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Today we have a special treat for you - a free wallpaper artwork from the excellent artist Morano, famous for his Magic: The Gathering illustrations, can be yours. Along with it, you’ll get a chance to take part in a cool contest and win a game with a small help from your GOG GALAXY 2.0 app.

How to get all this? First, log in to GOG GALAXY 2.0 (you can install it from here, if you haven’t already). Once you’re on the “Recent” screen, click on the “Share stats” button at the top - you’ll get redirected to a page with your gaming stats and the option to download Morano’s set of wallpapers. While admiring its neat style, you can also check on this unique artist’s profile we've also published today.

OK, now that you’re looking at your gaming stats from GOG GALAXY - here comes the fun part! If you want to join our contest and win 1 out of 100 games like Blade Runner, DUSK, Dragon Age: Origins or GreedFall, just share your gaming stats using GOG GALAXY 2.0 on one of the available social media channels (FB, Twitter, VK). To qualify for our contest, the post must include a short, witty description of your gaming profile, based on the stats you share, and a hashtag #GOGALAXYstats. We promise to check all the answers and award the most creative ones with games!

Take the chance to show the world what kind of gamer you really are! The “share your stats” contest will last from 7th August 2020, 1 PM UTC, until 14th August 2020, 1 PM UTC. Terms and conditions apply. You can check them in the first comment on the forum.
Post edited August 10, 2020 by elcook
low rated
By submitting a competition entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions.
1. Organiser: GOG sp z o.o., ul. Jagiellońska 74, 03-301 Warsaw, Poland (referred to throughout this terms as the “Organiser”, “we”, “us” and “our”).
2. Competition Description. You may enter the competition by sharing your GOG GALAXY 2.0 gaming stats (by using "Share stats" functionality in GOG GALAXY 2.0 application) on Facebook or Twitter with #GOGALAXYstats hashtag and creatively answering the following challenge: "Describe your gaming profile based on the stats you share". This has to be an original text entry on your own Facebook or Twitter account. We will pick 100 most interesting and creative entries and reward them.
3. Prize. 100 GOG.COM games from a pool of titles like: Dragon Age Origins, Greedfall, NeverwinterNights Complete, DUSK, Stoneshard, Tropico 6, Knights & Bikes, Night in the Woods, Blade Runner, My Time at Portia. The prizes are funded and delivered by GOG sp z o.o. via a game code to redeem on GOG.COM.
4. Competition Duration and Deadline. The Competition begins on August 7th, 2020 and will end on August 14th, 2020, at 1 PM UTC inclusive (“Closing Date”). All competition entries must be received by the Organiser by the end of the Closing Date to be valid and no liability is accepted for illegible, incomplete, lost or late entries.
5. Eligibility. You must be aged 18 or over at the time of entry in order to enter this competition. No purchase necessary. You must enter the competition yourself. You must comply with the laws that apply to you in the location that you access the competition from. If any laws applicable to you restrict or prohibit you from entering the competition, you must comply with those legal restrictions or, if applicable, refrain from entering the competition.
6. Additional requirements: You promise that all of the information which you provide to us in connection with this competition shall be and shall remain complete and accurate. You promise that your entry will not contain anything (i) that is or could reasonably be viewed as harmful, harassing, defamatory, libelous, obscene or invasive of another’s privacy; or (ii) which you do not have a right to make available lawfully (including any material which infringes the rights of any other).
7. Prize conditions. Prizes are not negotiable, exchangeable, transferable, and have no cash alternative. The winner(s) will be contacted via Twitter/Facebook/GOG.COM forum instant messaging and announced on the GOG.COM Forum within one week of the Closing Date. The winner(s) will have seven (7) days to confirm whether he or she accepts the prize or any additional data that may be required for the purpose of meeting legal and tax requirements. If the winner(s) fails to contact us within that deadline or provide the required data or refuses to accept the prize, we retain the right to award such prize to another runner(s) or to refrain from awarding this particular prize. We have the right to substitute any prize for an alternative prize of equal or greater value.
8. Excluded participants and entries. Employees of the Organisers, its holding or subsidiary companies, its agents or suppliers or anyone else professionally connected with the competition, or members of their families or households. The Organiser will not admit entries which: are automatically created by a computer or bot or script or other automated technology, created in bulk, fraudulent, have been altered or forged or tampered with, made on behalf of another person, or made by hacking, cheating or deception, which are racist, xenophobic, sexist, defamatory or otherwise offensive, illegal or which generally in Organiser’s reasonable opinion are inappropriate to admit or contrary to these terms and conditions.
9. Selection of winners. The winner(s) will be selected by a panel of judges based on creativity, originality and the highest quality. The decision of the panel is final.
10. Ownership of competition entries and intellectual property rights: The Organiser does not claim any rights of ownership in your competition entry. By submitting your entry, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free and irrevocable right to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format, and sub-license the competition entry and any accompanying materials for our marketing or other commercial purposes.
11. Data protection: By entering this competition, you agree that any personal information provided by you with the competition entry will be held and used by GOG sp. z o.o. based in Poland (ul. Jagiellońska 74, 03-301 Warsaw). We will use this data only for the purpose of administering this competition - i.e. contacting you, assessing your submissions, awarding and delivering prizes, and announcing the results as well as for the purposes of meeting any applicable legal or tax reporting requirements. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal identification information to others. Submission of personal data is voluntary, however necessary for participation in the Competition. We respect your privacy rights i.e. the right to access, correct, and delete information about you or the right to limit processing only to certain operations. You may also ask us to transfer your data or tell us you do not want us to process it at all. More details may be found in Privacy Policy.
12. Tax: If necessary under applicable laws, the Prizes may be supplemented with cash prize equal to the tax due on the prize. In such a case, the cash prize will be deducted and paid as tax due under the applicable laws. In some cases, the winner may be obliged to pay taxes on the prize under local regulations of the country the winner is a resident of. We are not be obliged to provide guidance in this respect.
13. Limitation of liability: Insofar as is permitted by law, the Organiser, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner(s) or runner(s)-up or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Organiser, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected. The Organiser will NOT accept responsibility for competition entries that are lost, mislaid, damaged, or delayed in transit for any reason or in any way.
14. Social media: You acknowledge that the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch or YouTube. You agree to release Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, and YouTube from any responsibility to you in relation to the competition.
15. General: (a) We may wish to transfer all or a part of our rights under these terms to someone else without obtaining your consent. You agree that we may do so provided that the transfer does not significantly disadvantage you. (b) If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these terms and conditions, the Organiser may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the competition; (c) The Organiser reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the competition where it becomes necessary to do so; and (d) These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Poland and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Poland.
16. Questions? Please contact
Post edited August 07, 2020 by chandra
low rated
Breja: I hate clients. I hate the "clicking on .exe is too hard", "your friendly corporate overlords will manage your games for you" mentality they create. I hate social media. I hate the global brainless mob they create. I hate the "no privacy, share everything, please take all my information" mentality both clients and social media create. Hell, many people don't even understand the concept of privacy anymore, so normal all this shit has become to them.

