ShadowWulfe: Weird flex, but ok.
So this campaign is different from the one in the early access?
Wishlist for now.
No, why is this so hard to understand
Bright Memory, the In Dev/Early Access (Preview/, or Test Beta) game has now left Early Access
This is that same Early Access preview, now released, and finished.
If you've bought Bright Memory already, or get it during this weeks release sale, it will entitle you to a free copy, of the full game
That Full game is Bright Memory:infinite, which is now the focus of the devs efforts.
This isn't shady, it's a good offer, but what is shady, is after this week, the previews price goes up to $10, yet it loses the full game entitlement.
If anything it should lower the price by another third, to about £1, if the full game access is removed, not raise it to £10.
Indeed if they'd made it clear that getting the Early Access version, was also buying the full game, they may have got my custom before now, as it was the fact this was a sold demo, with no access to full game promised, which put m e off buying it.