Posted September 07, 2022

GOG is spiralling down
Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted September 07, 2022

Thanks in advance.

Elongated feline
Registered: Mar 2009
From Norway
Posted September 07, 2022

They are claiming there is a conflict of interest because I have some links to Zoom Platform. I am a Zoom Discord moderator, but I started doing that ~1 year after this thread was started. I am not a Zoom staff member or being paid by them in any way. This thread is clearly about GOG and not Zoom Platform and has been signed by over 100 GOG users.

Oh and this post here
Shows you are lying.
Hell you keep saying you want open and free discussion but when someone has a negative criticism of Zoom you attack them saying they are laying or are just GOG fanboys.
Knock off the double standards.

Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted September 07, 2022
Honestly, I think we should cease the bickering. It isn't productive. Those who don't like T4T will continue to do so. Those who do will also continue. None of that has any bearing on the boycott thread. I think if you want to discuss the guy you guys should start a chat or discord server amongst yourselves to work it out. Or PM him directly. I just know the incessant arguing will lead to this thread being locked, and for no reason that is relevant to the purpose of the thread.

New User
Registered: Oct 2021
From Other
Posted September 07, 2022
In other words, some people yearn for the censorship of critical comments about the boycott and the OP. It is hilarious that you are protesting against censorship on GOG. It seems to me that is only OK to spread destructive negativity about GOG over the whole forum, but when it comes to this thread is it suddenly a problem when the target is the boycott or the boycotters. Come on! It's getting more and more hilarious here. It looks like this boycott is a gathering of those internet warriors who spout nothing but hot air.
You guys have started this thing here. Either you have to live with the consequences or you have to stop. In the latter case it is better to ask the moderators to close this farce.
In other words, some people yearn for the censorship of critical comments about the boycott and the OP. It is hilarious that you are protesting against censorship on GOG. It seems to me that is only OK to spread destructive negativity about GOG over the whole forum, but when it comes to this thread is it suddenly a problem when the target is the boycott or the boycotters. Come on! It's getting more and more hilarious here. It looks like this boycott is a gathering of those internet warriors who spout nothing but hot air.
You guys have started this thing here. Either you have to live with the consequences or you have to stop. In the latter case it is better to ask the moderators to close this farce.

Registered: Sep 2010
From Canada
Posted September 07, 2022

Oh and this post here
Shows you are lying.
Hell you keep saying you want open and free discussion but when someone has a negative criticism of Zoom you attack them saying they are laying or are just GOG fanboys.
Knock off the double standards.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted September 07, 2022

Post edited September 07, 2022 by richlind33

Elongated feline
Registered: Mar 2009
From Norway
Posted September 07, 2022
Post edited September 07, 2022 by Longcat

Being postive is bad on GOG
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted September 07, 2022

Elongated feline
Registered: Mar 2009
From Norway
Posted September 07, 2022

You all claim to not care. Yet you are here.
Thanks for keeping this important topic alive <3

"Many messages from gamers" = Fake News!
Registered: May 2017
From United States
Posted September 07, 2022

