified compatibility with Windows 10 and 11.
Verified Cloud Saves support. Note: The fix for setups using 12th-gen Intel CPUs is available as a separate downloadable "goodie pack" file.
high rated
Through the Ages

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Mac] 2.19.1031 ⇒ 2.19.1035.
bugfixes 20th November
• Online games - fixed issue where players couldn't get online
• Chinese font - bit bigger for better readability

Vaporum Lockdown

Standalone installer updated: [Windows] Version 7 ⇒ Patch #5.

No Changelog
high rated
Expeditions Rome 1.6 Patch Notes

Gameplay improvements:

No unique items drop randomly anymore. The handful of unique items that formerly did so are now spread across Act 1 and the first half of Act 2. Additionally, some predetermined Linen drops have been added as well to increase the availability of that resource.

Changed the flow of Pacification missions so you no longer have to run your world map avatar to a level entrance point: When you retrieve a Pacification mission, you now get to assign the Companion and Praetorians directly from the conversation with the Primus, which will start a timeline event. You can then proceed as normal, and when the timeline event triggers, the selected party will enter the pacification level.

New Game Option: Disable Pacifications. This option disables turn-based pacification missions (except the first tutorial pacification), forcing all pacifications to be of the Legion mission type.
New Game Option: Auto Praetorian Management. This option disables the need to manually equip gear and select skills on non-companion praetorians and automatically handles this for the player. You will still need to manage your own character and main companions.

Adjusted Rural Village pacification “Burn Lumber” to only require you to burn 9 of the 12 stacks of lumber.

Adjusted the Rural Village pacification “Save Legionarii” to be slightly easier.

Adjust the Forest Caravan pacification “Protect Official” to be slightly easier.

Customisation unlocks:
All themes, emblems, and trophies from Twitch drop campaigns are now available by default for everyone.
Added one additional colour theme unlock for players who also own Expeditions: Viking.
Added one additional colour theme unlock for players who also own Expeditions: Conquistador.
Added one new colour theme unlock to each of the two primary Act 4 paths.
Added the THQN theme and emblem as a default unlock.

Fixed a bug that could cause the game to freeze after starting Act 4 on the Die is Cast path (previously, this freeze could be resolved by pressing escape twice and waiting 10 seconds).
Fixed a mistake that caused the unique item Spectacle to drop as only a schematic instead of the actual item. This fix is retroactive: When loading an existing save, if you have the schematic, you will now receive the actual item.
Changed the piercing damage affix of Tutankhamon’s Dagger from a % modifier (that didn’t do anything on this weapon) to a corresponding flat addition modifier. Note: in existing save-games you will need to dismantle and recraft the weapon for this to take effect.
Fixed a bug that caused the Gracing Shot skill to receive its accuracy penalty twice.
Fixed a bug where a specific sequence could cause you to get stuck in the Golden Wolf quest during the step where you must talk to Lunja. Existing saves stuck in this state should also now resolve themselves upon re-loading in the new version.
Fixed an issue where in most cases you were unable to craft Tier 2 and 3 version of the Cocles unique armour.
Fixed a bug where observatories could sometimes spawn unreachable loot.
Minor tweak to the navigation mesh in the Africa world map.
Added missing male snoring sounds to ambient sleeping animations.
high rated

Updated to 1.0.0 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
Subverse 1.0 Change Log


The Subverse story is now complete!



• Outfits, skins and hair are now customizable options while viewing PANDORA scenes.


• Scenes from different characters can now be added to the Pandora player. The shuffle button will also do this as well.
• The amount of filters for scenes have been reduced.

Grid Combat Overhaul

Blanket Changes

• The pace of Grid Combat was changed to be consistently faster, and to feel more rewarding the more you invest on leveling up your team. Most enemies still scale with your squad level, but the scaling curve now reflects your efforts.
• Enemy units were assigned roles to study them as groups. The roles are Tank, DPR (Damage Per Round) which is split into Melee and Ranged, Fodder and Elite.
• AI behavior was retouched; each type of enemy now prioritizes enemies more accurately to their role, rather than “find smol enemy, gang up on them”.
• With the previous Grid Combat structure, enemies rarely had the chance to shine; indeed, almost all of their confirmed kills were with basic attacks! While Attack has been slightly reduced across the board (see Role-specific Changes below), most units have also had their maximum Adrenaline reduced by 1, giving them the opportunity to express their talents if left unchecked.

