Posted September 10, 2022

-Did GOG ever address the Devotion situation in any way? Obviously they aren't selling it but was there ever any clarification or further statements?
-Did we get a solid line on DRM? I know they tried to vaguely define it at one point (which I will admit is at least an effort) but have they started marking titles or features as DRM in page listings? I know there are endless discussions about what qualified as DRM but I'm asking if they're highlighting it using their own criteria?
As was mentioned many have moved on. The two listed subjects are the ones most important to me personally. I have other games I purchase physically (as well as a glut of games to get through), other hobbies, and career stuff to keep me busy so I don't truly "need" GOG. That's not intended as an insult honestly. I'll just check in every few months to see if the store is someplace I'd like to spend money again based on actions taken/not taken.
Boycotts tend to get a lot of attention in the early days but usually the issue gets resolved or it becomes a long quiet cycle as both sides attempt to wait the other out. I think we're solidly in that phase now. I'm not coming on here once a week to talk about all the stuff I'm not buying. Maybe one day some changes will happen to make me be a little more vocal again. In the meantime everyone take care, do whatever you feel is right for you, enjoy life, and I'll see you in a few months.
2. No.
3. Yes. Me too.
4. You too man. You too.