Timboli: Same here, new first entry ... 14 Mb file.
My library count of games has increased by 2.
Thanks GOG. :)
RavenCrowwise: SO did mine, what 2 games were added to your library, beyond the new Wolfenstein Entry? I also have a huge library so going through it is a nightmare. Appreciate the help. I have 590 games and my library says 592. Appreciated.
Hi, I am unable to locate Spear of Destiny as a separate item in my library, and I am stuck with the 18MB installer for Wolf3d+SoD with no lost episodes.
If anyone is willing to share your backup of the correct installers, please repply and we will figure a way to get it done.
It is very frustrating that something we bought gets removed without our consent!
Please, someone! Help me!