So when I see a contests that promotes all this crap, run by a store I originally joined because it was a holdout of old-school mentality counter to all this, I'm gonna bitch about it to my heart's content, and enjoy seeing others do the same.
Sarafan: I disagree on some points, but I respect your opinion. It's important that GOG stays DRM-free. I may be using GOG Galaxy, but it's comforting to know that I can always backup my games on some external drive and play without the need of installation of any client. I hope it stays this way!
Loger13: So you don't understand (like the people in GOG who started this):
It's not about what they offered, but the very fact that they are offering it. In their relation to users.
It's as if someone came up to you on the street and offered to eat dog poop. Nobody forces you, you can just refuse and go further, but ... in itself, this offer and the attitude towards you caused you unpleasant sensations and you would not want to receive such offers.
This "event" (contest) could have been carried out much better: only by slightly reducing its effectiveness (if the result obtained can now be generally described as "efficiency"), but not causing all this wave of negativity.
Sarafan: Remember that dog poop is widely recognized as disgusting. There's literally no one who likes to eat it. Now you're comparing GOG Galaxy to dog poop. Keep in mind that some people like to use it because it's quite comfortable, especially if someone has a bunch of other game launchers. I treat people who don't like GOG Galaxy with respect (the offline installers brought me here in the first place) and I appeal to treat with respect those who like to use it.
I assure you that you're mistaken. I see dogs eating dog poop all the time. Surely, they must like to do so. I don't know why they do, but clearly they do. Meanwhile, i don't know why you would like the Galaxy Client, so i feel the analogy is still fairly useful. However, unlike the dog, perhaps you could explain yourself.
high rated
*looks at subject, content and terms of competition; notices the mandatory use of GOG's optional client combined with the mandatory use of social media and sharing of personal info over them; shakes head in disappointment once more*

How the mighty have fallen...
chandra: [...] 11. Data protection: By entering this competition, you agree that any personal information provided by you with the competition entry will be held and used by GOG sp. z o.o. based in Poland (ul. Jagiellońska 74, 03-301 Warsaw). [...] We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal identification information to others. Submission of personal data is voluntary, however necessary for participation in the Competition. [...]
chandra: [...] 2. Competition Description. You may enter the competition by sharing your GOG GALAXY 2.0 gaming stats (by using "Share stats" functionality in GOG GALAXY 2.0 application) on Facebook or Twitter with #GOGALAXYstats hashtag and creatively answering the following challenge: "Describe your gaming profile based on the stats you share". This has to be an original text entry on your own Facebook or Twitter account. [...]
chandra: 14. Social media: You acknowledge that the competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch or YouTube. [...]
[emphasis added]

