Posted February 05, 2020

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted February 05, 2020
Hey, I painstakingly translated that with Google Translate!
By painstakingly, I checked that Google Translate would spit out roughly the right thing if asked to translate it back. :P
Intelligo, intelligo, intelligo.
By painstakingly, I checked that Google Translate would spit out roughly the right thing if asked to translate it back. :P
Intelligo, intelligo, intelligo.

Crossing the Rubicon
Registered: Jan 2017
From Spain
Posted February 05, 2020
Thanks for getting that clear, although I won't "lynch" one if the other is town. You put too much power on me. All I can do is voting, and the rest of the players would need to agree with me (big if), and all that if nothing else happens on Day 2 that makes me change my mind. I'll repeat it: I want agent's claim or him being investigated.

I'm not a duck
Registered: Dec 2017
From United States

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted February 05, 2020

ets-lay ightkill-nay ockshcnee-flay onight-tay
OK everybody else can look now
trent, I think they're onto us,
*sigh* Woe is me! *much weeping and gnashing of teeth*

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted February 05, 2020

In my experience, Lift is the kind of person who, if playing as scum, has already won the game once he got people to trust him. When you Town clear scum Lift, then he has successfully backstabbed you before he could even do anything. I think that it's best to share how is he different from Supernatural Scum Lift, or SH Scum Lift, and how is he similar to say, Captain Sapphire Town Lift, so everyone is on the same page.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 05, 2020

In my experience, Lift is the kind of person who, if playing as scum, has already won the game once he got people to trust him. When you Town clear scum Lift, then he has successfully backstabbed you before he could even do anything. I think that it's best to share how is he different from Supernatural Scum Lift, or SH Scum Lift, and how is he similar to say, Captain Sapphire Town Lift, so everyone is on the same page.
*puts head down, charges*
Pretty sure I scummed with him in one of the most recent GOG games I played and that's how we managed things
I'd have to look it up though
I dunno, it's not the greatest read ever, just going with the gut here

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted February 05, 2020
Note to all.......All below posts are replied to in the order I read them and without much peeking ahead, so things might've changed in other player's stances or my own as I go along....please bear that in mind as you read the below:
RWarehall: You cannot win with investigations alone. What makes anyone think a Cop can even be protected? Ever hear of the Strongman power? And if you could win just by investigating, what's the point of playing if power roles rule all? The game is balanced to force us to chose widely to win with special powers sparse enough they might help a bit but are not enough to win by themselves. Maybe any potential cop cannot be protected, or even help much, but(if we have one) then it's better than nothing I think.
And if town lynch town by accident it gives scum two free is that better?
IMO going for lynches should be done once town has more info and stuff to make reads on AND the player pool is smaller/scum are more likely to be lynched when someone is picked for lynch.
RWarehall: And to the about you start playing too. I think ZFR said we have until Saturday, we have 3 days to reach a consensus and you are throwing your hands in the air and giving up. We learn the most when we try to reach consensus, and see who is putting their votes where their mouth is. I already voted before on some I strongly suspect, and saw it was likely going nowhere(at the time)...if someone I strongly suspect gets high enough and closer to lynch MAYBE i'd vote....else if the wagons go nowhere by deadline it'd be the same as voting nolynch.
I dunno about the others(I only keep sparse notes as note taking is new to me as per my play style, and sometimes forget stuff I read a day or so ago), but as for me: even without voting much or even atm for anyone I have still made my suspects list known if people want to read back on some of my prior posts.
Lifthrasil: Wrong. We need information to solve this game. We get information from flips and from analyzing lynch wagons. And we could likely get the same from analyzing the night kill and who voted what before then.
Who said I wanted us to no lynch every "day" or that people would do so because it was done once? Also(as I keep saying) which is better and gives us more time to find scum? Two dead town possibly per day or one?
Lifthrasil: You want to base everything on the power roles - of which we don't even know which ones exist. If they exist at all. Or if they'll survive long enough to be useful, if they exist. I am guessing(could be wrong though) OP likely added power roles to the game.....just a hunch, though.
Lifthrasil: So, again, and this is also a notice to all newbies:
No-lynch is very, very bad for Town and therefore voting no-lynch is something which is either scummy or a newbie-error. It's never in the interest of Town on Day 1.This can be seen as town trying to help town, but also you (if scum) trying to get a mislynch pushed through and give scum an advantage....same as my play can be seen as bad town know that right?
To all: I will likely think on my vote as soon as I catch up on all posts and reply a bit more....I will post this for now, though, to show I am working on catching up and so as to not go over the character limit.
(Also I did a reply to post 309 but botched the brackets so I have to redo that bit in a bit...will post my reply to that, some more replies, and maybe change my vote in an hour or so)

And if town lynch town by accident it gives scum two free is that better?
IMO going for lynches should be done once town has more info and stuff to make reads on AND the player pool is smaller/scum are more likely to be lynched when someone is picked for lynch.

