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"China" returned 72 posts
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low rated
Today: 21 Sep 2016
First hour - Plans for next Monday's debates broadcast, live coverage. Recent and not so recent events to destabilizing the US and terrorism. Will Hillary make it to the debate? Obama 'submit to world government' UN speech. Challenge for 3 hour debate with Hillary?
Second hour - Global tension, Positive things are happening. Large number of Refugees are terrorists. Clinton pay for play scheme. George Soros craps in the punchbowl. Admiring patriots, Trump family are patriots. Free Infowars App #30 spot after 2 days.
Third Hour - 'Liberal' New World Order. October Surprise expectations for blaming Trump, stage setting by media. Terrorists are undisciplined. Man attacked while predicting ISIS attack by BLM (<i>April</i>). Tulsa police shooting on 16th. Leaks and information, Internet censorship starting on the 1st.
Fourth Hour - The great people replacement/invasion. Shariah Law in France. IRS chief impeachment hearing. Clowning around with Terrorism. NYC bomber charged with bombs, but not terrorism. Syrian bombings and ceasefire, US became ISIS's airforce, drone attack. Clinton Campaign Aleppo moment. Pepe the frog, Trump Jr's Skittles tweet. How are they vetting refugees? TX threats exit from refugee program.

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Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Obama's forged birth certificate being investigated. UN speech and review of Obama's 8-year reign as president, unemployment and difference in earning. Riots in Charlotte after Hillary sics BLM after shooting. Corruption and destruction of evidence, Federal reserve control of interest rate is for political interests. Pence and Kaine. Texas withdraws from refugee program. Internet freedom and control, Iran/China to control internet censorship, along with .gov and .mil sites making a huge security risk.
Post edited September 22, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Today: 23 Sep 2016
First hour - Debate won't allow coughing breaks/commercials/interruptions, 90min straight; Power through it Hillary. If Hillary fails during debate, democrats will replace her. 'Hero Brigades' on Youtube (aka troll censorship). Charlotte arrests at riots 70%+ aren't local, 90% in Ferguson. 100 million predicted viewers for debate. BLM and the 'peaceful protestors'.
Second hour - The Federal Reserve, bubbles, they all will burst. Harry Dent 'Sale of a lifetime'. NSA whistle-blower says NSA is backbone to World Government, mercenary intelligence. Slaves down own anything, driverless cars and agenda 21/2030, humans could be banned from roads. 'Made by humans' labels.
Third Hour - Agena 21/2030 and 'toll cars', the dark act with GMOs. Joel Gilbert with Ameriphobia, and Hillary promoting it. Charlotte riots, race war, BLM. Obama to veto 9/11 bill.
Fourth Hour (<i>overdrive</i>) - 'You don't have to win, just do better than they expect'. Youtube Demonitization/censorship, emerging program. Merging/buying corporates, monopolies and control. School 'microagression' from mispronounced name. Uber drivers in china using zombie pictures for profiles to cancel rides. Woman protects herself against 3 armed burglars. Trump using internal polls for suggestions, Hillary possibly replaced by Michelle Obama? DHS rubber stamping citizenships, prior to election. Stop climate change? Stop having babies.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - DHS waiving security checks for refugees (400,000?). 'approve as many as possible due/before election'. 9/11 bill, Vetoed by Obama, Congress to overturn Veto. Hillary's eye issues, calls for an independent neuro exam. FBI to release all deleted emails after election?? Hillary's destruction of other countries. Ted Cruz endorses Trump. The Youtube hero program, getting an army of trolls to censor anything, similar to china's credit score; China banned internet news reporting, and Youtube censoring politically incorrect videos; Twitter, Facebook, Jigsaw. Control of ICANN can potentially shut off part (or all) of the internet. Riot police footage in Charlotte. Plans for Debate coverage Live on Monday with commentary and fact checking.

Free Infowars APP for iPhone and Android.
Post edited September 24, 2016 by rtcvb32
Vainamoinen: So that's how it's going to be? Get yesterday's shit disproved, just post new rubbish?
That's how it always works with them. It's the only way they can continue. I know you've noticed that it's always "what if this happened" or "this is next" with them. They don't use credible sources, they don't make testable hypotheses; it's just eternally-moving goalposts. Now, since he posted more internet stuff and clearly doesn't know what he's on about, let me address it again.

rtcvb32: when instead there's a lot of other people and articles saying ICANN and the like could censor/shut down the internet. It's not the protocols that govern the problems/concerns, it's the laws and who manages them.

I keep citing the example that I don't memorize the IP addresses of Amazon, YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Etc etc, and I really doubt anyone does here either. But if those names get pulled, or the IP addresses even get pulled, or replacing the IP address going to another site it could be very problematic. Especially .gov and .mil sites being replaced could effectively be a large security risk.

