Posted February 05, 2020

>>IF we lose two players a day without getting scum, we go from 14 (D1)-12 (d2)-10(d3)-8(d4)-6(d5) at which point, with three scum, we have lost. If we have a neutral player or a SK, we have lost sooner if we fail to hit scum. Even if we get 2 baddies on the first night (like my last game) we can still lose (Pooka pocketed me into oblivion that game).
If we don't vote, we are 14D1, 13D2, 11D3, 9D4, 7D5, which--if we have yet to hit scum--leaves us at 4-3 and MYLO/LYLO (i forget which atm and can't be bothered to check). `
Why the change of step from 1 to 2 in D3? Decidedly a non-Euclidian geometry here, or trying to prod people to lynch with so much enthusiasm that he got carried away out of enthusiasm.
Nothing especially significant, only that something like this should not be let it slip unnoticed.

d1 town does nothing=14 players. n1 scum lunches someone=13 players @start of d2
d2 town lunches = 12 players. n2 scum lunches=11 players start of d3
d3 town lunches = 10 players left. n3 scum lunches. 9 players alive at start of d4
and so on
the math adds up perfectly. the only way it wouldn't happen if we no lunched is if the scum decided to not NK in order to sow more confusion.
About @ZFR, 100% with you, he posts rarely and mostly about game mechanics. Hum.
@Caesar, agreed that Agent, or any other, should have the chance to defend himself, including claiming and whatnot, before emitting the sentencing vote.
Again, if someone might summarize the case against @Agent, besides these jokes, please share. Are we punishing him for his sense of humour, or on the grounds of upkeeping policy, or for something about PMs?