DCT: Granted the Steam community has had more then it's share of asshats, any place that is as big as Steam is are going to have that problem even GOG is going to have that, if it already hasn't started already. But in a sense I don't blame a good chunk of the community over there for getting hostile at devs of shitty, half assed games like this(seriously it looks like a bad newgrounds version of Alien Breed) since thanks to Valves lack of curation the store has become a breed ground of shitty games with even shitter devs.
So people are going to be alot more hostile when they see crap like this. Makes me glad shit is curated over here since this is the kind of shit we can look forward to if they opened the door so to speak, sure I may not always agree with GOG's decisions and will happily call bullshit when they reject certain games like when they Rejected Xenonauts, Avernum Escape from the pit, Unepic, Cat Lady, ect. granted those games did eventually come here but my point still stands.

Cyraxpt: Oh, trust me, i'm well aware of the garbage that greenlight releases and i'm not trying to defend the developer but stuff like Steam reviews is pointless because of:
a) Fanboys
b) "Lulz made a joke out of 10"
c) Steam curators and bandwagon mentality.
Besides, the problem is that this new "developers" need to develop (no pun intended) thick skin, you get alot of stupidity in their forums like people asking for the game to be free...
Yeah I forget about A,B, and C since I rarely search Steam to buy anything anymore unless I know what I am looking for by name first. Since I don't have time to search though the shit pile to find something that I may actually want but never heard of before thanks to the flooded market that is there now. So because of that I also don't check the reviews.
jefequeso: Yeah, people seem to be getting really upset about the quality of games making their way through Greenlight. Which probably isn't a bad thing. Between refunds and negative reviews, the curation probablem is probably going to be solved (or at least improved) by players. At this point there's not really any way to dupe people into paying for garbage.
True, I know that many are having high hopes that this will help put a end to scummy assest flipping devs like Digital Homicide who quickly slap together a sloppy "game" using store bought unity assests which many of these types don't even buy but pirate off torrent sites to make a quick buck or devs who slap something together really quickly and put it up as a early access title to make a few easy bucks and then abandon it.
Since now that Steam offers refunds it will clear up some of the scammers like those I mentioned and others. But sadly where their is a will, there is a way and it's always possible that enterprising scammers will find loopholes to exploit. I hope not but it's possible.