kaboro: ... you (and the ones like you) are a living example of the dark side of the internet, ...
toxicTom: ROFL... that came from the dark side of your brain, obviously.
I'm just sick of the hypocrisy. People expect a small Polish company make a stand against the "evil Chinese communist empire", and don't even think about how the whole global economy is entangled with
China fuelling their power, and nobody bats an eye over it.
I'm not pleased with that, either, but that's not exactly something that we can tangibly make a campaign against, as you point out. This, however, is a different story, especially becauseit's a small polish company.
kohlrak: You're saying you're against the propaganda of the game being on GOG, no? But there's no propaganda... There
was, but it was removed, prior to GOG's announcement. They're not using GOG for propaganda.
kaboro: Oh ok thats a misunderstanding then, i was not saying that the Devotion developer used the game (or GOG) for propaganda purposes, i said that the users are using this as an opportunity to blame
China and the CPP as usual, and this is propaganda, and this is conspiracy theory paranoia. Not even people's fault, the mainstream media has indulged into rabid anti-
China propaganda lately, so people just fall for it.
https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/24/gop-memo-anti-china-coronavirus-207244 No, i'm actually quite familiar with how this works without the mainstream media, which i tend to ignore. I can't confirm the CCP itself was behind this directly, but this was definitely the result of the CCP over-reacting. From there it seems to be virtue signalling, and that's only if we take GOG at their word, which is suspect enough from their past actions. I don't think it particularly matters: some of us were actually interested in this, and the only one likely to take offense is the chinese. Frankly, if COVID: The Outbreak isn't to offensive for GOG, then a game where the offensive thing was removed entirely should be welcome, too. If this were Japan, i'd still be pissed. If this were the UK, i'd be pissed. I'm not happy with the double standard.
EDIT: And let's be clear, even if we assume that they didn't admit they were playing with the same damn virus in a lab back in 2007, and that the publication was a conspiracy theory,
China's pretty culpable for their handling of COVID and their pressuring of the World Health Organization to keep shit moving back and forth from
China. WHO also refuses to recognize Taiwan as anything other than a district of
china, even when directly addressed.