Imagine FSF's site being replaced and then the Debian Linux distros they are pushing out suddenly have spyware and other, and no one knows a thing because it looks the same? That could happen with Ubuntu, FreeBSD, and a hundred other sites.
Except that you keep saying that ICANN will do this and that, and none of what you say can be true, much less is true. The example you cite is one of DNS, and good for you, because that's a clear indication that you're thinking about what people are telling you and folding it into your worldview. It's great to see that, though I wish you would have looked at a few of the other terms I recommended to you because they would help you understand this, too.

See, ICANN has nothing to do with changing the root DNS, so the example you give is moot. It's irrelevant. Currently, ICANN can only recommend changes, which then must be approved by the US Dep't of Commerce. Even if ICANN started recommending changes willy-nilly, those changes would only serve to cause US-based customers to use different name resolution; also, any credible threat to routing on the global internet would be a problem for all countries, so the narrative that letting China or Iran have a voice in name assignments is empty. Stakes are too high to let anyone go breaking it, so even if a few countries wanted to spite the US the rest of the world would be too busy yelling NIMBY. You also don't seem to understand how intranets connect to the internet or you would stop your truly laughable approach that .mil and .gov sites will be "replaced" and "create a large security risk."

Love your dire warnings about spyware in linux. Have you never heard of a [url=]value? There have been site spoofing attacks in the past; there has been traffic hijacking. It has nothing to do with who controls ICANN. And you know who would know that something's wrong in your test case? The hosting sites, users who take care to check software before running it, and the ISPs that send you traffic. Site hijacking is caught in minutes (sometimes seconds, for large, popular sites). Your notion that nobody would know is ridiculous, indeed.

Remember when you explained how the internet works except it was all wrong? I do. That's tough, since you've mentioned many times how you work with computers and that's your specialty. Remember when you said the US dollar was going to collapse today (27 Sept) and you would "remain afraid until my fears are unfounded and disproved...". One by one the ones that you've set goalposts for are disproved, yet you still post this stuff, from the same sources. It's about time for you to stop being so scared all the time, because everything you're afraid of is amply disproved.
Post edited September 27, 2016 by OneFiercePuppy
low rated
OneFiercePuppy: They don't use credible sources
So who's a trusted source? CNN? NBC? The Washington Post? You know, the places with a 6% trust rating right now?

OneFiercePuppy: Except that you keep saying that ICANN will do this and that, and none of what you say can be true, much less is true. <ship> Currently, ICANN can only recommend changes, which then must be approved by the US Dep't of Commerce.
And if it no longer has jurisdiction under the US?

I saw a 'debunked' thread which was a reply from ICANN too. Almost everything in there said 'as long as it's in the US, this can't happen'... But when under another country's control it boiled down to 'can do whatever they want under their own laws'.

So let's assume for a moment ICANN doesn't need approval of the US, or anyone else, what could they do theoretically with no regulations/requirements in place?

OneFiercePuppy: any credible threat to routing on the global internet would be a problem for all countries, so the narrative that letting China or Iran have a voice in name assignments is empty. Stakes are too high to let anyone go breaking it
Never question the level of stupidity granted from greed and power.

OneFiercePuppy: Love your dire warnings about spyware in linux. Have you never heard of a hash value? There have been site spoofing attacks in the past; there has been traffic hijacking. It has nothing to do with who controls ICANN
Oh yes I'm very familiar with hash values and how they work. Let's take an assumption:

a) I manage to spoof a site, let's assume GNU's FTP servers
b) I copy all files without modification (or I remove them as being old because sometimes companies do that, possibly older files are intentionally corrupted to remove them as viable options)
c) I make new updated versions and inject code into them
d) new hashfiles are generated for the modified versions

Viola! No breakage of hashing while spoofing! Amazing!! All we need is to replace the IP addresses, as long as it immediately looks similar/the same and the files look proper, most of the users won't notice the site's been taken over.

OneFiercePuppy: The hosting sites, users who take care to check software before running it, and the ISPs that send you traffic. Site hijacking is caught in minutes
If the source hosting site is de-listed while the spoof is listed at the same time, I don't see how catching it would make a difference. If the old site can't be reached, the best that can happen is it's unreachable. Currently most of the ISP's in the US are under a monopoly, and if them ignoring such breech would benefit them, then they would do it.

OneFiercePuppy: One by one the ones that you've set goalposts for are disproved, yet you still post this stuff, from the same sources. It's about time for you to stop being so scared all the time, because everything you're afraid of is amply disproved.
I do agree Sep 27th was a bit specific on when a economic collapse may happen (and it still could, the day is just beginning), although from further reading experts say it takes a full year or two for a full crash to develop while money and trading become more and more erratic until it finally plummets and trade stops. The date was probably more to get attention rather than being fully accurate.

The main goalpost I set was WW3. If a war is started with Russia/Syria, that would probably kick it off. And currently that still is very probable. I'd rather not see it happen, but it's not in my hands.

