Lebostein: Sorry, don't work:
18:02:12 | fatal...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gogrepoc.py", line 2777, in <module>
File "gogrepoc.py", line 2685, in take_wakelock
self._PMerrcode, self._PMassertID = self._IOPMAssertionCreateWithName(a,self._kIOPMAssertionLevelOn,"gogrepoc")
File "gogrepoc.py", line 2643, in _IOPMAssertionCreateWithName
p_assert_name = self.raw_ptr(self._CFSTR(assert_name))
File "gogrepoc.py", line 2636, in _CFSTR
return CoreFoundation.CFStringCreateWithCString(None, py_string, CoreFoundation.kCFStringEncodingASCII)
ValueError: Expecting byte string of length 1, got a 'str'
Kalanyr: Ahh yes, there's a patch submitted for this on the repo (the Mac Wakelock code was only tested on Python 2), that I was hoping to put off until the next release. I guess I should do a hotfix for this then.
EdhelDil: Hello,
I did update, several times, latest one with:
E:\__games__\gog>python gogrepoc\gogrepoc.py update -full -ids
(which procedeed to update 1 by 1 every 606 games, but ended up with the same lack of setup*.exe as above, for the same games (cyberpunk 2077 and many others))
I also tried to "force" the update of cyberpunk 2077 and a few others:
for exemple:
E:\__games__\gog>python gogrepoc\gogrepoc.py update -full -ids anachronox # or other names
: no change, it doesn't find(?) or list the setup*exe (and .bin)
The manifest file is still not complete... And I have no clue as how to proceed further.
Edit: I moved away : the manifest file, the log, the manifest "resume" file, and tried again
It downloaded all infos from the games ( with options : update -full -ids ), and I end up with a file almost as big as before.
Then I downloaded with: download -lang en fr -os windows linux -skipgalaxy ici # ici is the subfolder download dir
: nothing new came up... still missing several setup*.exe

Kalanyr: This sounds like your manifest doesn't have the installer files at all.
gogrepoc.py update -full -os windows linux -lang en fr
Should effectively build a new manifest with everything in it. IIRC the default behaviour for update if -os and -lang isn't specified is to try for your OS (but the detection seems kinda dodgy on anything by Windows) + your system language, defaulting to English. And new updates can clobber old ones.
(it's possible fr is the wrong abbreviation for french , since gogrepo uses the GOG codes which aren't standard but I think fr is correct).
Download should try and grab everything in the manifest by default IIRC (sorry, I'm away so don't have my files to check) but you can force it with:
gogrepoc.py download "D:\TargetDir" -os windows linux -lang en fr
Should download to whatever path you specify in "D:\TargetDir"
If you're comfortable doing so I'd open up the manifest file and see if it actually has any executable files listed. It's possible the handful you are seeing are actually the handful of unsupported special installers that GOG provides as extras.
thx a lot for your reply.
I tried: to delete the manifest (and manifest-resume) files and try with your suggestion
it seems to choke on a lot of xml files? am I missing something ?
in a windows CMD.exe window:
E:\__games__\gog>del gog-manifest.dat
E:\__games__\gog>del gog-resume-manifest.dat
E:\__games__\gog>del gogrepo.log
E:\__games__\gog>python gogrepoc\gogrepoc.py update -full -os windows linux -lang en fr
03:20:41 | loading local manifest...
03:20:41 | loading local resume manifest...
03:20:41 | fetching game product data (page 1)...
03:20:41 | fetching game product data (page 2 / 7)...
03:20:42 | fetching game product data (page 3 / 7)...
03:20:42 | fetching game product data (page 4 / 7)...
03:20:43 | fetching game product data (page 5 / 7)...
03:20:43 | fetching game product data (page 6 / 7)...
03:20:43 | fetching game product data (page 7 / 7)...
03:20:44 | found 610 games !!!!!!!!
03:20:44 | saving resume manifest...
03:20:44 | saved resume manifest
03:20:44 | ( 1 / 610) fetching game details for 8th_wonder_of_the_world...
03:20:54 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for setup_8th_wonder_2.1.0.9.exe
03:20:55 | ( 2 / 610) fetching game details for a_new_beginning...
03:20:57 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for setup_a_new_beginning_final_cut_2.0.4.0395_(27805).exe
03:23:18 |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\__games__\gog\gogrepoc\gogrepoc.py", line 716, in filter_downloads
fetch_file_info(d, True,updateSession)
File "E:\__games__\gog\gogrepoc\gogrepoc.py", line 673, in fetch_file_info
shelf_etree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(md5_response.content)
File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\xml\etree\ElementTree.py", line 1347, in XML
OverflowError: size does not fit in an int
03:23:18 | failed to fetch
https://www.gog.com/downloads/a_new_beginning/en1installer1 because of non-HTTP Error
03:23:23 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for patch_a_new_beginning_-_final_cut_1.0_(19838)_to_2.0.4.0395_(27805).exe
03:23:25 | ( 3 / 610) fetching game details for afterlife...
03:23:32 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for setup_afterlife_2.0.0.4.exe
03:23:50 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for gog_afterlife_2.2.0.8.sh
03:24:17 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for setup_afterlife_french_2.0.0.4.exe
03:24:45 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for gog_afterlife_french_2.2.0.8.sh
03:24:45 | ( 4 / 610) fetching game details for age_of_wonders_3...
03:24:48 | xml parsing error occurred trying to get md5 data for setup_age_of_wonders_iii_1.802_fix_(28713).exe
03:31:02 | exiting...
Exception ignored in atexit callback: <function shutdown at 0x0000015649E58AF0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 2174, in shutdown
File "C:\Program Files\Python310\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 1183, in close
(I didn't have those xml parsing errors with my previous tries, but those were with a different command that, as you pointed out, probably didn't try to fetch the binaries themselves)