gamesfreak64: i am no developer, i dont know codes, i do know that the bigger and more complicated a game is/gets the more work will need to be done to patch things and make sure it stays playable.
As we all know: debuging and patching will always be: fix old bugs and introduce new bugs , thats simply unavoiadble.
Game with little code and little options cas be debugged more easily then gigantic game that also contain mulitiplayer option.
Telepath Tactics (flash/air game i guess) has lots of patches, i havent started the game yet and i saw lots of patches.
These small games can be fixed faster then enormous games with lots of coding.
Finally: the amount of screens to support nowadays, : the fact that there are loads of differnt resolutions also doesnt make life easierm people think thats easy but i think its not i read lots of complaints on various fora over the internet about various games, tehre are to many screens, in the past these were limited and 1024x768 was the hype, later it was 21 and even 23 inches (crt).
Nowadays with the flatscreens things went out of hand, theres lots of resolutions, some people like to use uberlarge screens, they need to sit away for 5 or 6 meters otherwise they cant see what they are doing, i mean you gotta draw the line somewhere.
Today people are spoiled with all those big screens, and they are 'weird': they want huge screens for the desktop but they also have a tiny screen they also play on (mobile) so its out of control, kids from the 90s dont know that they take all for granted, older people should remember the past: everything was easy, now theres an abundance of choises , and also problem reports.

lonewolfgk: First of all, are you saying i am old??? LOL
Second, i have no idea why you would say what you said, it has absolutely nothing to do with the bugs in the game, what has screen sizes, flatscreens, resolution etc to do with the bugs IN THE GAME.
I find it funny you comment and you have not even played the game to know what the bugs are since v1.05.
Just go to the community forums, search for witcher 3 and look for the labels (headers) regarding v1.05 and you will see what is the bugs we have now. ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with flatscreens, screen sized etc.
Just for info of just some of the stuff they broke in the game since v1.05:
1. You cant combine mutagens anymore (unless you drop to ground pick it up again etc).
2. You cannot craft runes anymore.
3. CTDs mostly when going into cutscene (white screen then crash, was not like this in v1.03 and v1.04, so they brought back this bug).
4. Merchants, people, body parts, monsters slain, items etc hanging in the air now, was not like this in v1.03 and v1.04)
5. When using boat and disembarking you would suddenly being flung into the air and drop to your death, was not like this in v1.03 and v1.04)
6. Sometimes now stuck on horse, cannot get off, horse not coming when calling it, was not like this blah blah blah.
7. Go read just one of the posts regarding bugs since v1.05, there are many more, link below. So i have just given you some of the bugs introduced since v1.05. NOW WHAT has this to do with screen sizes and resolution etc etc, meanwhile you have not even played the game.
Please trollers, rather stay away unless you really have constructive critisism and have at least PLAYED the game.
Regards to GOG family (all users)
it has nothing you are right
wrong text... sorry
but at my defense i can say this: i dont own the game so i dont know the game cause i cant play it, but i am around long enough:
these errors or similar ones occured in many games in the past , and i been around for a while on several forum
to know what bugs are, so please dont assume i am 7 years old and whats more important dont compare me with a troll, i been mod for years in several forums and i hate trolls , so let it please be clear: i am no troll.
Finally: i have never compared anyone with anything so i am a little offended you calling me some sort of troll and or accuse me of trolling.
Beside what do you gain when continuosly complaing about bugs, it wont help solving these any sooner, so be patient please and please be carefull in naming people in fora.
Thank you.
gamesfreak64: correct :D
except for the steam overlay, i dont get it, i used steam on my old XP and if i compare games run on my pc with and without steam, i do notice that the without steam client make my games run much smoother then with it, it believe that the more process are running while gaming the game eventually suffer speed, no matter how big the pc is (6cores maybe 8 cores or whatever cores are available now)
another simple example: small bigfishgames bought online (need bf client) run less well then the bf games i have on retail cd (no client) its like having access, office, excell, adobe photoshop, flash, illustrator open at one and then run a game , that will be impossible.
I always feel 'laggy' when playing some cheap steam games (client needed)
gaming is:
1) download setup or package(rar or zip)
2)install and or unpack the archive
3) after setup run game
no clients running (unless you must be online then you only need that client)
steam is slow , the steam games that can be run without steam installed ( drm free) are the best.
So only for online gaming a client is needed, steam is only to limit you in use, it needs to be installed on each machine/windows.
Steam and all that other drm stuff is like my left hand i seldom use it :D
GOG is like my right hand, used alot (writing, shaving, washing etc etc etc, hosing the garden,

Vrgood: I have not had that on my new pc. It does not impact performance. And I have an i5 4460 with four cores. Most games are not cpu intensive anyway. If you have enough ram (to run the game as well as the steam client) it should not impact your performance. If it does you can also lower the process priority of it, not let steam download games while you are playing, turn steam overlay off and such things.
Aha thanks for that extra info... i looked around an found the stuff in the steam client, i use it rarely so thats why i dont know all the ins and outs of that client, i am mainly a GOG user, joined this oneright away when i read there was prepaid option added, i been watching the site for long time but could never join because of the lacj of credit cards,and now with the psc (paysafecard) i can buy all the goodies i want.
quad core 2.67 , 8gb ram win7 home premium older nvidia GTS 250 1 gb ram
17" CRT monitor (because modern screens arent benefitting me (its not the price), its just that i have to stick to crt
steam is on old XP so 32 bits, 4 gb ram of which usally 3. something gb avail
i dont like idea of steam 'messing up' my win7 or my win 10 (when te time come i have to aquire that windows)
i always had 2 windows: and older one and the latest
first it was win2K and Xp, lateron it became XP and win7, and in a while win 10 and win7 of which 7 will be used till the absolute last minute.