Posted July 16, 2017

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted July 20, 2017
Scratched cornea. A small scratch most anywhere else on the body would not be a big deal. Scratch your eyeball and you're friggin' miserable for 2-3 days That led to maybe 2 hours sleep last night, and then it was really hot and humid at the customer today. Gotta start training these folks tomorrow so hopefully there will be sleep tonight and the eye will be feeling better in the morning.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted July 20, 2017
I copped a small beetle in my ear once, was walking outside when this thing flew and slammed into the side of my face and scurried into my ear.
All night trying to sleep and I could hear and feel it buzzing inside, ended up with it in there for two days before I went to the doctor who flushed it out.
All night trying to sleep and I could hear and feel it buzzing inside, ended up with it in there for two days before I went to the doctor who flushed it out.

Is that a Gek?
Registered: Aug 2016
From Canada

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted July 21, 2017
I once also accidently breathed in a fly through my nose, bloody thing sat in my sinus and I couldn't stop sneezing.
Blowing my nose didn't help, this thing wasn't coming out.
I guess insects are attracted to my body orifices, I know I am.
Blowing my nose didn't help, this thing wasn't coming out.
I guess insects are attracted to my body orifices, I know I am.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted July 21, 2017
I bought a Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016) phone + flip cover last November (199€ + 30€ or so) from my mobile operator's store, ie. I have a mobile contract from them as well (bought separately though).
Right after that my wife's own old phone started breaking up seriously, so I ended up giving the J5 to her and took an old phone into my own use. The reason i didn't give her the old phone was because only my SIM had s suitable "frame" so that it could be inserted into that old phone (it uses that first gen big SIM frame).
Two weeks ago my wife complained the J5 isn't working right anymore. Sure enough, it seemed as if someone was continuously pushing the Back button (every 1-5 seconds or so, it varied), meaning it was impossible to do anything as it kept going back towards the start menu all the time.
Thinking it might be some malware, I resetted the phone to factory defaults, but the problem persisted. Now i couldn't even set up the phone for first time use as it would always get back to the first setup page. I brought the phone to the store where I had bought it, since it has a 2 years manufacturer warranty. I got to borrow an older J5 (2015) phone from the store because I was their operatator's customer (their SIM).
Two days ago I was contacted with a SMS by the repair shop which was handling my case. The failure is not covered by the warranty, as it seems there has been some moisture somewhere on the circuit board or something. Now, i don't know if my wife has accidentally spilled some water on it at some point or something, but I am quite sure she hasn't dropped it to water or anything. And it does have that flip cover for extra protection.
They gave me two choices in the SMS:
1. They fix the phone, and it will cost me 172€. Too bad a new J5 (2016) costs less than that, 129€ in the local store and I've seen it being sold on sale even for 99€ lately.
2. They don't fix the phone, and I pay 35€ (for them merely checking what is wrong with the phone).
I chose the second option. So here I am now, with a J5 phone that is unusable (back-button is being pressed all the time), and had to pay 35€ extra for "nothing". i must admit that when I went to the store to get my broken phone back, I was expecting they would have given me some choices (as I have their mobile contract as well), like the very least they don't charge me for a mere check-up, or they would have offered to sell me some new or used phone cheaply, maybe even the J5 (2015) that I had borrowed from them.
But no, the clerk just gave me back my broken phone, took the loaned phone back, charged me 35€, and asked me if there is anything else he can help me with. I said "No" and left the store. Naturally I could have tried to bargain there and ask for some kind of compensation, but I was kinda miffed I would even need to ask for such, as if he didn't realize what a shitty deal it was for me. I'm their customer, dammit. I'm the king and head honcho, I'm always right, I know I am.
So what I did after that (earlier today):
- I went to the competing operator's store, and asked to get a contract from them. They offered me a similar contract for about 6€ less per month, so that is ok. They wouldn't offer any phone with it though.
- I went to another store to buy the very same J5 (2016) for 129€. I kinda wanted not to buy the same phone again (as the earlier one got broken so easily)... but I have that perfectly good flip cover. For some other 129€ phones I checked, I couldn't either find a flip cover, or it would cost an extra 20€, so I decided to go with the same model for which I have a flip cover already.
I also got an SMS today from the old operator that they had noticed I'm changing the operator, and asked me to contact them so that they can make me a better offer than from their new competitior. I'm thinking maybe I will call them on Monday, but just state the above reasons why I don't want to be their customer anymore. Frankly I don't want to be their customer anymore even if they offer even a cheaper contract. It is that damn phone they owe me, phuckers.
I vote with my wallet. Yes it would have been more productive to loudly protest already in the store, but as said I felt this is something they should figure out automatically, and not act only if some customer protests enough. Maybe this is a cultural thing too, we Finns complain less but still make decisions that need to be made. Plus, I kinda feel the clerk is just a middleman, at least I shouldn't be furious at him, but the company/operator.
Ps. I decided to keep the J5 to me for now and my wife i using another temporary old phone for now, if she is really mishandling the phones. I don't want to end up with yet another broken J5 that can't be repaired (cheaply).
Right after that my wife's own old phone started breaking up seriously, so I ended up giving the J5 to her and took an old phone into my own use. The reason i didn't give her the old phone was because only my SIM had s suitable "frame" so that it could be inserted into that old phone (it uses that first gen big SIM frame).
Two weeks ago my wife complained the J5 isn't working right anymore. Sure enough, it seemed as if someone was continuously pushing the Back button (every 1-5 seconds or so, it varied), meaning it was impossible to do anything as it kept going back towards the start menu all the time.
Thinking it might be some malware, I resetted the phone to factory defaults, but the problem persisted. Now i couldn't even set up the phone for first time use as it would always get back to the first setup page. I brought the phone to the store where I had bought it, since it has a 2 years manufacturer warranty. I got to borrow an older J5 (2015) phone from the store because I was their operatator's customer (their SIM).
Two days ago I was contacted with a SMS by the repair shop which was handling my case. The failure is not covered by the warranty, as it seems there has been some moisture somewhere on the circuit board or something. Now, i don't know if my wife has accidentally spilled some water on it at some point or something, but I am quite sure she hasn't dropped it to water or anything. And it does have that flip cover for extra protection.
They gave me two choices in the SMS:
1. They fix the phone, and it will cost me 172€. Too bad a new J5 (2016) costs less than that, 129€ in the local store and I've seen it being sold on sale even for 99€ lately.
2. They don't fix the phone, and I pay 35€ (for them merely checking what is wrong with the phone).
I chose the second option. So here I am now, with a J5 phone that is unusable (back-button is being pressed all the time), and had to pay 35€ extra for "nothing". i must admit that when I went to the store to get my broken phone back, I was expecting they would have given me some choices (as I have their mobile contract as well), like the very least they don't charge me for a mere check-up, or they would have offered to sell me some new or used phone cheaply, maybe even the J5 (2015) that I had borrowed from them.
But no, the clerk just gave me back my broken phone, took the loaned phone back, charged me 35€, and asked me if there is anything else he can help me with. I said "No" and left the store. Naturally I could have tried to bargain there and ask for some kind of compensation, but I was kinda miffed I would even need to ask for such, as if he didn't realize what a shitty deal it was for me. I'm their customer, dammit. I'm the king and head honcho, I'm always right, I know I am.
So what I did after that (earlier today):
- I went to the competing operator's store, and asked to get a contract from them. They offered me a similar contract for about 6€ less per month, so that is ok. They wouldn't offer any phone with it though.
- I went to another store to buy the very same J5 (2016) for 129€. I kinda wanted not to buy the same phone again (as the earlier one got broken so easily)... but I have that perfectly good flip cover. For some other 129€ phones I checked, I couldn't either find a flip cover, or it would cost an extra 20€, so I decided to go with the same model for which I have a flip cover already.
I also got an SMS today from the old operator that they had noticed I'm changing the operator, and asked me to contact them so that they can make me a better offer than from their new competitior. I'm thinking maybe I will call them on Monday, but just state the above reasons why I don't want to be their customer anymore. Frankly I don't want to be their customer anymore even if they offer even a cheaper contract. It is that damn phone they owe me, phuckers.
I vote with my wallet. Yes it would have been more productive to loudly protest already in the store, but as said I felt this is something they should figure out automatically, and not act only if some customer protests enough. Maybe this is a cultural thing too, we Finns complain less but still make decisions that need to be made. Plus, I kinda feel the clerk is just a middleman, at least I shouldn't be furious at him, but the company/operator.
Ps. I decided to keep the J5 to me for now and my wife i using another temporary old phone for now, if she is really mishandling the phones. I don't want to end up with yet another broken J5 that can't be repaired (cheaply).
Post edited July 21, 2017 by timppu

