Posted November 12, 2017

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Bad Hair Day
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Sporco RAZZIsta
Registered: Sep 2011
From Italy
Posted November 12, 2017
My pet just died. Left her with the vet for the last couple of days because she looked like she might have needed emergency assistence but it was all in vain. Went to visit her this evening, remarked that she probably needed oxygen again (which was one of the goddamned reasons we left her there), and while the vet went to get the machine she just collapsed.
In retrospect I wish I kept her at home. She probably would have died a day sooner, but at least she would have been with us.
In retrospect I wish I kept her at home. She probably would have died a day sooner, but at least she would have been with us.

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Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Sporco RAZZIsta
Registered: Sep 2011
From Italy
Posted November 13, 2017
Thank you, but it's alright. She had a long life (15 years old - that's very old for a Yorkshire) and lived well for most of it.
Honestly, I miss her already, but that's fine. The worst thing about letting her go is that I know I will forget her eventually. Even now I don't remember anything of the Collie I had before her.
Honestly, I miss her already, but that's fine. The worst thing about letting her go is that I know I will forget her eventually. Even now I don't remember anything of the Collie I had before her.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Posted November 13, 2017

Honestly, I miss her already, but that's fine. The worst thing about letting her go is that I know I will forget her eventually. Even now I don't remember anything of the Collie I had before her.

Sporco RAZZIsta
Registered: Sep 2011
From Italy

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted November 13, 2017
She's great and I love her but at 19 she simply doesn't know or care about certain things anymore. She is going to shit inside. You can't stop that and she isn't going to make an effort not too. :P Basically it's like she is a puppy again.

Sporco RAZZIsta
Registered: Sep 2011
From Italy
Posted November 13, 2017

Funny thing is, I have another dog (at least five time her size and quite healthy even if he's one year older) and she completely dominated him. Even as blind and crippled as she was, she still had the strenght to boss him around. :)

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted November 13, 2017

Funny thing is, I have another dog (at least five time her size and quite healthy even if he's one year older) and she completely dominated him. Even as blind and crippled as she was, she still had the strenght to boss him around. :)

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Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

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Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted November 15, 2017
My family's had our own experience with dying pets in recent months. Those are never easy.
Life has a knack for throwing toxic, psychotic people in my direction. When you try to help them, they only spit in your face and blame you for all their ills. Sometimes I think I'm too nice. I need to wash my hands, walk away, and let them sink or swim.
Life has a knack for throwing toxic, psychotic people in my direction. When you try to help them, they only spit in your face and blame you for all their ills. Sometimes I think I'm too nice. I need to wash my hands, walk away, and let them sink or swim.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted November 15, 2017

Little town called Copper Harbor Michigan.
Before you say anything, I've been here thirteen years and I have NEVER suffered power outages like this, or anything close.
I think was happened was that we are still suffering the effects of a storm that hit us last week. We had 70+ mph winds and 20 ft seas for 22 strait hours. My guess is that while we got power back 15 hours after the storm, it did more damage than they are letting on and shit is still not working right.

5 on OCTOBER-12-2017
5 on NOVEMBER-2-2017
The Tooth roots were EXTREMELY LONG!
Post edited November 15, 2017 by fr33kSh0w2012

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted November 15, 2017