This whole thread is a lot like the Xbone's Always-Online requiring the Kinnect; Only turns on by talking to it when it's all plugged in. They said they wouldn't spy on us with it doesn't mean it couldn't be turned on at any time, and was a potential security issue, nevermind everyone hated it. Just because it's not the immediate threat of violation of privacy or other ethical issues doesn't mean you shouldn't consider that at any time they could switch it at any time and you'd never be the wiser, afterall you don't control it and you can't modify it. I experimented a few months ago for a custom VOIP between two computers, and I got decent audio with about 4k a second (even better quality when using Ogg). That would easily fly under the radar having a microphone always on in your home.

Honestly I want to be wrong (with this stuff), I'm glad when I'm wrong. But as things are going I can only be heavily skeptical and try to see what is really going on and I'm annoyed at what I see. I'd rather prefer things were simpler. I'd love to say Infowars is nothing more than a conspiracy; A view of things that could be in another universe but not reflecting reality. But things don't add up in a massive way.
low rated
Today: 27 Sep 2016
First hour - 41 days to election, Last night's (rigged?) Debate, multiple polls and results. The Stop and Frisk
Second hour - 'New World Order' used in 1937 by Hitler, 1901 from HG Wells on atomic bombs. We need a Constitutional president. Censorship, Michael Savage broadcast shutdown from discussion of Hillery's health. Censorship to get far worse. Trump's reserved debate thoughts. Hillery's family is Chicago Mafia.
Third Hour - People waking up, 99% Clinton contributions from the big money. Witch Coven, experiences with Clintons. Trump having held back during debate. Moderator had earpiece breaking assigned rules, Holt cheated.
Fourth Hour - Earpiece updates and moderator. CNN rigged polls 41% vs 26%. CBS screwing Savage. 30+ million viewers/listeners is larger. Paul's channel growing faster than young turks; Elite panicking over videos bigger than turtle humping shoe. , [url=]BLM rioters, not peaceful, real life, hiphop. Youtube Heroes backlash, mass flagging is worrying.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Savage Nation 'pure sabotage' and censorship, ICANN and china. Supreame court say 'they have the votes to control copyright, can't even use headlines' and link them. Information and population control. Swizerland, Burka ban, and NSA spying, the Red Cross history. Predebate talk with citizens (Gary Johnson, Trump worker, US is not a democracy anymore, Haiti 'where's the money?').

other links:
Next News Network
Paul Joseph Watson
Mark Dice
The Savage Nation Podcast
Post edited September 28, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Today: 28 Sep 2016
First hour - Holt signaled from Hillary during debate. Department of labor tareted preventing incoming jobs. China Debt. Globalist integration, UN taking over. Internet/ICANN &amp; DNS and the new consortium. Michael Savage Censored. 1 Year ago drudge warns of oncoming censorship and global copyright laws. NSA for total population control. Return of 'the fairness' doctrine, 1st amendment under attack. Get popular/successful quick. Brexit being ignored, DHS legalizes 800+ they shouldn't have. Trump is opposed to Internet control outside US. Obamacare and fines.
Second hour - Putin and analysis have said it's a takeover. Baby with 3 parents. DNA splicing, GMO's. Bayer and Monsanto merging. Monsnto buys CRISPR. Goal of 4ft Asexuals, two species. Leprosy returns. Gut health, disease, good bacteria. CRISPR to dehumanize us.
Third Hour - Gut is the brain/second brain. Louder with Crowder; TYT. Critisism with Trump. Pditty's 'Vote or die', is now 'Must Vote Hillary' clearly biased; Breaking through Political Correctness. UN white/black racial terrorism. Peak oil/Climate change. Censorship intensifying. Younger viewers and rejection of the system, Post racial america in the 90's, BLM and pushing racism. Hillary's multiple accents. The debate. Blacks and voting ratio, Ice; bullying in community, Racism/prejudice. FBI never intended to go after Hillary. C-Span grilling FBI director.
Fourth Hour - /Jones '<i>investions</i>' of being in league with Russia, viewership grown x3 in last few weeks. Poll results, Trump surging everywhere. October surprises from Jones and alternate media. Vote/election fraud discussion and poll watching. [url=]New poster child for anti-trump. Clintons are horrible 'lock her up'. James Comey and double standard with Clinton. The immunity deals 'we aren't weasels'. Skittles fair use meme taken down. Savage: First amendment used to bring in Muslims and destroy everything, 80% are men and military age, 35% of those support Jehad and suicide bombing. McCarthy tailgunner joe, root out the subversives. George Soros most evil man alive. The guillotine is bloodthirsty and doesn't stop at your enemies. Monopolies, 'bust the trusts'. Scorched earth policy. Hillary 'The alt right doesn't have a right to exist'. Hispanics don't want what they left behind. Pope's attack on journalism.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - to FBI Comey: Why isn't Hillary in jail? Immunity given to Hillary's top aides, 'Don't call us weasels'. Investivation called for Jones/Stone/Trump advisers (for non-existent Russian connection)?. Cretin. Hillary emails held before election (10,000 pages). Skittles meme 'copyrighted' merely to censor. Savage censored over 400 stations nation-wide. Pope says journalism is fear-mongering and gossip is terrorism. Globalism is anti-christian and demonic. Reviewing savage interview; The guillotine is bloodthirsty and doesn't stop at your enemies. Scorched earth policy. Orlando shooter triggered by pentagon 'drone strike', media FBI and Obama administration hiding vital information. 911 transcripts destroy narrative of 'Lone wolf' terror attacks; Incite terrorism and immigrate them in. Overriding Obama's Veto of 9/11 bill. Proof Al Qaeda leader receiving money, logistics and weapons from US. US acting as ISIS's air-force. David Brock, money laundering schemes, with no investigations at all, the Bonner group takes 12.5% of contributions, documented blackmail payment of $850k. Brock founded PAC '<i>correct the record</i>' to be trolls online, $2.5 million for salaries for super PAC for this campaign (so far). Followups later.
Post edited September 29, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: So let's assume for a moment ICANN doesn't need approval of the US, or anyone else, what could they do theoretically with no regulations/requirements in place?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I've tried to explain several things in a variety of ways, so let's assume I'm not a fan of practicing insanity. Lets change it up.

