gamesfreak64: same here.... i did read that every game has to have greenlight was posted by an alawar dev.
alawar been around a while, i have a number of games of them (the drm free versions ofcourse)on retail cd/dvd or online.
i already posted that you cant prevent users buying possible crapgamesy buy having the devs to get a greenlight for every game they want to release on steam, once a while even the big gaming devs and /or distributors create/release a bunch of crappygames, its inevitable.
People should be smart enough to make sure they dont buy shittygames.
You can only protect younger customers by adding labels like contains violence, 16plus and more like that same goes for tvshows and movies, other then that its up to the parents to make sure their little kids (>16 or 18) dont buy crappy movies or games or play/watch crappy movies.
Same goes for kids health and change of getting to 'fat', governent cant and should not make laws that forces kids that might grow to fat , need extra excersises, that is up to the parents/caretakers of those minors :D
Its theire kids and they are the ones responsible for them aslong as they are under age.
jefequeso: The thing about Greenlight, though, is that it's just a popularity contest, not a "quality contest." That's why you see stuff like Grass Simulator reaching #1 on Greenlight, getting through, and then getting butchered in reviews. The problem here isn't that devs can bypass Greenlight, the problem is the nature of Greenlight itself. If you force devs to go through Greenlight every time, you're just going to have that many more games tailored to be "Greenlight fodder" (ironic simulators, one-joke ideas, etc).
Really, despite my (thankfully starting to be disproven) misgivings with the refund system, it's really the best way to improve the quality of games on Steam. Being successful on Greenlight means having good marketing, it doesn't mean actually having a good product. Being successful with the new refund system means actually making a good game.
aha now i understand, thanks for the reply, so popularity of a product is what counts and not the quality of a product.
so basically you could have a 'crappy' game with lets say 4 squares bouncing around, no graphics no animations, but as long as the game manages to get popular, then it is okay ?
okay its perfectly clear now, thanks again for the reply it has been very helpful, i voted it up.