Really? So, has GOG acquired any and all of the existing social media platforms? Because that's the only way that only GOG will be holding and using the personal data provided. Unless GOG wants to convince us that they really don't know/understand how social media and profiling works (on the Internet), and what comes out of it.
Oh wait, that's where "you agree" comes in; I guess that makes it true then.
Might as well sum these terms up as:
you agree that in order for us to promote our GOG GALAXY 2.0 client and hopefully further our business, we'll share/trade your data with any of these social media platforms; we'll all pretend it isn't so, and in exchange, you might win a game from a selection we aren't even making known in its entirety.
chandra: 15. General: (a) We may wish to transfer all or a part of our rights under these terms to someone else without obtaining your consent. You agree that we may do so provided that the transfer does not significantly disadvantage you.[...]
[emphasis added]

If there ever was a more vague term... what does that even entail that you feel the need to include the "significantly disadvantage you" part?
chandra: [...] 16. Questions? Please contact and though we're overwhelmed with support tickets, rest assured that the ones pertaining to the competition take priority, pushing the rest even further past the 4+ weeks response time that has become the average for the past six months.

The rest that come to mind have been more or less covered by others already.
The only thing I'd like to say wrt to posts/comments about GOG not knowing their demographic/customer base - that's not particularly relevant; the point is that GOG wants, and tries hard with pushes like this, to change their demographic/customer base, so the one of the past and the present, the part that doesn't care about clients and values their privacy, isn't relevant enough anymore to have to care for/cater to it. To what degree of success? Not the desired one yet, I guess.

high rated
Moonbeam: Prefer the good old GOG downloader.
Amen to that.
kohlrak: I assure you that you're mistaken. I see dogs eating dog poop all the time. Surely, they must like to do so. I don't know why they do, but clearly they do. Meanwhile, i don't know why you would like the Galaxy Client, so i feel the analogy is still fairly useful. However, unlike the dog, perhaps you could explain yourself.
Flies also like dog poop. I thought that it's clear that I'm talking about humans. No human likes to eat it. I ask to drop this analogy because it's dehumanizing people who use the client. I've got some strong arguments for GOG Galaxy, but I'll end the discussion with you at this point, because I don't like to be compared with a dog that eats dog poop. Have a nice day kohlrak.
Post edited August 10, 2020 by Sarafan
Orkhepaj: No it wouldnt , why would I want more people if that means this changes to a social media site?
SylvanFae: more people, more gamer friends from facebook doesn't mean this site will turn into social media site.
Shouldn't that be in the joke thread?
Sarafan: C'mon guys. This is only a small competition. No need to get rude about it. I'm sure many of you are using social media. Besides that you can always ignore it. The games aren't that expensive, so if you don't like the competition just don't participate. It's really not the end of the world. But of course I understand people who want to protect their privacy over the Internet. It's just not the contest for you.
As much as the whole thing about sharing whatever stats in order to be able to participate in the giveaway leaves me completely uninterested (and i wouldn't be able to do it even if i wanted to anyway since i don't have any social media accounts nor any weird fetish of leaving my door open to strangers), what's going on with some people here?

Why can't someone express their (at times unpopular) opinion without getting their post lowrated? I've read in some other thread that people boast GOG community for being better than other communities, and maybe it really is compared to other related fora, but i cringe as hell when i see civilized posts like the above getting the middle finger by some folks here...

Edit: and obviously the above isn't directed to Breja, Loger13 and everyone else who took the time to reply with their arguments rather than just clicking the "-" button.
Post edited August 10, 2020 by Vythonaut
Sarafan: C'mon guys. This is only a small competition. No need to get rude about it. I'm sure many of you are using social media. Besides that you can always ignore it. The games aren't that expensive, so if you don't like the competition just don't participate. It's really not the end of the world. But of course I understand people who want to protect their privacy over the Internet. It's just not the contest for you.
Vythonaut: As much as the whole thing about sharing whatever stats in order to be able to participate in the giveaway leaves me completely uninterested (and i wouldn't be able to do it even if i wanted to anyway since i don't have any social media accounts nor any weird fetish of leaving my door open to strangers), what's going on with some people here?

Why can't someone express their (at times unpopular) opinion without getting their post lowrated? I've read in some other thread that people boast GOG community for being better than other communities, and maybe it really is compared to other related fora, but i cringe as hell when i see civilized posts like the above getting the middle finger by some folks here...

Edit: and obviously the above isn't directed to Breja, Loger13 and everyone else who took the time to reply with their arguments rather than just clicking the "-" button.
+ and - have been a weapon for a select few for a while now. Nothing will change until gog removes it, which they won't.

