Posted June 12, 2014

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted June 12, 2014

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted June 12, 2014
Easy. The Bag of Holding is in Karazan level 7 in the chest just behind the undead dragon.

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted June 12, 2014

would be cool to have some sort of "bag of holding" where i could just put them and have more free space.. kinda clinging to those ;)

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted June 12, 2014
Just got myself WOW. I'm so going to starve to death in front of my computer...

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted June 12, 2014 how do i put my books inside it then? got some nice hole there somehwere? :D

Cereal Killer
Registered: May 2014
From United States
Posted June 12, 2014
So, for those not in the know, Nintendo decided to host the same demo for Smash Bros that is being played at E3 at select Best Buy locations across the U.S. A brilliant and very generous idea on Nintendo's part. One such Best Buy location was only about 30 minutes from my house, so I decided to check it out.
The event was from 4pm to 9pm yesterday. Since I had to work, I couldn't get there until 4pm. At that point, there was already a decently long line. Most people in the line were just standing in the line because everyone else was and they assumed they had to as well. For the most part, they were right, but why didn't the event have anyone working the line to answer questions and set expectations? It was discovered that the line was for people who wanted to play the game (the main reason people showed up, of course), so we were good. However, there was only one Wii U system hooked up to one TV to play it on. To make matters worse, the TV was facing the wall, so only the people playing and the next 30 or so people in line could actually see the game. Everyone else was out of luck. Considering half of the store is covered in TV screens, this seemed like extremely poor planning.
I made nice with some fun-loving gents in line and, before I knew it, two hours had passed. We were now about halfway between where we started and the TV (the line, by this point, was out the door). While none of us were pleased with how slow the line was going, we knew that we would be getting our turn to play in about another two hours, so we continued to chat as we waited.
By 8pm, after four hours in line, we were close enough to hear the sounds of gameplay. We weren't as far into the line as we predicted, but there was still an hour left in the event and, with how close we were, we knew we would get our chance before they shut the event down. Thirty minutes later, we could make out portions of the TV screen. At this point, we were approached by a Nintendo rep (the first one we've seen in 4 1/2 hours, mind you) who said that we might not get a chance to play. Since we were close enough to taste it, we decided to hang around and try to get a spot. At this point, we learned that there were also four 3DS systems with the game on them being played near the front as well. What? Why have the portable systems at the front? Why not station them at certain points through the line? Whatever, we were near the front now, so what did it matter?
With 15 minutes left to go, we were finally close enough to see the game in action. At this point, we finally learn something else that has been slowing the line down; they are letting each group play two matches. While that is great for the people playing, that is horrible planning! After my first two hours in line, the line was at least twice as long as it was when I first entered it. At some point, don't you think you might want to limit people to one match? I mean, you won't get as much time with the game, but at least everyone who showed up would get to play.
So, by the time Best Buy started turning off the lights and vacuuming the floors, we were still about twenty people from getting to play. Translation; we weren't playing. Five hours in line with nothing to show for it but about 15 minutes of watching other people play. This was, hands down, the worst event I have ever been to. And that counts a Dragon Quest IX event I went to where the person running the event never showed up! I know I have no one but myself to blame and that I could have just left at any point, but I don't care!
I've hosted around 20 Smash Bros tournaments as well as countless other live events over the years, and there were so many ways to improve this event, even on the fly, and the event hosts just clearly had no cares to give. The public has known about this even for six weeks, so Best Buy had to know about for even longer and this was the "best" you could do? Ugh...
What an epic waste of time.
#FirstWorldProblems #FML
The event was from 4pm to 9pm yesterday. Since I had to work, I couldn't get there until 4pm. At that point, there was already a decently long line. Most people in the line were just standing in the line because everyone else was and they assumed they had to as well. For the most part, they were right, but why didn't the event have anyone working the line to answer questions and set expectations? It was discovered that the line was for people who wanted to play the game (the main reason people showed up, of course), so we were good. However, there was only one Wii U system hooked up to one TV to play it on. To make matters worse, the TV was facing the wall, so only the people playing and the next 30 or so people in line could actually see the game. Everyone else was out of luck. Considering half of the store is covered in TV screens, this seemed like extremely poor planning.
I made nice with some fun-loving gents in line and, before I knew it, two hours had passed. We were now about halfway between where we started and the TV (the line, by this point, was out the door). While none of us were pleased with how slow the line was going, we knew that we would be getting our turn to play in about another two hours, so we continued to chat as we waited.
By 8pm, after four hours in line, we were close enough to hear the sounds of gameplay. We weren't as far into the line as we predicted, but there was still an hour left in the event and, with how close we were, we knew we would get our chance before they shut the event down. Thirty minutes later, we could make out portions of the TV screen. At this point, we were approached by a Nintendo rep (the first one we've seen in 4 1/2 hours, mind you) who said that we might not get a chance to play. Since we were close enough to taste it, we decided to hang around and try to get a spot. At this point, we learned that there were also four 3DS systems with the game on them being played near the front as well. What? Why have the portable systems at the front? Why not station them at certain points through the line? Whatever, we were near the front now, so what did it matter?
With 15 minutes left to go, we were finally close enough to see the game in action. At this point, we finally learn something else that has been slowing the line down; they are letting each group play two matches. While that is great for the people playing, that is horrible planning! After my first two hours in line, the line was at least twice as long as it was when I first entered it. At some point, don't you think you might want to limit people to one match? I mean, you won't get as much time with the game, but at least everyone who showed up would get to play.
So, by the time Best Buy started turning off the lights and vacuuming the floors, we were still about twenty people from getting to play. Translation; we weren't playing. Five hours in line with nothing to show for it but about 15 minutes of watching other people play. This was, hands down, the worst event I have ever been to. And that counts a Dragon Quest IX event I went to where the person running the event never showed up! I know I have no one but myself to blame and that I could have just left at any point, but I don't care!
I've hosted around 20 Smash Bros tournaments as well as countless other live events over the years, and there were so many ways to improve this event, even on the fly, and the event hosts just clearly had no cares to give. The public has known about this even for six weeks, so Best Buy had to know about for even longer and this was the "best" you could do? Ugh...
What an epic waste of time.
#FirstWorldProblems #FML