What do you think would happen? Give some actual detail, some concrete hypothesizing so I have some clear points to consider. So far you've posted a lot of links to people freaking out about how bad things could be if only reality were much worse than it actually is. What do you think would happen? Why is it a concern to you? What do you think can happen with naming that would be a problem? And why, exactly, do you think there would be a security risk with .gov and .mil sites?

I'll ante up. If ICANN is handed over to an international board, then the USA is just one vote of many. But since the internet works really well so far, most countries won't want to change things in a major way. The idea that .gov or .mil TLDs will be given out in a confusing fashion is essentially none, because if one TLD is compromised, then in principle all can be, and no country wants to lose their connection to the internet. So the status quo will sit in its pit of inertia because it works. If all countries want to get a .gov TLD, then there will be an additional tier of domains created to distinguish between countries, so there will be no ambiguity. And if countries like China, Iran, and Russia, which are generally politically hostile to the USA, want to hijack our .mil accounts, then they would do it without the ICANN, which would not vote to allow that. Those countries won't suddenly get control over the 500+ root DNS servers, so any changes that were unauthorized would be overwritten posthaste.

Go look up what SIPRNET is. That's public knowledge. That should help explain why ICANN poses no risk to our military networks. Then go look at the RFCs that relate to DNS. I'll even give you the link: RFCs are the place where the buck stops, regarding technology implementations. Read a few of them (I've recently read 1034 and 1035 and strongly recommend them) and think about what they say. Then consider the WHARRGARBL that comes out of the sources you've been posting. You should see how hollow all that concern is.
Funny how leaving everything in the USA's control is super free and great, and to let other countries have any say in it is censorship. Not to mention that "UN" =/= "Russia and China do whatever they want".

Besides, either the US is this Obama/NSA technocratic dictatorship that rigs elections, is spying on everyone, and is creating concentration camps for FEMA to throw people into after the imminent declaration of martial law and they must be stopped, OR is the bestest most freest place on Earth and the only place that could ever be allowed to have this sort of power over the internet.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
DaCostaBR: Funny how leaving everything in the USA's control is super free and great, and to let other countries have any say in it is censorship. Not to mention that "UN" =/= "Russia and China do whatever they want".


You can't have your cake and eat it too.
With as crappy as things are looking, there are a lot of people especially those who have traveled around who say that they would still prefer to be in the US than other countries.

I am not going to hate cops because a cop happened to kill someone, not every cop is bad, although some are crooked. Some of the systems are taken advantage of, there is no doubt. But I'd rather be here right now than say Europe, Venezuela, or even France.

One of the key talking points is that the internet and system was BUILT by the US. As I recall, the government has laws where if it builds anything, it will move to the public domain and shared with everyone. This actually is pretty good, as a number of technologies has been developed, including Velcro, cell phones, and indeed the internet.

