i am from china mainland. my ISP is china telecom. 12 Megabits/s fiber.
the 2015 gog download test can NOT even correctly start!
always test # 1 waiting... test #2 wating! 0% done stuck there.
i think the reason is...
1st. china mainland thoroughly banned google and all google related web app/web services. but your webpages within GOG website, some of them using google webpage gadgets. so, once china web c*ns*rsh*p firewalls detected there is something from google, then, block, then c*nnection reset would happen. then, the whole webpage loading is pretty slow for chinese users.
2nd. the china DNS servers, their dns records are all poisoned. and their dns records are imcomplete. so, gog.com might work. but gog cdn, e.g. login servers, authentication servers, image servers, download servers. these cdn they may use some other domain names, so these website, their dns records is empty or poisoned, so china dns servers cannot return correct gog cdn websites dns "domain name -> ip" translate records. so the client, can not view gog websites correctly ,and cannot download, even cannot start downloading.
so, a possible work-around now is , um, could gog tech guys, you share your gog.com and gog CDNs domains/websites, the complete dns records, i mean, things like those records entries in windows "hosts" file.
then we can replace the hosts file in our operation system, then, we 'd get the correct IP of gog.com, and gog CDNs websites...(non-poisoned dns records), then maybe some of us, can, correctly link to you...
yeah. thank you for your understanding and reading. and, edgecast CDN, their domain name, looks like, banned/poisoned in china mainland, so we need the correct CDN domain name translation results or correct DNS records of gog.com and gog CDNs...