Elmofongo: Does anyone at least understands why I feel this way now?
I think a lot of people do. I'm sure I do. It's partially from a mob mentality where everyone hops on the popular bandwagon of the day, and partially from the fickleness of the crowd. On the one hand, we scream for a jihad against EA, Activision, and UbiSoft, et al., but on the other hand we're all too eager to forget whatever we were screaming at them for, and suck down all of their latest marketing and hype, while giving them as much pre-order money as we can.
No wonder why the gaming industry can get away with all of the anti-consumer/predatory business practices in the book. Because we not only let them do it, we practically
beg them to do it to us.
For people who all see past the blind extremism, it's incredibly frustrating. On one FB gaming group I used to follow, everyone was practically orgasmic about Fallout 4 and EA's new Battlefront game. Despite the fact that we know nothing about these games and both companies have used exploitative business practices in the past. I was decried because I didn't buy into all of the hype along with the rest of them.
The only thing I can say is that moving past all of the anger and rage can be a liberating feeling, and I hope that it helps you gain a more balanced, and ultimately more contented perspective on gaming culture. It's helped me remember that there are more important things in my life that I need to pay attention to. Ultimately, in the end, it's all only just about video games, and with age and experience comes an understanding that a lot of things don't matter nearly as much as we thought they did. :)
Elmofongo: I am in favor of Gamergate and I am against the likes of Anita and all these SJW Manjinas.
GamerGate showed to me how extremist and irrational the leftist are and they are not better than Right Wing Politics.
I think what GamerGate really taught me is how far the extremism I referred to above can really go, and that's true for both sides now. I may be labelled as an "SJW" (for whatever such labels are worth these days), but I have learned a lot more about respecting and appreciating other people even though we may disagree about matters of poltiics or society....and that there has to be a better way to talk about matters of sexuality and society, than to have two people screaming at each other (even though I'm abundantly guility of doing just that).