tinyE: It has nothing to do with the subject. If you came in started a dozen different threads about cheese you'd still get downvoted, because it's fucking annoying and selfish to flood a public forum with this crap, regardless of what the crap is about.
I'm not even reading your posts because you don't need to read the post to figure out you seriously have your head up your ass and at some point became convinced in that little ball of monkey shit you call a brain, that this forum was your own personal soapbox and that people were hanging out in here just to fucking listen to you bitch and moan.
Johnathanamz: Oh yes I'm bitching and moaning? It is strange to get down voted just because I feel something is not right?
I decided to listen to a fellow gogger that the forums are being attacked by alt, scammer, and troll accounts.
But here's the thing: people have pointed out to you on several occaisions that the stuff you've posted here is either untrue, or misinterpreted/misunderstood on your part, from the notion that Microsoft somehow listens to you because you have 10 shares, your complaints about GameSpy logos, to your recent charge that GOG has lost one of its "principales" (sic) because it's started selling HD remasters of classic games like Metro: Last Light/2033 or Grim Fandango.
Now, all of those above topics (GOG selling HD remasters vs. original versions of games, Microsoft on GOG, or the consequences of old games using third-party online services that no longer exist) are all worthy of discussion on the forums, and it's great that you contributed to the forum by posting those topics. The problem is that you did so in a way that was disrespectful and
totally ignorant of what others were saying when they disagreed or corrected you.
I don't agree with the downrepping, and I'll also say that you're likely not the victim of an alt/script attack, since that's lately been the work of nes400 and his alts/fellow trolls. (And he seems to target only people who get in the way of his continuing quest for hoarding and scamming people out of game codes.) But if you're genuinely upset about how others have been treating you on the forums, here's some honest advice for you:
a) Think about what others are saying. I think you've been here long enough to know that there are people who actually do post thoughtful and meaningful replies to your posts (snarkiness aside). Maybe their criticisms of what you say are actually valid. And if you don't agree with them, provide some evidence to show why.
b) Don't take it personally. Really. Sure, people are arseholes. Myself included. But as many have said on many other topics, rep really is just a number on some lesser internet forum. And to you, we're all just faceless avatars posting text at intermittent times. Honestly, how much weight do you
really want to give to what we say about you, good or bad? Do you really want to give such power over your life to some faceless people over the internet?
c) Think before you post: I've started trying to post more meaningful stuff in my replies (and failing horribly of course), and I've tried to think about whether or not what I'm going to post has either (a) been said before (and said better) by others in the thread, or (b) actually adds any meaning to the discussion beyond a one-line "LOL".
Don't take what I'm saying as gospel, of course. But they're things I've learned in my time on internet fora. Feel free to make of that what you will.
PS: OH, and don't do this:
Johnathanamz: I said like a week ago I will break the gog.com forums. I will now proceed to do it until the gog.com employees fix it.
Seriously. Don't. If you're upset with a group of people, the best things to do are to figure out (a) how to change what you have the power to change, to fix what's wrong, or (b) leave, if the people in question aren't worth your time and effort.
Threatening them isn't going to make it any easier. Or better.