Posted December 22, 2020
I don't want to boycott, I am forced to. I am seeing a lot of people boycotting, some even delete their accounts completely. I am afraid that gog might close up shop soon. Therefore I am afraid to invest more into my gog library as I may lose access to my games soon. I feel like being held hostage or something.
I am backing up my best games, as I have not enough resources to invest in numerous external hdds, my internet is slow too.
I don't care for devotion or politics. Most of the companies do shady stuff when it comes to China, because they want to do business, and it is a large market. I also believe that killing gog will not free Taiwan or overthrow the CPP. Ain't gonna happen.
However, I feel hurt due to the fact that GOG seems to be completely ignoring this situation. No explanations, no responses. Their twitter post was vague at best. There is no communication with the fandom at all.
Anyhow, if gog goes under I will go back to epic and steam, companies that can also be considered shady.
I also hate how people forget everything good GOG has done. They forget that despite this situation GOG is still a much better and consumer friendly platform that the other major platforms.
I am backing up my best games, as I have not enough resources to invest in numerous external hdds, my internet is slow too.
I don't care for devotion or politics. Most of the companies do shady stuff when it comes to China, because they want to do business, and it is a large market. I also believe that killing gog will not free Taiwan or overthrow the CPP. Ain't gonna happen.
However, I feel hurt due to the fact that GOG seems to be completely ignoring this situation. No explanations, no responses. Their twitter post was vague at best. There is no communication with the fandom at all.
Anyhow, if gog goes under I will go back to epic and steam, companies that can also be considered shady.
I also hate how people forget everything good GOG has done. They forget that despite this situation GOG is still a much better and consumer friendly platform that the other major platforms.