rjbuffchix: I believe that gamers should demand stores like GOG *ARE* the normal.
I can agree with you on that, for sure. Not likely to happen though. Too many in this world are negative and always think the worst, hence we have DRM mostly. Not a lot of TRUST or SENSE or LOGIC going around.
rjbuffchix: You certainly shouldn't be getting this from my posts, friend...I am very consistent in my position. I also do often go out of my way to point out what a boon GOG is. I am so emphatic because I want it to stay this way!
I didn't target you specifically, and I am well aware of all those between both ends of the scale in this argument. So take on board what I said friend, and just pay attention to what is relevant to you, and ignore the rest. :)
rjbuffchix: With all due respect, I don't think you're understanding my point about embracing a niche market instead of trying to be an inferior copy of something that already has a monopoly.
This is where you and I differ.
I don't see GOG pretending to be anything other than a company who sells games to Gamers in the best way they can. If that is similar to Steam sometimes, well guess what? Steam are in the same business too.
The important difference for me between them, is that GOG is defiantly DRM-Free.
rjbuffchix: To take your hypothetical, what if I told you those "1,000 people" were unwilling to spend a cent on SCHEME, but would quite happily spend significant amounts of money on a DRM-free store like GOG? Wouldn't it make sense to try and cater to them, and also to expand that niche audience? Yes, potentially there is a much bigger audience that uses SCHEME, but it is unrealistic that SCHEME can be beaten at their own game.
We also differ here.
To survive, GOG need to stay viable.
They cannot do that with a niche bunch of gamers, who for the most part are not gonna fork out regularly enough or fork out much. Sure, initially there was a backlog where GOG would have made a good earning, but sales would naturally drop off after that, so they need to keep attracting more customers ... and even more importantly the Game Developers. Without significant customers, there will be very few Game Developers participating.
There is really only one Game in town ... selling games.
So even if GOG are a little bit similar to Steam at times, I see that as a good thing, because it weakens Steam's strange hold. And really, so long as GOG stay true to their DRM-Free mantra, and we their customers can always opt out of things we don't like, then why is it such a problem? I don't think there is one, honestly ... in that regard.
My real concern with GOG, is that they can continue to be feasible and get enough support, both from customers and Game Developers ... and even just stuff like accounting and website maintenance, Support, etc.
P.S. Since the first of May 2017, I have gotten over 470 games from GOG, and all the complaints i see here regularly, are at odds with my experience. I don't have Galaxy installed, and apart from the first few weeks, I have just religiously used the GOG Downloader, and so I get no downloads that include Galaxy. And I have noted in the last several weeks that I have not seen one instance where the Galaxy Download was the default, despite buying many games and downloading them all. So it appears to me that GOG have listened to the complaints, and reduced those games where Galaxy was the default ... not that I ever found that a problem myself when it is .. dead easy to notice and change.
P.S.S. Logic would infer, that if most of the customers at GOG are young, and happily use both Steam and GOG, that GOG should have defaults set to cater for them, while also giving us older non Steam lovers ways to opt out. If most here are happy with a console client like Galaxy, then I think it only sensible it should be the default, providing that it is not difficult to opt out of for the rest of us ... which it currently isn't hard to do. The more others that come here and spend their money, the more power GOG will have to do deals and offer us variety etc. I am yet to see the negatives.
P.S.S.S. To give full disclosure, I do also have a Steam account and do get Steam games regularly ... if only freebies from Humble or Steam. I've only paid them deliberately once, which was for the full Valve Collection, at a super cheap price. I can wait for other games to eventually come to GOG .... but I suspect none of that collection will.