coffeecup: Well, I did the nuclear option; removed the old installation, did a fresh git clone, a new login and then update:
I only censored the hash values of the DL urls and personal information.
It seems that there is a problem in gogrepoc, because I dont' t have a problem with lgogdownloader and gogg (the new in town).
$ ~/bin/gog> git clone Cloning into 'gogrepoc'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 504, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (135/135), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (19/19), done.
remote: Total 504 (delta 119), reused 116 (delta 116), pack-reused 369 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (504/504), 247.29 KiB | 3.34 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (202/202), done.
$ ~/bin/gog> cd gogrepoc/
$ ~/bin/gog/gogrepoc> mcedit -d
$ ~/bin/gog/gogrepoc> ./ login
16:26:44 | attempting Galaxy login as '' ...
16:26:45 | saving token...
16:26:45 | saved token
16:26:45 | exiting...
$ ~/bin/gog/gogrepoc> ./ update
16:26:53 | loading local manifest...
16:26:53 | loading token...
16:26:53 | loading local resume manifest...
16:26:53 | fetching game product data (page 1)...
16:26:55 | fetching game product data (page 2 / 35)...
16:27:39 | fetching game product data (page 35 / 35)...
16:27:40 | found 3482 games !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:27:40 | saving resume manifest...
16:27:41 | saved resume manifest
16:27:41 | ( 1 / 3482) fetching game details for 140_game...
16:27:42 | ( 2 / 3482) fetching game details for 1428_shadows_over_silesia...
16:27:43 | failed to fetch because of non-HTTP Error
16:27:43 | The handled exception was:
16:27:43 |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "~/bin/gog/gogrepoc/./", line 1244, in filter_extras
fetch_file_info(d, False,save_md5_xml,updateSession)
File "~/bin/gog/gogrepoc/./", line 1088, in fetch_file_info
d.raw_updated = d.gog_data.headers["Last-Modified"]
KeyError: 'Last-Modified'
16:27:43 | End exception report.
16:27:43 | request failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: will not retry.
16:27:43 | failed to fetch 16:27:43 | Could not fetch file info so using canonical link: 16:27:44 | failed to fetch because of non-HTTP Error
16:27:44 | The handled exception was:
16:27:44 |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "~/bin/gog/gogrepoc/./", line 1244, in filter_extras
fetch_file_info(d, False,save_md5_xml,updateSession)
File "~/bin/gog/gogrepoc/./", line 1088, in fetch_file_info
d.raw_updated = d.gog_data.headers["Last-Modified"]
KeyError: 'Last-Modified'
16:27:44 | End exception report.
16:27:44 | request failed: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: will not retry.
16:27:44 | failed to fetch 16:27:44 | Could not fetch file info so using canonical link: 16:27:44 | ( 3 / 3482) fetching game details for 15_days...
16:27:45 | failed to fetch because of non-HTTP Error
16:27:45 | The handled exception was:
16:27:45 |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "~/bin/gog/gogrepoc/./", line 1244, in filter_extras
fetch_file_info(d, False,save_md5_xml,updateSession)
File "~/bin/gog/gogrepoc/./", line 1088, in fetch_file_info
d.raw_updated = d.gog_data.headers["Last-Modified"]
KeyError: 'Last-Modified'
16:27:45 | End exception report.
^C16:27:45 | exiting...
Okay, did some testing and I can't duplicate this. The problem seems to be that gog isn't returning a Last-Modified header for you but it is in my tests. The other issue is that GOG is consistently 403ing you afterwards , which suggests you're hitting some kind of automated No No switch for doing something unacceptable, but I don't think you're going to be anymore aggressive than my Full Update from a few days ago was.
Are you running Linux or Mac and if Mac is it an X86 Mac or one of the newer ARM ones ? I think I might need to test on the proper OS to get a better idea of what's happening.
ETA - Okay, speak of the devil, I did just get this error for parkitect wallpaper and only that. Going to go poke and see what's going on.
ETA2 - Problem identified, some of the servers are returning headers with last-modified instead of Last-Modified, this is non-standard at the least and I think in violation of the Header standards but GOG technically violates those by returning different information for HEAD vs GET on the same URI anyway I guess.