JoeSapphire: Is it that he discredits gamerager for claiming ravenclaw after he previously claimed slytherin?
RWarehall: More his later claim in post 117..."I'm actually in House Wampus and my name is Egbert Worple-Chesterton" and I had him slightly leaning Town off that claim. It seemed reasonable for this game even with the 3 houses vs. 1. At worst I had him as a benevolent 3rd party like a survivor. By post 117 we were pretty well done with RVS.
I took that as a blatant joke, but ok.
Oh fuck, I'm up to the real crazy PM argument bit.
#266 is a good post from Carradice.
FlockeSchnee: Not so sure, if you're town anymore. Look further down and state your mind please.
trentonlf: snowflake votin' me because I made a Hufflepuff joke
Giving a free pass to both RW and Caeser
seems legit
FlockeSchnee: I expect replies like that from people with something to hide. What are you hiding? Or more importantly: What do you want to _stay_ hidden? Yogsloth, I noticed a weird thing with you. And didn't think much of it. Then it happend again. And I thought: Odd. And it happened a third time. So as the first thing today, I took the time to take a closer look. I come to that at the end of this post.
trentonlf: For SPF it's
post 106 that I don't like. He is basically saying that he reserves the right to later come back and say that agent is scum for the comment he made about being Slytherin but for now he will let it pass as a Joke. If you read his
initial reaction here he states that agent is either scum and didn't read the rules or is Town and false claiming with rule reading optional. Very next post I point out that he's probably making a joke to which he states that's what he meant with Town and false claiming with rule reading optional (I don't see that as saying he thought it was a joke). Makes several other post trying to say he just thought it was a joke and then finally ends up with post 106 saying he will give him a pass for now but it might count against him later. Why? If it's going to count against him later it should count against him now. Trying to reserve the right to come back later and call someone scum for a post that you are calling a joke right now is a scummy play in my opinion so it gets my vote.

FlockeSchnee: I read those posts. From how I understand it, SPF stated he would take it as a joke (that it -most likely at this point- was intended to be) for now and review it later, if more substance presented itself. Which is reasonable.
Want to know what I think is the real reason you voted him? I will come to it right after this bit:
trentonlf: Also FlockeSchnee, if you think I would just fish for a reason to vote someone you've never played with me before. I don't do that as scum or town, I vote who I think is acting scummy (even when I'm scum). Whether you believe me or not is your prerogative, and if you don't or you think I'm doing it as scum then you should vote me.
FlockeSchnee: Heartwarming. Now lets get to the real question: Did you get told who to vote?
I would really like for
yogsloth and trentonlf to explain this very weird series of events. It didn't happen just once, not just twice. It happen three times. Conincidence? Three times?
I mean this:
(after having a back and forth about a messed up quote from SPF)
yogsloth, post 41: OK, so you're quoting Joe to comment on Carr being ballsy or funny ... null, whatever
= "officially ending the conversation"
SPF, post 43: I was just agreeing with/adding to what Joe said, however because I cocked the quote up it wasn't particularly clear.
(as a reply to Carradice's "joke vote" on yogsloth)
yogsloth, post 54: (Tied me lead wagon.)
I see I see I see. (= SPF, I figured it out/Understood. = trentonl)
trentonlf, post 56: Unvote yogsloth
SPF, post 78: takes back his vote on agentcarr in "gibberish/latin?"
yogsloth, post 79: Nope, Agent is town. ... Going back and forth on Carradice ... I'll reserve judgment here.
Good good good. SPF, post 80: Takes back his vote on agentcarr in english.
trentonlf, post 83: Vote Carradice
SPF, post 106: I'm willing to give agent a pass for that for now, but obviously it might count against him down the line.
yogsloth, post 107: Townies that lie like the plague (and there are many on Mafia Universe) doom the town to defeat. I hate it so much... so much... flames... flames, from the side of my face...
Wokka wokka wokka! trentonlf, post 108: Unvote carradice
Vote SirPrimalform
Well, to be honest, no explanation is gonna make me unsee this. My vote stays where it is and I know who I'll vote next if I survive that long.
My thoughts:
Option 1
yogsloth and trentonlf are on a different team, either scum or third party. Personally, I'm leaning more towards third party. It would explain why he's so unhappy about talking about "setup/mechanics".
Option 2
yogsloth and trentonlf and SPF on on the same team: Either scum or third party. Not sure about this right now. SPF could be an "innocent target" - or just scum that happend to be targeted if y and t are third party.
Option 3
There is a scum connection plus (tragic?) lover connection going on there between yogsloth, trentonlf and SirPrimalform.
Question is: Was "I see I see I see" directed at SPF (= SPF, I figured it out/Understood)I and trentonlf (= Pay attention/Unvote me)? Only at SPF and trentonlf mistook it as a message for him? Or only at trentonlf and SPF just got mixed up in this, maybe even as a possible -future- target more or less from the start?)
Special note:
yogsloth opinion about early wagons clearing people as town. (post 107: I think
Lift is probably town from a few other things though,
including having an early wagon run on him that wasn't really put together from much substance and just... vibey wibey kinda stuff, but ya know, whatevs, it's not my strongest read ever.)
I have no idea what I just read.
I'm guessing this is what I looked like to everyone else when I accused vitek of pretending to be pikachu?
I'm sorry FlockeSchnee, but I can't see what you're seeing. As far as I can tell, you think you've found coded messages or breadcrumbs?
Ok, I'm at the point where I posted last night.