As for GOG being better? No. GOG's on par with gamefaqs.
Maybe get some real sponsors to back this [.. in a future competition/draw]. Have a prize like win one of: top ATI cards and NVIDIA cards (the ones that come with 3 AAA unreleased downloadable free games), maybe a gaming laptop, or a RBG key/mouse/gamepad/headset combo, gaming monitor/TV.
Post edited August 10, 2020 by NavajoCEO
I appreciate your generosity, Team. But sadly I can't take part on any of this. I don't use GOG GALAXY and there is no way I am able to use it. Because I don't have steady internet connection (which is the reason I choose GOG in the first place), so GOG GALAXY is more or less like a Steam launcher to me (unless there's a mobile app for it, that allow us to buy, download, and manage our games through mobile phone).

Anyway, good luck on everyone that take part on this.
SylvanFae: Are you implying facebook and twitter users are inferior to us? Because I strongly disagree in any way to that notion.
Have you actually used Facebook or Twitter recently? It's difficult to look at anything without being inundated with political filth and/or toxicity of other types. They are indeed catering to the lowest common denominator.
Orkhepaj: No it wouldnt , why would I want more people if that means this changes to a social media site?
SylvanFae: more people, more gamer friends from facebook doesn't mean this site will turn into social media site.
Sorry, social media games have no place in DRM-free store! If they want? then put on Steam there's plenty of social media games already had on Steam. Steam became Facebook-like after revamped last year because of multiplayer (like CSGO, Dota 2, TF2, etc....) which heavily relies on social media for various things like commercial, marketing, sponsorship, etc... also multiplayer are biggest earning on their platform like selling loot boxes is one of example. GOG Galaxy 2.0 is pretty much Steam-like client (I mean look at game icons is very similar to steam) that's already show why GOG is going follow Steam direction
Post edited August 10, 2020 by MyLife4Night
MyLife4Night: Sorry, social media games have no place in DRM-free store! If they want? then put on Steam there's plenty of social media games already had on Steam. Steam became Facelook-like after revamped last year because of multiplayer (like CSGO, Dota 2, TF2, etc....) which heavily relies on social media for various things like commercial, marketing, sponsorship, etc... also multiplayer are biggest earning on their platform like selling loot boxes is one of example. GOG Galaxy 2.0 is pretty much Steam-like client (I mean look at game icons is very to similar to steam) that's already show why GOG is going follow Steam direction
Yup, GOG can try to tell us its fairy tale but truth is...

Sarafan: I disagree on some points, but I respect your opinion. It's important that GOG stays DRM-free. I may be using GOG Galaxy, but it's comforting to know that I can always backup my games on some external drive and play without the need of installation of any client. I hope it stays this way!

Remember that dog poop is widely recognized as disgusting. There's literally no one who likes to eat it. Now you're comparing GOG Galaxy to dog poop. Keep in mind that some people like to use it because it's quite comfortable, especially if someone has a bunch of other game launchers. I treat people who don't like GOG Galaxy with respect (the offline installers brought me here in the first place) and I appeal to treat with respect those who like to use it.
kohlrak: I assure you that you're mistaken. I see dogs eating dog poop all the time. Surely, they must like to do so. I don't know why they do, but clearly they do. Meanwhile, i don't know why you would like the Galaxy Client, so i feel the analogy is still fairly useful. However, unlike the dog, perhaps you could explain yourself.
Yeah, take the pitchforks out. Burn the heretic! Where are the blasphemy laws if you need them?
low rated
paladin181: Have you actually used Facebook or Twitter recently? It's difficult to look at anything without being inundated with political filth and/or toxicity of other types. They are indeed catering to the lowest common denominator.
Tbh I think the way some on such sites act is sometimes not much worse than some posts made here(on gog forums, I mean) by some others.

Which is why i find it ironic when some users then go on to say how bad social media is and how good GOG forums are.
(social media is "bad", in some ways, but some users and posts on this forum are no better sometimes....especially in how some react to some topics)


(To everyone reading: Please note I am not trying to put anyone down by saying that....just musing that GOG forums are not always perfect and can sometimes be as bad as some social media)
Post edited August 10, 2020 by GameRacer
GameRacer: Tbh I think the way some on such sites act is sometimes not much worse than some posts made here(on gog forums, I mean) by some others.

Which is why i find it ironic when some users then go on to say how bad social media is and how good GOG forums are.
(social media is "bad", in some ways, but some users and posts on this forum are no better sometimes....especially in how some react to some topics)


(To everyone reading: Please note I am not trying to put anyone down by saying that....just musing that GOG forums are not always perfect and can sometimes be as bad as some social media)
Well, that's the point, innit? The constant flow of pure garbage versus a bad day or two at times here. Just like a few other small isolated communities I like being part of, they aren't flooded with trash day in and day out. It's like a beach filled with garbage and trash versus one that has the occasional random piece of litter wash up. Which would you prefer?