I dunno about the others(I only keep sparse notes as note taking is new to me as per my play style, and sometimes forget stuff I read a day or so ago), but as for me: even without voting much or even atm for anyone I have still made my suspects list known if people want to read back on some of my prior posts.

Who said I wanted us to no lynch every "day" or that people would do so because it was done once? Also(as I keep saying) which is better and gives us more time to find scum? Two dead town possibly per day or one?

No-lynch is very, very bad for Town and therefore voting no-lynch is something which is either scummy or a newbie-error. It's never in the interest of Town on Day 1.
To all: I will likely think on my vote as soon as I catch up on all posts and reply a bit more....I will post this for now, though, to show I am working on catching up and so as to not go over the character limit.
(Also I did a reply to post 309 but botched the brackets so I have to redo that bit in a bit...will post my reply to that, some more replies, and maybe change my vote in an hour or so)

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted February 05, 2020
Votus Conputatio
agent 3 - RWarehall, Lift, SirPrimalform
Lift 3 - Pooka, agent, ConsulCaesar
ConsulCaesar 3 - joppo, Carradice, yogsloth
Microfish 1 - trent
yogs 1 - FlockeShnee
trent 1 - Joe
No-lynch 1 - GameRager
Everyone else - 0
Not voting - Micro
14 players remaining - it takes 8 to lynch.
When you see a vote count, please check that your name is against the right person. Let me know if it isn't.
agent 3 - RWarehall, Lift, SirPrimalform
Lift 3 - Pooka, agent, ConsulCaesar
ConsulCaesar 3 - joppo, Carradice, yogsloth
Microfish 1 - trent
yogs 1 - FlockeShnee
trent 1 - Joe
No-lynch 1 - GameRager
Everyone else - 0
Not voting - Micro
14 players remaining - it takes 8 to lynch.
When you see a vote count, please check that your name is against the right person. Let me know if it isn't.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted February 05, 2020

And here's the catch: you can NEVER be sure in this game. If we want to have a chance at winning, we have to take risks and we have to lynch. It's the main weapon of Town. So, seemingly paradoxically, two dead are better on D1 than only one dead from a NK. Of course, lynching scum would be better than lynching a Townie. Just as a hypothetical Doctor protecting the NK target would be better than him not managing to do so. But no-lynch is worse than a mislynch.

No-lynch is very, very bad for Town and therefore voting no-lynch is something which is either scummy or a newbie-error. It's never in the interest of Town on Day 1.

And no, your play not only can be seen as bad play. It just is bad play. At least if you are Town, which I still assume. Even though you keep promoting a no-lynch, which is anti-Town. So far I put your insistence on this point down to inexperience and stubbornness.
Actually I did think like you do in my first game and proposed no-lynch as well. But I was quickly convinced that it's a bad idea by thinking the game mechanics through.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted February 06, 2020


Votus Lifthrasil
Unless we decide that we want to hear agent's "serious" claim and we agree to get him to L-1 without lynching him prematurely.

That's normal....I often don't survive past day 2 or so in these games and go higher up on people's list as time goes on.


Although now I am trying to read more thoroughly to play better, and taking some sparse notes to help with memory issues....a bit more work than I like but it does help me a bit when playing. :)

What? What does this mean?

Maybe he is like me and just wanted/wants to be a part of something with his fellow goggers/goggites? :)


Or is he just your scumbuddy and that determines which side you choose in this conflict?
(To op, NOT a vote)


1 GameRager posts a lot of things and then all he does is bump the thread without any further comment, not even a joke about that "over complicated mess" I posted, completely ignored the whole thing. That's quite unlike him, judging from what I have seem about him on the forums so far.
Done to Post more post ought to do it to finish up....almost done, everyone. :)
(Not a vote, OP)

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted February 06, 2020

If that's the case then there's a slight chance we'd see who did the NK. Barring that we could analyze who voted what and who posted/said what the previous "day" & also look into who interacted with that NKd person as it's not like we'd have nothing to go on.

Also yeah i'm pulling a partial scene play, but at least I play without the assumption that others not playing as I do are automatically scum as he seemed to do in the SH game.

If that makes me seem less town/a good player by doing so, then so be it....but I want to have fun playing and be myself rather than something i'm not.
All the above said, I am not opposed fully to a lynch if it's one I strongly suspect and there is a good chance they will be lynched......if one of my top picks gets to L-2 I will vote, or around that point...otherwise i'd rather not vote someone who either is on my list but who might not get to lynch or vote to lynch someone who isn't on my list that is close to lynch.
To all: Done for now....will watch the votes as we approach deadline and IF one of my picks gets close to lynch i'll likely cast a new vote then.
(To OP: Not a vote)
Also: If anyone has any questions for me or replies to my replies/posts I will be online for the next several hours....later all.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted February 06, 2020

That is my main list atm, and I think any of the above should either be investigated(in that order as above) if we have a cop/etc or lynched if we don't have a cop/etc.