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moonshineshadow: Doing ok but hating the weather :D
Can understand that - getting really hot here too...and i think i'll get a heachache from it ...but good to here that you're doing atleast ok....

ddickinson: Thank you. My arm will be fine, it was just something that came loose on some machinery that caught me a glancing blow to my shoulder.

How is the temperature for you today?
It's getting really hot...and it feels like that there is a headache incoming....
ElTerprise: Ouch...
It's getting really hot...and it feels like that there is a headache incoming....
Sorry to hear you are feeling a headache coming on as well.

*big feel better soon hug*
Hi everyone! Are you all slowly melting too? Because I am ... :P
FearfulSymmetry: Hi everyone! Are you all slowly melting too? Because I am ... :P
Got a fan here... And just made myself some icetea with lots of ice and sugar! SUGAR!
Soccorro: Got a fan here... And just made myself some icetea with lots of ice and sugar! SUGAR!
Hahaha. :P The fan sounds great, though ...
ddickinson: Sorry to hear you are feeling a headache coming on as well.

*big feel better soon hug*
*thank you hug* I don't think it'll too serious though....i tend to get those often when it's really warm and they're annoying but thankfully nothing serious...
FearfulSymmetry: Hi everyone! Are you all slowly melting too? Because I am ... :P
Good morning! *morning hug*

Nope not melting here, it's actually quite nice, with a cold wind and looking overcast. It is still quote warm, but hopefully it won't get too hot.
Soccorro: Got a fan here... And just made myself some icetea with lots of ice and sugar! SUGAR!
FearfulSymmetry: Hahaha. :P The fan sounds great, though ...
oh it is! I'd be miserable without it!
FearfulSymmetry: Hi everyone! Are you all slowly melting too? Because I am ... :P
Hey *big hug*
Yes i think so....but otherwise everything's fine here...
moonshineshadow: Doing ok but hating the weather :D
ElTerprise: Can understand that - getting really hot here too...and i think i'll get a heachache from it ...but good to here that you're doing atleast ok....

ddickinson: Thank you. My arm will be fine, it was just something that came loose on some machinery that caught me a glancing blow to my shoulder.

How is the temperature for you today?
ElTerprise: Ouch...
It's getting really hot...and it feels like that there is a headache incoming....
Just drink enough water. Headaches are a symptom of dehydration
ddickinson: Good morning! *morning hug*

Nope not melting here, it's actually quite nice, with a cold wind and looking overcast. It is still quote warm, but hopefully it won't get too hot.
Ohh, I envy you your cooler weather. ;) Must be more pleasant to work in than stifling heat, though, so I think you can use it better than I can. *big hug*

Soccorro: oh it is! I'd be miserable without it!
I need to get a fan too. :P

ElTerprise: Hey *big hug*
Yes i think so....but otherwise everything's fine here...
Hey! *hug* Good to hear it's all right otherwise.
Hi All,
Bloody freezing down here:-)
And loving it.
GreenDamsel: Just drink enough water. Headaches are a symptom of dehydration
I'm drinking water pretty much constantly....i usually get those headaches when it's hot....even when i drink much
FearfulSymmetry: Hey! *hug* Good to hear it's all right otherwise.
Yes..but i think i should organise a fan for me as well

gunsynd: Hi All,
Bloody freezing down here:-)
And loving it.
Hello. Lucky you i guess. Enjoy it :)
Post edited July 04, 2015 by ElTerprise
Good morning, everyone!

ddickinson: And a big happy 4th of July to all the American regulars. Have a great day you loveable traitors! :-)
Totally saw that coming :-p

Am I the first American here today? Did I win? What's my prize? (the prize had better be bacon!!) ;-D
GreenDamsel: Just drink enough water. Headaches are a symptom of dehydration
ElTerprise: I'm drinking water pretty much constantly....i usually get those headaches when it's hot....even when i drink much
FearfulSymmetry: Hey! *hug* Good to hear it's all right otherwise.
ElTerprise: Yes..but i think i should organise a fan for me as well

gunsynd: Hi All,
Bloody freezing down here:-)
And loving it.
ElTerprise: Hello. Lucky you i guess. Enjoy it :)
Ok time for a water-off. I'm at 2 liters by now. Did about 6 yesterday. Beat that! :S
Post edited July 04, 2015 by GreenDamsel