Role-specific Changes

• Tank: We wanted the more resilient enemies to live up to their role, so base HP was increased for any unit under 200 HP by ~20% and reduced the Attack for all Tanks by ~10%.
• Damage Per Round Melee: Most melee damagers were performing admirably, but were a tad overzealous. We reduced their Attack by ~10% without reducing the threat they pose if you catch them near you.
• Damage Per Round Ranged: Some of our ranged enemies were stockier than they looked; we trimmed
• Pirate Buccaneer’s base Shield from 55 to 50,
• Fuccbott Penetrator’s base HP from 200 to 180,
• Requital Commando’s base HP from 180 to 140 and
• Requital Guerrilla’s base HP from 200 to 150.

Small adjustments were made to Attack for individual units, bringing them closer to the average for their faction and role:

• Requital Commando’s Attack was reduced from 120 to 90.
• Requital Guerrilla’s Attack was reduced from 100 to 90.
• Scoundrel Artillery Drone’s Attack was reduced from 82 to 75.
• Elite: We wanted these units to still pack a punch, and changes here were made with scaling in mind.
• Kloi Prison Warden’s base HP was reduced from 330 to 300, and he’s decided to show up in more random scenarios.
• Requital Alpha secretly wanted to take over the operation, and we kicked them down a peg; their base HP was reduced from 250 to 230, and their Attack from 150 to 130.
• Scoundrel Raenos Merc was a significant threat from as early as the first missions, and his Attack was reduced from 150 to 130.

Boss Changes

• Tibold’s fight was a little too grindy of an experience, and so we reduced his base HP from 1050 to 900.
• For the same reason, Azzorion’s stats were tweaked; his base HP was reduced from 1250 to 1200, and his Shield and Armor from 300 to 250.
• LubLub is not as immortal as she used to be, but remains very, very formidable; her Armor has been reduced from 500 to 400.

Squad Changes


• Lily: The good doctor’s Healing passive was not competitive enough in our new pace. It now shows how much she cares, healing ~40% of the target’s HP.
• Killi: Our swashbuckling pirate is a bit of a daredevil, but a bit too daring than she can often afford. Her Ankle Slicer attack immobilized the target, but did so in melee range, and while she could fight back, taking too many hits was not good for her. We added knockback to the ability, pushing the opponent away but keeping them within striking distance of her other attack.
• Elaisha: We wanted only the best kind of cosmetics for Ela; her Freshen Up’s Armor recovery scales better and restores more, increased from 20% to 30%.
• Sova: It made sense for one of our sturdiest waifus to mind her defenses more; her Bring it On attack would restore Armor only if she hit an enemy with Armor, which was a little too situational. It now restores 20% of her Armor anyway, increasing to 30% if hitting an enemy with Armor.
• Huntress: Our lethal bounty hunter became just a tad more dangerous, and her Attack was increased from 110 to 120. Her Apex Predator ultimate also received a touch-up, and can now instantly take down an enemy with under 50% health, or a boss with under 15%.


The passive abilities for all our mantics have been released from leveling progression; this will allow you to strategize earlier on, and figure out your winning combinations anew!

• Chodestool: Ranged mantics generally don’t hit as hard as the melee ones, but Chodestool was a bit too far behind; we increased their Attack from 50 to 70.
• Trisha: One of our biggest outliers, Trisha was a Tank that couldn’t do their job. His Mobility was increased from 2 to 3, and we gave them a new passive ability, Sugar Rush, which doubles their Mobility for their first turn. Now Trisha can run to the forefront and tank appropriately. We also increased their Attack from 65 to 70.
• Equicox: Equicox was a little healthier than most, but not enough to make a significant difference. His base HP was increased from 400 to 450, and his Attack, which was significantly below par, was increased from 50 to 80.
• Rekall: In the same form as Lily, we felt Rekall’s healing ability should be improved so it will be worth using. We have increased their Attack from 55 to 70, and improved the scaling on the healing part of his attacks.
• Pervedillo: Another significant rework was that of Pervedillo; Pervedillo’s range was awkward, little readjusting was possible, and their Ultimate was too far, too late. We increased the attack’s range from 3 to 4, Pervedillo’s Mobility from 2 to 3, their Attack from 73 to 80, and reduced their maximum Adrenaline by 1, from 4 to 3, making the Ultimate a much more viable option to build around.


Keeping with the new Grid Combat tempo, we wanted DEVA Mode to be more easily attainable and much more impactful.

• The DEVA cocoon hatches in one turn, allowing everyone involved to act faster and not letting enemies pile up.
• DEVA Mode base stats have been improved as well; HP from 150 to 200, Attack from 150 to 200. Each hit packs a real punch now!
• Did you know the cocoon deals damage around it once it hatches? It now deals more, and the range of that kaboom is increased.