There is major things wrong. But there's also things right. I can only hope we continue to do things that are right in the future.
low rated
Today: 29 Sep 2016 - 39 days
First hour - Anyone not going with WW3 is a Russian Agent. 20+ Publications pushing UN agenda and takeover. Almost every movie now has Chinese propaganda in it. EOCD, IMF, World Bank, TPP. 1949 royal papers. Elite stripping us and making their own golden fields. State department threaten Russia with ISIS forces. Pope and jesuit propaganda. 35 Million full time became part time, Obama care, penalties, the lies, 2014 $1.4Billion in penalties.
Second hour - Dishonorable like graverobbers. Obamacare created to make single payer. Hillary is getting 400:1 more corporate donations, and 20:1 with billionaires. We're run by foreign banks, bailouts went on in secret. David Brock and money laundering, and the rundown, with 'unregistered' entities, and takeover of alt media and fox, trying to get Media Matters audited. Michael Savage taken offline since monday; Internet killswitch, George Soros emails.
Third Hour - Pope says journalism is conspiracy theories. There's an information war, and they are losing. Dr. Pieczenik; An amazing number of people are questioning the media and everything. The pope Francis as director of Jesuits in Argentina (70's), sanctioned death and torture; should be indited for collusion and murder. Dr P is not happy with Trump's debate performance; Hillary baits and not attacking. 'Take control of your own dynamics'. Wollsy CIA director is a failure. Strategy of Psychology. Kaine CIA operative with dark past. The black swan. A system of politics depends on vulnerability and pandering, not competency. CIA file on Hillary, breaking down. Pieczenik's history with taking down the soviet union in the 70's. All of the government is becoming irrelevant, industrial state to intelligence state. There is no central system anymore, the global government is crumbling. Breaking the systems away from the EU. UKIP. What Trump should do: in 30 years she's done nothing, go into detail. (traveling to 120 countries resulted in nothing). No president in last 40 years has ever held a job.
Fourth Hour - Got has a special providence for fools, drunkards and the USA. The Elites are acting as total fools. Hillary won't live through the first year of presidency. Regardless who becomes president, the people have to take control. Promote the power to the local level and prosperity will flourish again. Debate, Holt as a shill, Trump should have been more offensive. The baiting. Unimportant topics brought up and baited from Clintons. Trump doesn't need 'Yes Men'. Obama giving away the internet to 'foreign entities' possibly in 48 hours, how is this a good thing? Examples of internet laws and censorship in China and Russia. Carter and Reagan fixing things. School courses to teach use American guilt to weaken the American people. Liberal bias in the media, and desperate. Guns and second amendment, armed citizen.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Obama's town hall meeting, VA has issues, Obama administration putting immigrants above veterans. Obama a hypocrite. The 9/11 bill 'souvern immunity', Obama care penalty. 2014 8.1 million americans paid $1.6 billion in penalties. Trump plans to replace Obamacare with HSA. Bayer buys Monsanto, consolidation equals monopolies. Pesticides seriously harming honeybees and colonies while bayer tests aren't made public. GMO corn. Bayer previously knowingly sold medicine infected with aids virus. If TPP passes importation of GMO and products can't be refused. Trump supporters being attacked (pretty much on sight). BLM. State Dept threatens terror attacks against Russia if they keep fighting ISIS and WW3. Washington supporting ISIS. Holt shilling. Hillary wearing device, probably health related. Notes handoff? FBI unable to do jobs with Clintons, often given immunity? Hand signals during debate. David Brock money laundering, Media Matters, bonner group. Fraudulant tax returns. 14 organizations renting under Media Matters. Correct the record, undisclosed receipts with Franklin 21st century, treasurer for multiple systems, a shadow campaign.

