Posted January 14, 2023
Johnathanamz: I will probably purchase 8 more Ubisoft video games from Steam in the next five months, only video games that have both multiplayer and singleplayer, not video games that are 100% singleplayer only. Then I will write negative reviews asking Ubisoft to stop shutting down their multiplayer servers and to release their video games for sale 100% Digital Rights Management (DRM) free.
All you're doing is helping legitimize their behavior. The negative reviews don't matter let alone in an industry where gaming media fawns all over these big publishers (or, in cases where big sites offer negative reviews, they're never negative enough...for instance if a big site reviews a AAA clunker as a 60 out of100 then really our adjusted score as a consumer should be to assume the game is like a 6 out of 100). If gamers show they don't care about DRM by buying DRMed games on DRMed platforms, the gamers then turning around and saying "release your games DRM-free" don't seem very serious. After all, they bought the games DRMed (negative review after the fact or not), so the companies will figure there is no point releasing DRM-free if they can reach you on a DRMed platform anyway.
The original idea of the topic in contacting them on their forum seems a better bet to the games coming here DRM-free, for those who wish to participate.