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Cause there's no business like show-business!

Our DRM-Free approach to digital distribution has been the foundation of since day one and we're convinced it is now firmly rooted in the gaming industry landscape. More and more users start to expect and demand the digital content they paid for to be free from any kind of restrictive mechanisms that limit access to their collections and get in the way of enjoyment. We think this is a good time to take the next step in our quest to make digital entertainment better for everyone. Today we set out to spread our DRM-Free ideas across the movie industry! That's right: now offers DRM-Free movies.

Our goal is to offer you cinema classics as well as some all-time favorite TV series with no DRM whatsoever, for you to download and keep on your hard drive or stream online whenever you feel like it. We talked to most of the big players in the movie industry and we often got a similar answer: "We love your ideas, but … we do not want to be the first ones. We will gladly follow, but until somebody else does it first, we do not want to take the risk". DRM-Free distribution is not a concept their lawyers would accept without hesitation. We kind of felt that would be the case and that it's gonna take patience and time to do it, to do it, to do it right. That's quite a journey ahead of us, but every gamer knows very well that great adventures start with one small step. So why not start with something that feels very familiar? We offer you a number of gaming and internet culture documentaries - all of them DRM-Free, very reasonably priced, and presenting some fascinating insight into topics close to a gamer's heart. Now, what do we have in store for you?

- There's a whole new Movie Catalog for you to browse!
- All the movies we sell are priced at $5.99 (that's a launch promo price for a few of them), and we aim to have that as the main price point for most of our future releases
- Two of the movies - The Art of Playing and TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard are available for FREE, so that you can test our new movie distribution features
- Most of our movies are in Full HD 1080p quality, some in 720p. With those of you with limited bandwidth or download quota in mind, we also supply much lighter 576p versions.
- Apart from downloading your movies you have the option to watch them streaming online, right here on
- is famous for its bonus goodies - each movie will come with as many of them as we can muster
- You can expect subsequent movie releases each week

That's it. Movies is a go, time to get some popcorn!
Complete with wild DLC, as people on have noted.
VanishedOne: Complete with wild DLC, as people on have noted.
And of course with regional pricing (think it's the first one).
I really hope this is an indication they are going to start releasing movies again. Though it does not give me much faith when they don't even announce it.
BKGaming: I really hope this is an indication they are going to start releasing movies again. Though it does not give me much faith when they don't even announce it.
I was also wondering what happened to GOG Movies, it doesn't seem like they are pursuing this way anymore...
Btw. the Double Fine Documentary is actually in the Games section!
Not seen much activity in the "movies" section for a while, is it over or just on the back burner for a while?
Ebany: Not seen much activity in the "movies" section for a while, is it over or just on the back burner for a while?
I suspect it's more to do with the fact that GOG is struggling to get movies on board that people actually want to watch. GOG's catalogue largely consists of niche documentaries that are ordinarily daytime TV fodder and YouTube fanflic quality movies.
Ebany: Not seen much activity in the "movies" section for a while, is it over or just on the back burner for a while?
Your guess is as good as mine but I would put my money on ... over.
I looks as though, on the new menu bar, 'Movies' has become 'Movies for gamers'. Tacit admission that the plans for a broader Movies section died?
I'll throw in the wild guess that to be able to offer 'proper' movies worldwide might cost a huge chunk of money or is even rather impossible due to all kinds of 'less known' stuff that goes on with distribution - especially digital distribution.
Netflix and all the other biggies maybe don't feel like welcoming a drm-free movie shop that attracts a lot of attention and sells 'their' catalogue 'to-own' and at reasonable prices... etc. etc.
We don't even have Amazon Prime (nor did we have Lovefilm that it was before) in Finland, and I think it relates to the same sort of business attitude...
But we do have a limited (sort of light version of) iTunes that has a selected catalogue of movies - but of course it's not drm-free (not really)... And I don't see GOG getting here any time soon with their distribution of 'controlled' movies
/ cynic :)

But maybe one day!
Post edited April 26, 2017 by superstande
would be cool to see some new movies come here
Torence: First of all, we all know that iTunes videos are combined with DRM protection, making it impossible to be played on non Apple devices. Now with using iTunes DRM removal software, we can get rip of DRM protection in easy way. The program for me is Tuneskit Media Converter for mac free, this program is designed to remove DRM protection and convert videos at faster speed with quality lossless. After conversion, it will be much convenient for us to enjoy iTunes videos on any devices without limitation.
That would be illegal, and against the terms and conditions of your license agreement. The best method would be to not use iTunes, that way once the money dries up they will have to change. Continuing to finance drm suppliers is going to make them continue.
Dat sad illegal advise necro....
not working streaming anymore? pls help
georgeionescu20: not working streaming anymore? pls help
You can still stream the videos, see the instructions in this link:
So in your browser, in the download links for a particular movie, you will have to copy the link and "Replacing /downlink/ -> /video/ in movie downloadlink opens the playerpage. "
I don't understand why the GOG team doesn't attempt to get the ball rolling on more traditional film fare by taking advantage of the vast number of public domain movies which are available.