AC/DC Rocks!
Registered: Sep 2011
From Other
Posted July 21, 2017
Every dog alive should be kicked in the face and stamped upon until the vile creatures no longer exist. Fuck, I'm so tired of these cunts barking like mad around the clock every god damn day of the year.
Collect every single fucker and all DNA in existence and shove them down an exploding volcano, or on a one-way trip to the Sun. Problem solved.
Collect every single fucker and all DNA in existence and shove them down an exploding volcano, or on a one-way trip to the Sun. Problem solved.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 21, 2017

Collect every single fucker and all DNA in existence and shove them down an exploding volcano, or on a one-way trip to the Sun. Problem solved.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

New User
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted July 22, 2017

Collect every single fucker and all DNA in existence and shove them down an exploding volcano, or on a one-way trip to the Sun. Problem solved.

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted July 22, 2017

Collect every single fucker and all DNA in existence and shove them down an exploding volcano, or on a one-way trip to the Sun. Problem solved.
Post edited July 22, 2017 by Tauto

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted July 23, 2017
The old (still current for a few days) mobile operator keeps sending me "please don't leave us, dear customer!" SMS messages, I think they will call me soon for a special offer. Let's see when they call, but at least I will then tell them they should have fixed my phone, or the very least not charge me for not fixing it, bastardos.
In the meantime, my revenge to them is that at the moment I am downloading 200GB of GOG game installers (using with their mobile internet connection. It gives a pretty nice speed too, 40Mbps today. My parting gift to them, using their unlimited mobile internet connection to the full. Maybe I should also watch some online pr0n videos, just to spite.
The old (still current for a few days) mobile operator keeps sending me "please don't leave us, dear customer!" SMS messages, I think they will call me soon for a special offer. Let's see when they call, but at least I will then tell them they should have fixed my phone, or the very least not charge me for not fixing it, bastardos.
In the meantime, my revenge to them is that at the moment I am downloading 200GB of GOG game installers (using with their mobile internet connection. It gives a pretty nice speed too, 40Mbps today. My parting gift to them, using their unlimited mobile internet connection to the full. Maybe I should also watch some online pr0n videos, just to spite.
Post edited July 23, 2017 by timppu