other links:
Next News Network
Paul Joseph Watson
Mark Dice
The Savage Nation Podcast
Stefan Molyneux
Post edited October 01, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Today: 7 Oct 2016 - 31 days
First hour - Police will arrest unvacinated as '<i>diseased criminals</i>'. StopRape, getting it out in the open. Sunday's moderators <span class="podkreslenie">will be more biased</span> than Holt! False tactics. Every event there's someone pointing out Bill's rapes, lolita express. New level of idiocy. Violent rallies are how they overthrow countries, we do an information war. If war erupts we failed the infowar. Going all in. Deutsche bank. Renaissance vs conquest systems. Drudge questions hurricane strength, exaggerated for global warming/carbon tax push? StopRape.
Second hour - Media trying to cover up Bill's crimes, taking action. Who isn't bowing to the Clintons. Living in the matrix? Make things so bad (coffin apartments, health, economy) we willingly accept the Matrix. watching [url=]farmers. How will they rig it?: Be himself, bring up issues, ignore useless topics/accusations. Bumper-stickers, Billboards, Hillary is dangerous and vindictive. The women card, her own hypocrisy. Hit her 5x harder, get the public to research. No-Fly zone launched by Russia. Trapped inside a simulation? They want us to accept a virtual prison, an assault on reality.
Third Hour - Sunday debate coverage plans (5-6 hours). Covert strikes on Assad, US backing ISIS, Russia Tweet, Army Chief threatens war on Russia, Prepare for war, 40million in drills, Russia warns not to airstrike, No-Fly zone. War or Deutsche bank is October Surprise? Russia doing nothing wrong, Assad will will step down. Steve Quayle: This is not a drill. 20 years ago warmed 'if a large population moves, it's a warning for nuclear war!'. No shielding for US population. Skull of Matthew. No hardened generals, escalation point, doomsday planes. If Russian Embassy is vacating or threatening, then it's full on Nuclear war! Kerry. Islam demands world war, ritual sacrifice. Limited nuclear exchange. GPS Satellites suffer backout, going to backup Morse code systems. To trolls: You are stuck in normalcy bias. Definitely: Who fires first wins, who blinks loses. What direct announcements from Putin. Putin '<i>Peacemaker</i>' Banner on bridge. 2015 Putin warns '<i>leading towards Nuclear war</i>'. Replacing military/police with UN forces is a takeover. DARPA cell phone towers to calm public. Flynn unloading ISIS and US plans. Calls: If Trump gets too hardcore? Biblical 'a time of lawlessness'.
Fourth Hour - VR, false reality, said 20+ years ago. Bible books Revelations, Daniel, Ezekiel. Bible says half population will die. House divided can't stand. StopRape Winners (4, $11k of $100k). Trump: Go for the Jugular. Hog hunting; 3 dogs distract the hog and blade for hog. Email; Benghazi, Islam support, China, Hillary the enabler of the sexual psichopath Bill. Liberals to overrun with factoids and overload you. Deny or Prepare. H.G. Wells NWO book. Preventing the steal, Show dominance of exit polls. Billboard of Soros 'The man behind Black Lives Matter'. Kaine 'Hillary going toe to toe' with Russia. Birth of a nation to cause unrest, to provicate violence, 'an epic fail'. University Ghana to remove Statue of Gandhi (<i>for racism</i>)??. Morgan Freeman to Mike Wallace on racism, 'making it a bigger problem than it need to be'. Seven page speech guide, to push racism 'we're all human' isn't inclusive? No white's Allowed University retreat. The real slave rebellion was wholesale murder for anyone with white skin. Other statues of heroes. Hurricane Matthew, is the government lying about it?

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Trapped in Matrix? With the media/brainwashing yes. ? [url=]No-fly zone set up by Russia. Syria is a proxy war. US Military couped refusing to aid ISIS. Threats to start a war with Russia forcing WW3. Russia isn't our enemy. Sunday's Debate starting 7CT. Town-hall, half questions by moderators and guests. Moderators are both under Obama/Clinton umbrella. Clinton's Emails they are panicking. Reiterating: FBI granted immunity to Cheryl Mills for evidence, and will destroy evidence afterwards. Obama has army of PR staffers to convince us we're getting a good deal. State department paying $650,000 for facebook likes. In only 9 months yet wins Nobel prize for peace?? 44 Afghan troops missing. VP Debate. DOJ drops charges on Libyan weapons broker. Hillary would rather see Libya burn for her own vindication. Johnson to spend energy on trashing Trump. [s]Debate[/s] Town-Hall Expectations: Trump to trump. Teamwork 3 on 1 vs Trump. Expect plants. Strawman arguments. News will not investigate what they regurgitate. Hillary will go on the offensive, name-calling/racism. Pence was successful for not being aggressive (and doing awesome).
Post edited October 08, 2016 by rtcvb32
We tried talking to you, and genuinely sympathize, yet you refuse to seek help and work on improving your situation.

If that is what you choose for you life, then so be it, the choice is your to make.

But you have no right to continue making this forum the victim of your obsessions. You have no right to spam it everyday with the exact same links, to the exact same thing, spouting the same baseless fearmongering rhetoric, until the end of time. Hoping to beat us over the head until our logic can be bruteforced through with your spamming and we'll all agree with you. That will never happen.

In nearly 30 pages of posts, half of which are you necroing your own thread, you found two people who agree with you. And about 6 alt accounts, underhandedly trying to simulate support for you. That's barely enough for a group chat. If you are that intent on continuing this farce, you can do it like that.

No one else wants this. No one else wants to see this discussion necroed everyday, perhaps more, with more baseless nonsense accusations, slander, and fearmongering.

rtcvb32: Trump is really racist/sexist (even though there's no proof of it)
I don't know that much about american politics, but I have seen Trump's campaign announcement speech, in which he said mexicans are rapists and murderers. And I have seen the video that recently surfaced, where he said such pearls as "I just start kissing them" and "Grab them by the pussy", and saying he can get away with it because he's a star. Of course, I could add every third sentence that comes out of his mouth as further proof.

And you say "even though there is no proof". You just ignore everything that doesn't suit you.

Like the proof that voter fraud is pretty much non-existent. Like all the proof that OneFiercePuppy provided against 9/11 being an inside job, and that Russia and China aren't taking over the internet.

You'll just ignore it and keep spouting nonsense.

I tried being civil for a long time, but not anymore.

Leave. No one wants you here. You have the attention span of a toddler combined with the paranoid delusions of a junkie on a bad acid trip. All you say is nonsense. Even if there was any truth to be found in your constant spam we'd never find it, because it would be buried under, literally, a hundred other links; and whenever you try to expand upon it you just turn it into nonsense.