Space Combat


• A significant amount of waves have been reduced to 3 to allow for faster progress throughout Prodigium.
• Balancing to the enemies encountered was adjusted.


• As the game progresses, there are a couple of new pickups available tied to DEMI’s/The Mary Celeste’s progress.



• The anomaly’s cleared widget received an update so that it tracks progress more accurately. This widget was added to the solar system as well.
• The Mary Celeste now upgrades based on progress in-game. This includes things like speed, increased scanner radius and more.


• Events now provide a new way to interact with them where resources, items and XP can be gained.

Dialogue Sections


• Visual novel scenes have been updated throughout the game, bringing new camera angles and transitions.


Quest Log

• The quest log UI has received a visual update. We hope the new look improves readability.
• A legend for notifications was added to provide details on what to expect when reaching an anomaly in navigation (i.e. Sidequest, Treasure Hunt and Collectible).

Mary Celeste Dashboard

• Added a new button “Squad” to access your current rosters details, originally the locker room UI.
• Added a new button “PANDORA” to quickly access the Pandora system.

Squad (Previously Known as the Locker Room UI)

• The original Locker Room UI received a visual update along with access to additional systems.


• The wardrobe UI can be used to change outfits and hairstyles once they are unlocked.

Onboard Mary Celeste


• Devotion Quest has its own category for playback.
• Cinematics has its own category for playback.


• Upon recruiting mantics, they will now be visible onboard the Mary Celeste.
• The Bridge hologram received a visual update.

DEMI Progression

• DEMI has a new, unique progression system that allows you to become actively engaged in leveling her up while exploring Prodigium.
• We have also tied her progression to numerous Quality of Life improvements for the Mary Celeste!

Taron’s Shop

• After you fully recruit Taron, she will open up a shop onboard the Mary Celeste located in the Engineering room. You can also use this shop to convert your resources from one into another. Very useful in case you’re lacking in TEK or BIO!

Captain’s Computer

• This is a new feature added into the Captain’s Quarters room. Here, you will be able to view rewards and collectibles received from your crew as they level up, and as you explore planets throughout Prodigium Galaxy. You can expect to see sexy pinups, listen to audiotapes, and other interesting behind the scenes art concepts, as well.
• The wardrobe UI can be used to change outfits and hairstyles once they are unlocked.



• To decrease the total size of the download folder, we separated the 4K videos from the game. These can be downloaded as option DLC which equates to roughly 30 GB's.


• Compression settings were changed in order to decrease the size of the audio folder. Upon changing it we saved roughly 10 GB’s.


• Going forward, updates should not require the game to redownload the whole game again. The files have been separated into chunks therefore allowing for reduced download times.


• Where feasible, texture size has been reduced.

Bug Fixes

• Devotion Quest dialogue sections do not list (Outro/Intro) anymore.
• Fixed issue where sections of the Quest Log were inadvertently set to hidden if filters were used in a specific order.
• Fixed issue when hovering over an ability after selecting it. This resulted in not being able to execute the ability unless clicking undo to redo the process.
• Fixed issue during Fortune’s Devotion Quest mission where the door would not open to progress.

Known Issues (Does not include all issues)


• Some UI elements are currently loading at low resolution.
• Some SFX on buttons are missing.
• Taron’s shop UI has a work in progress layout in the 1.0 version, this will be fixed in a later patch
• When swapping between resources and currency using Taron’s shop, there are no fees. Make your transactions now while it lasts, gas fees are coming to Prodigium.
• Exit button doesn’t work when collectibles screen is enabled when viewing Captain Computer
• When gifting items, the items are stacked however there isn’t a number displayed to show quantity.
• On the main menu, playing the credits and then exiting causes the main menu music to stop.


• There are 3 anomalies that are not accessible due to future updates, 1 hidden in Hydra, 1 in Kraken and 1 in Dragon North.

Space Combat

• Some boss fights still need tuning based on sponginess and player feedback.
• Huntress’ first fight needs a checkpoint system implemented.
• Pickups need to be more abundant during random scenarios.
• Improve Gamepad Support.

Grid Combat

• Some boss fights still need tuning based on sponginess and player feedback.
• Blythe’s “W” attack will receive a VFX overhaul.


• Ela’s scene Plug It has a lens flare issue when viewed with the NSuit outfit
• The sweat skin is not noticeable when the Visual Effects setting is set to lower than high.
• Blythe shrank a few inches during her neutral idle! She should be back to normal height in a future patch.
• Some lighting issues persist on certain Pandora scenes at settings lower than the max.