The Shrike
Registered: Dec 2013
From Poland
Posted June 13, 2014
I agree, I play games a couple of weeks/months, then I get into reading, then watching TV series, then back again to gaming ;)

Slave of economy
Registered: Dec 2008
From Finland
Posted June 13, 2014
well fuck.
Didnt remember to pay my credit card in time. In time for the sales that is. Ive got like 1€ budget until tuesday, when the stupid credit system realizes that yes - ive actually cleared everything and its ok to let me waste more money.
ohwell...this is one way to save money i suppose.
Didnt remember to pay my credit card in time. In time for the sales that is. Ive got like 1€ budget until tuesday, when the stupid credit system realizes that yes - ive actually cleared everything and its ok to let me waste more money.
ohwell...this is one way to save money i suppose.
Post edited June 13, 2014 by iippo

Serial Hugger
Registered: Oct 2011
From Brazil
Posted June 13, 2014
I have a history with suicide. I tried several time to kill myself but never got the courage to just end my life.
This started because I was bullied in high school not just from the students but from the teachers. I was ignored,made fun off,abused mentaly and fisically and just turned into the scapegoat.
Because of that I now have social anxiety and can't talk to people face to face, I stutter and start sweating from my hands and forehead and I don't have many friends or a girlfriend. And because I've been so alone I started to view myself as a burden and tried and failed to end this, until I found GOG. Here I think that I belong and I came here to say thanks to all of you to make me feel like I'm part of something big.
This started because I was bullied in high school not just from the students but from the teachers. I was ignored,made fun off,abused mentaly and fisically and just turned into the scapegoat.
Because of that I now have social anxiety and can't talk to people face to face, I stutter and start sweating from my hands and forehead and I don't have many friends or a girlfriend. And because I've been so alone I started to view myself as a burden and tried and failed to end this, until I found GOG. Here I think that I belong and I came here to say thanks to all of you to make me feel like I'm part of something big.

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted June 13, 2014

This started because I was bullied in high school not just from the students but from the teachers. I was ignored,made fun off,abused mentaly and fisically and just turned into the scapegoat.
Because of that I now have social anxiety and can't talk to people face to face, I stutter and start sweating from my hands and forehead and I don't have many friends or a girlfriend. And because I've been so alone I started to view myself as a burden and tried and failed to end this, until I found GOG. Here I think that I belong and I came here to say thanks to all of you to make me feel like I'm part of something big.

The Shrike
Registered: Dec 2013
From Poland
Posted June 13, 2014

This started because I was bullied in high school not just from the students but from the teachers. I was ignored,made fun off,abused mentaly and fisically and just turned into the scapegoat.
Because of that I now have social anxiety and can't talk to people face to face, I stutter and start sweating from my hands and forehead and I don't have many friends or a girlfriend. And because I've been so alone I started to view myself as a burden and tried and failed to end this, until I found GOG. Here I think that I belong and I came here to say thanks to all of you to make me feel like I'm part of something big.
I think being part of GOG community is great but finding friends and/or girlfriend in the real-life will work wonders for you. Though I realise that may be hard for you - don't force yourself to talk to others but first find the right place and the right people who will be patient with you if you stutter. For example find fellow gamers in your town/city and maybe after getting to know them for a while on the Internet you will feel more comfortable meeting with them in the real life?
And remeber: your problems won't disappear in a day or two. It's a continuous work but it will be better, in time :)
Post edited June 13, 2014 by bel_e_muir

Carpe Diem
Registered: Mar 2012
From United States
Posted June 13, 2014

This started because I was bullied in high school not just from the students but from the teachers. I was ignored,made fun off,abused mentaly and fisically and just turned into the scapegoat.
Because of that I now have social anxiety and can't talk to people face to face, I stutter and start sweating from my hands and forehead and I don't have many friends or a girlfriend. And because I've been so alone I started to view myself as a burden and tried and failed to end this, until I found GOG. Here I think that I belong and I came here to say thanks to all of you to make me feel like I'm part of something big.
I'm glad you found GOG and we're glad you found us. And I love my PC, cause all my friends live i it. :D
And maybe that is where your friends are.
Post edited June 13, 2014 by marianne

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted June 16, 2014
"Your payment Method has been declined" WHAT!? Got an email from paypal. "You account has been locked down due to suspicious activity...And also, just logged in to steam to find out someone logged in from CHINA!? What the fuck is going on!?