Cavalary: It might, giving even more priority to Galaxy use, and require getting some hooks in all games which may change requirements. Plus getting rid of the fact that Galaxy will always be optional from one end at least, that of devs.
Possible, but for devs that currently use the Dev Portal, they kill two birds with one stone... they upload their games/patches just once and then GOG takes those files to manually make the offline installers... Galaxy users win (faster/instant patches) and offline installer users don't even notice a difference, business as usual... this happens even if the dev isn't doing anything special as far as Galaxy integration with their game but are simply using the Dev Portal to update their game... requiring all devs to use the Dev Portal would probably help a lot of them from all the reading I've done as their distaste for the old method of sending GOG builds and patches comes up a lot... case in point is the A Hat in Time dev... he was only sending major updates to GOG because of how cumbersome it was to send updates... he got on the Dev Portal and the first week he was on it, Galaxy updated the game 4 times with incremental patches that GOG had no part of until they eventually caught up and made the offline installers... we live in a new era of games distribution as even Discord has joined the ranks of having it's own digital store... the last thing I'd want is for my store to be known as the one that's confusing, cumbersome and a hassle to use (from a dev's perspective)
BKGaming: I just sent GOG support a message the other day about Fallen Enchantress being outdated. Low and behold today there was an update bringing it up to Steam version. So contacting GOG and allowing them to make contact is probably best.
KUyTh: I've already sent mutiple support requests to GOG regarding this matter, and every time they offered me refunds for the games in question while they themselves are trying to reach out to the developers. Even though they granted me refund opportunities, I always feel guilty accepting them since many of the games affected by this issue have been in my library for a very long time; and in the case of This War of Mine, I already declined a refund.
This time, I decided to wait a bit before I intend on writing support inquiries. It would be much better if they frequent these forums and notice our pleas, of course.
I did the same with Hyper Light Drifter (contacted GOG about it) and the game finally got the update that Steam has had for a while... it takes a dose of patience, but it does happen sometimes