Dialogue Sections

• A few visual novel scenes still need additional revamping.
• Erark’s hologram cuts off at the elbows.
• Some physics issues persist on characters like Celestina and Huntress.


• Gallery images that display on Captain’s computer are no longer visible when returning to take another photo in the gallery. However, the photos are still available using the gallery poster.


• Taron’s audiotapes are not yet in the game.


• Alt-Tabbing potentially can cause the game to crash, especially during areas of the game where high loads take place.
• Yellow/White screen flashing artifact during space combat when using the FXAA aliasing method. Most likely due to the lens flare and or high bloom values.


• As a reminder, previous saves are not intended for use with the 1.0.0 release. The option to start a New Game will be available.
• If you encounter pak file decompression related crashes try verifying integrity of game files as this usually fixes the issue.
high rated
Factory Town

Updated to 2.2.6c (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
2.2.6 Patch Notes

• Fixed bug: Menus would sometimes not appear for players
• Fixed bug: Timer logic blocks would not properly save and restore the ‘repeat’ parameter
• Added extra protection against unwanted screen scrolling that might be occurring from other plugged-in input devices
high rated
Another Project Warlock II update was released yesterday (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

Version (November 20, 2024)

• Potential fix for audio issues
• General Performance improvements
• Fixed an issue with controller navigation in newly added options
→ HUD Scaling
→ Crosshair Scaling
→ Important Notifications Toggle
→ Difficulty Setting
• Fixed localization issue where language selection would not save upon closing/opening the game
• Fixed localization issue with monster names displaying incorrectly
• Fixed an issue with Bestiary placement in E2M8
• Fixed an issue where player could jump over the bars to the bestiary secret in E1M1
• Fixed an issue where the Temporal Speed spell would make the player take no damage with extended duration upgrade


• Adjusted Shambler's Hitscan attack rate from 6s to 10s, which translates to
→ EASY -> 10s
→ STANDARD -> 9s
→ HARD -> 8s
→ HARDCORE -> 6s
• Buffed base Urd's SMG Damage 16 -> 20
high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Developer's message from Discord:
Hi all,

Just posted a new build on GOG which fixed pak file 30, which originated from the build we uploaded to GOG. After updating the game, make sure to click Verify/Repair in the event there are any pak files that become corrupted from downloading the game from GOG to your PC. I encountered this personally a couple of sections after the initial issue with pak file 2. After clicking Verify/Repair the issue went away (reinstall may be required if the file isn't getting replaced with the update). Several areas of the game and mainquest where tested so hopefully there aren't any more pak files causing this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
message.jpg (59 Kb)
high rated
Warhammer 40.000: Gladius - Relics of War:

Updated from 1.14.02 to 1.14.03
high rated
BreOl72: Warhammer 40.000: Gladius - Relics of War:

Updated from 1.14.02 to 1.14.03
Changelog from the "whatsnew.pdf" file inside the game's folder:
v1.14.03 – 20th November, 2024

Bug Fixes

• Fixed crash when melee attackers kill an Umbra.
high rated
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

Updated from 1.1.3 to 1.2

Changelog from the devs:

Hey everyone!

We are excited to announce the v1.2 content update for Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, a special free update to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the game’s initial release! Available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, this update will be free to all owners of Bug Fables!

A new trailer showcasing the exciting features of this update has been released, offering both fans and newcomers alike a glimpse into the expanded world of Bugaria.

What’s New in v1.2?

The anniversary v1.2 content update contains features designed to delight both seasoned adventurers and fresh explorers:

Fishing in The Fishing Village: Catch worms and reel in some fun!
New Post-Game Boss Fight: Face off against the heroes of legend in B.O.S.S. mode!
Team Up with Allies: Watch allies you support join you through a new special medal!
11 New Medals: Expand your strategies with even more new gameplay-altering medals!
New Items to Discover: Scattered across the overworld, waiting for explorers to find.
One New Music Track: A brand-new addition to Bugaria’s already beloved soundtrack.
Quality-of-Life Tweaks:
Vi’s Beemerang now has an option to lock angles to the nearest 8 cardinal directions in battle.
A grace period added after falling droplets allows for easier freezing.
Various language fixes, minor balance & bug resolutions and more!

A Thank You to Bug Fables Fans

This update is a love letter to the incredible Bug Fables community. For those who have already journeyed through the world of Bugaria, this update offers a perfect excuse to return. And for newcomers, there has never been a better time to jump in and experience the award-winning adventure for the first time.

Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling v1.2 is available now on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox. Download the free update starting November 21, 2024, and celebrate five years of adventure with us!
high rated
The Witcher 3 REDkit

Update to V4.0.114968.

No changelog.