If you were even half as committed to finding the truth like you claim to be, you'd recognize that your brain just is not equipped to find, nor comprehend the truth, and seek help to attain mental clarity, before coming in here shouting "The end is nigh!".

Leave. There are dozens of subreddits where you would fit in perfectly.

So go. You'll be happier over there, and we'd be much, much happier if you were gone.

Whatever you do. Just get the hell out of here.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by DaCostaBR
low rated
DaCostaBR: but I have seen Trump's campaign announcement speech, in which he said mexicans are rapists and murderers.
When taken out of context often. He's referring to illegal <i>criminal</i> aliens more specifically, not to 'all Mexicans'.

DaCostaBR: And I have seen the video that recently surfaced, where he said such pearls as "I just start kissing them" and "Grab them by the pussy", and saying he can get away with it because he's a star. Of course, I could add every third sentence that comes out of his mouth as further proof.
The tape was heavily edited, possibly rearranged, you can tell from the background noise to make him seem more vulgar than he was. Besides, if you're honest everyone says those things from time to time. It means he's human.

DaCostaBR: Like the proof that voter fraud is pretty much non-existent. Like all the proof that OneFiercePuppy provided against 9/11 being an inside job, and that Russia and China aren't taking over the internet.
No one has yet tried to break down all the proof issued in the video. Some provided video footage for weakened beams and steel is hardly comparable from 1/2 inch steel (preheated probably for 20-30 minutes beforehand) vs 2 1/2 inch steel (500,000 tons of it?), especially when the fires weren't around long enough (or hot enough) to heat the beams enough to make a difference. Don't forget, smoke is a sign that a fire is suffocating... And there was a lot of smoke.

Taking over the internet? I was sure I said censoring the internet (Although someone is taking over ICANN or moving it to UN control). Potentially there's also replacing sites with others which could be fraudulent and steal business or information, or pretend to be official government sites so it is a possible security risk. We'll have to see if certain media sites suddenly disappear... In china you can be arrested for having any hint of dislike for the government. Russia has heavy censorship as well. That's 2 seats that are likely to vote on censorship changes, while under US control it never had those issues to worry about.

Let's not forget Copyright is being used as censorship, on [url=]and elsewhere.

And if ICANN happens to be in china... there's no telling that they wouldn't bypass all proper procedure to force censorship.
Post edited October 12, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
Airline Flight From Scheduled Actual Terminal
Gate Status
Southwest Airlines WN1937 SFO San Francisco 13:05 13:25 Estimated Arrival Time 1 12A En Route
American Airlines AA1705 LAS Las Vegas 13:09 13:04 6 62 Landed
American Airlines AA255 JFK New York 13:10 12:38 4 42B Landed
SkyWest Airlines OO4919 TUS Tucson 13:10 12:57 5 51A Landed
United Airlines UA333 EWR Newark 13:11 13:05 7 71B Landed
JetBlue B6701 FLL Fort Lauderdale 13:14 13:04 3 33A Landed
American Airlines AA2437 ATL Atlanta 13:14 13:12 4 47B Landed
Virgin America VX926 SFO San Francisco 13:15 3 Cancelled
Southwest Airlines WN1733 BNA Nashville 13:15 13:03 1 11B Landed
Alaska Airlines AS452 SEA Seattle 13:15 13:53 Estimated Arrival Time 6 64A En Route
SkyWest Airlines OO3013 TUS Tucson 13:23 12:55 6 60E Landed
Singapore Airlines SQ12 NRT Tokyo 13:25 14:40 Estimated Arrival Time TBIT En Route
Air Pacific FJ810 NAN Nadi 13:25 13:02 B Landed
Delta Air Lines DL2763 SFO San Francisco 13:25 13:06 5 54A Landed
Southwest Airlines WN3223 DEN Denver 13:30 13:35 Estimated Arrival Time 1 16B En Route
Southwest Airlines WN569 LAS Las Vegas 13:30 14:10 Estimated Arrival Time 1 11A Scheduled
Virgin America VX784 SEA Seattle 13:30 14:24 Estimated Arrival Time 3 36 En Route
United Airlines UA1809 IAH Houston 13:33 13:07 7 70A Landed
Delta Air Lines DL1559 MSP Minneapolis 13:35 13:06 5 52A Landed
Southwest Airlines WN2365 PDX Portland 13:35 14:15 Estimated Arrival Time 1 14 En Route
United Airlines UA427 SFO San Francisco 13:37 15:06 Estimated Arrival Time 8 83 Scheduled
Alaska Airlines AS568 PDX Portland 13:41 13:34 Estimated Arrival Time 6 66 En Route
Southwest Airlines WN2711 SMF Sacramento 13:45 13:53 Estimated Arrival Time 1 9 En Route
Delta Air Lines DL1396 SJO San Jose 13:50 13:34 Estimated Arrival Time 5 51B En Route
American Airlines AA370 DFW Dallas 13:50 13:48 Estimated Arrival Time 4 47A En Route
United Airlines UA1960 EWR Newark 13:54 13:51 Estimated Arrival Time 7 77 En Route
United Airlines UA2260 DEN Denver 14:00 14:27 Estimated Arrival Time 6 63 En Route
Delta Air Lines DL1974 SEA Seattle 14:03 14:02 Estimated Arrival Time 5 54B En Route
Southwest Airlines WN2450 SJC San Jose 14:05 14:05 Estimated Arrival Time 1 14 En Route
JetBlue B6423 JFK New York 14:06 13:49 Estimated Arrival Time 3 33B En Route
Southwest Airlines WN716 OAK Oakland 14:10 14:20 Estimated Arrival Time 1 13 Scheduled
China Airlines CI6 TPE Taipei 14:10 12:59 TBIT Landed
Alitalia AZ620 FCO Rome 14:15 14:16 Estimated Arrival Time B En Route
Southwest Airlines WN947 SAT San Antonio 14:15 14:10 Estimated Arrival Time 1 10 En Route
Air Tahiti Nui TN7 CDG Paris 14:20 14:53 Estimated Arrival Time TBIT En Route
Delta Air Lines DL1655 ATL Atlanta 14:20 14:07 Estimated Arrival Time 5 58 En Route
Southwest Airlines WN641 LIR Liberia 14:20 14:15 Estimated Arrival Time 2 En Route
SkyWest Airlines OO5006 SBA Santa Barbara 14:20 13:47 Estimated Arrival Time 8 87 En Route
SkyWest Airlines OO5082 SBP San Luis Obispo 14:22 13:51 Estimated Arrival Time 8 88 En Route
United Airlines UA937 SFO San Francisco 14:22 15:18 Estimated Arrival Time 7 70A Scheduled
Delta Air Lines DL2765 SFO San Francisco 14:25 14:01 Estimated Arrival Time 5 50B En Route
Alaska Airlines AS267 SJD San Jose Cabo 14:28 14:42 Estimated Arrival Time 6 67 En Route
Virgin America VX409 JFK New York 14:30 14:08 Estimated Arrival Time 3 37B En Route
Virgin America VX365 BOS Boston 14:30 14:10 Estimated Arrival Time 3 34 En Route
low rated
Today: 16 Oct 2016 - 22 days
First hour - Wikileaks: Every 2 days more dumps. Racial politics, '<i>wish he'd been white</i>', 'Unaware and compliant citizenry', 'I will never deceive or lie to you'. Savage on hate list; Nazi tactics '<i>we don't like what you say/do, then you can't travel or have a job</i>', Internet regulation and Censorship, Echo chambers and clubs shaking people from their trance, learned helplessness, normalcy bias. Asymmetrical warfare in 4 countries, whitepapers overthrow Russia internally, end free press in US, Russia war a distraction. Classic 101 tyrant. Trump advised by sen sessions and gen flynn, Deutche bank a timebomb. Terror attacks, economic crisis, just 'blame Russia'. NYT and other media trying to get some credibility back: Clintons robbed/killed those in Haiti, Massive criminal activity. Last debate might not happen, believe she's getting blood transfusions and/or speed drugs. Plan B: sleeper cells, terrorism, BLM, anti-police, destroy inner cities, racial divide to try and force globalization. NC republicans Firebombed, Overtaken US has declared defacto war against Russia, the threat is radical Islam and china, not Russia. Flynn exposed ISIS, US/Europe Conquered New Democracy, outside threat to give up sovereignty, US/UK/RU Pulling out of NWO, so they point at nationalists claiming they are Russian agents, Steal election & Sanders, cyber attacks and war, new NATO doctrine: Officially at war with Russia. Proxy wars. 'If they can trick russia or get them to respond', Green party and others say Hillary is dangerous.

Second hour - Hillary ISIS worse than we imagined, Proxy wars, scapegoating Russia, Jill Stein on wasting votes, Kathy Obrien 70's video, claims Hillary raped her. Trump talks of conspiracies and global takeover, . Talking points, Manipulating/rigged polls adding 7%-53% more democrats, Everyone hates Hillary. <span class="bold">Correction:</span> Obama doesn't smell like sulfur he smells like sh**. (<i>[url=]Michelle said he stinks 8 years ago), CNN not showing any of Trump's speeches. Haiti and African projects sheds light, 20 media executives launching coup detat against trump voters, Wikileaks 1,054 more emails. Race baiting, Clinton campaign connected data to discredit Bill Clinton accuser, Hillary travel ban on Savage, Emails reveal life of deceit, The three speeches at Goldman Sachs, for $675,000.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>1.5 hours</i>)
Full (<i>1.5 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines
Post edited October 17, 2016 by rtcvb32