But that's not exactly correct IMO.
It did accomplish something, way back when it first started, when, at that time, it had a lot of steam (no pun intended) behind it, and lot of active participants in it, and lot of outrage vs. GOG to fuel it.
IIRC GOG either lost money and/or barely made any profit in a lot of those financial quarters that occurred around the times whilst the boycott was still hot.
The boycott is certainly not the only reason for that, but I think it was a large contributing factor to GOG's frequent dire financial results.
So that could be viewed a "positive" outcome from a certain perspective, in that it probably taught GOG that they need to ease off on having debacles like the Devotion debacle which greatly tick off most of their customers.
The boycott that arose alongside the Devotion debacle is also probably the primary reason for why unlike with the Devotion debacle, GOG actually did something in regards to the their next major debacle after the Devotion debacle, which was the Hitman GOTY debacle.
I assume that a major driving force for why GOG actually did something - albeit very slowly and with their usual total lack of transparency with their customers - about the Hitman GOTY debacle was because of the boycott, which taught GOG that they cannot financially afford to keep ticking off their customers en masse, and then totally ignoring the fact after they've done so (of course totally ignored is what they have done, and still continue to do even to this day, in regards to their Devotion debacle).
Another major effect of the boycott is that a lot of the most serious boycotters have left GOG long ago, like they said they would. They don't buy here any more. And that can also be viewed as a "positive" from a certain viewpoint, because it teaches GOG what the financial consequences are for when they pull shenanigans like the Devotion debacle.
It seems like in the time since the boycott started, GOG has had a large influx of new customers in more than sufficient numbers to replace the ones who left GOG forever when the boycott started.
But GOG still would have been better off if they had addressed the Devotion debacle and made an effort to fix it - or at the very least, to be honest with their customers about what really happened, and also what is the real reason for why they refuse to do anything about it.
Had GOG done those things, then they might have retained a lot of those old customers too.
Having said all that, I agree 100% with your sentiment that by now, September 2022, this old boycott thread has run its course and no longer serves any useful purpose at this point.
There are still many good reasons that are potentially worth boycotting GOG over, but this thread has no momentum any more and isn't going to accomplish anything further, neither now, nor at any point in the future (especially with it now only being limited to two issues, and excluding all of the multitude of other issues that GOG also has).
And on top of that, the mass outrage over Devotion has subsided now, and there is no other mass outrage against GOG to replace it with (there are still issues people have with GOG, but they do not cause people to get irate at GOG with near-unanimous consensus like the Devotion and Hitman GOTY debacles did).
Those who were most outraged by the Devotion debacle are long gone off of GOG and the few who are still around and still outraged about it now in 2022 are a tiny minority of GOG's customers, which is to say, the numbers aren't high enough to accomplish anything more in regards to getting GOG to do something about Devotion, and/or fess up to what they did wrong and why they did it, at this point.
Without any sense of nearly-unanimous mass outrage at GOG, there is no sustenance with which to sustain any kind of meaningful boycott against GOG, not in regards to Devotion, nor any other issue either.
And if another new Devotion-like and/or Hitman GOTY-like debacle is to arise, then the best place to post about the mass outrage over that will be in the new threads that will emerge in regards to those new debacles, and not in this old boycott thread that isn't about those potentially-coming new problems.
Accordingly, I concur that there is nothing more useful or meaningful that will ever come out of this particular boycott thread.
It's like the saying goes: "stick a fork in it, it's done."
Post edited September 07, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted September 08, 2022

But that's not exactly correct IMO.
It did accomplish something, way back when it first started, when, at that time, it had a lot of steam (no pun intended) behind it, and lot of active participants in it, and lot of outrage vs. GOG to fuel it.
IIRC GOG either lost money and/or barely made any profit in a lot of those financial quarters that occurred around the times whilst the boycott was still hot.
The boycott is certainly not the only reason for that, but I think it was a large contributing factor to GOG's frequent dire financial results.
So that could be viewed a "positive" outcome from a certain perspective, in that it probably taught GOG that they need to ease off on having debacles like the Devotion debacle which greatly tick off most of their customers.
The boycott that arose alongside the Devotion debacle is also probably the primary reason for why unlike with the Devotion debacle, GOG actually did something in regards to the their next major debacle after the Devotion debacle, which was the Hitman GOTY debacle.
I assume that a major driving force for why GOG actually did something - albeit very slowly and with their usual total lack of transparency with their customers - about the Hitman GOTY debacle was because of the boycott, which taught GOG that they cannot financially afford to keep ticking off their customers en masse, and then totally ignoring the fact after they've done so (of course totally ignored is what they have done, and still continue to do even to this day, in regards to their Devotion debacle).
Another major effect of the boycott is that a lot of the most serious boycotters have left GOG long ago, like they said they would. They don't buy here any more. And that can also be viewed as a "positive" from a certain viewpoint, because it teaches GOG what the financial consequences are for when they pull shenanigans like the Devotion debacle.
It seems like in the time since the boycott started, GOG has had a large influx of new customers in more than sufficient numbers to replace the ones who left GOG forever when the boycott started.
But GOG still would have been better off if they had addressed the Devotion debacle and made an effort to fix it - or at the very least, to be honest with their customers about what really happened, and also what is the real reason for why they refuse to do anything about it.
Had GOG done those things, then they might have retained a lot of those old customers too.
Having said all that, I agree 100% with your sentiment that by now, September 2022, this old boycott thread has run its course and no longer serves any useful purpose at this point.
There are still many good reasons that are potentially worth boycotting GOG over, but this thread has no momentum any more and isn't going to accomplish anything further, neither now, nor at any point in the future (especially with it now only being limited to two issues, and excluding all of the multitude of other issues that GOG also has).
And on top of that, the mass outrage over Devotion has subsided now, and there is no other mass outrage against GOG to replace it with (there are still issues people have with GOG, but they do not cause people to get irate at GOG with near-unanimous consensus like the Devotion and Hitman GOTY debacles did).
Those who were most outraged by the Devotion debacle are long gone off of GOG and the few who are still around and still outraged about it now in 2022 are a tiny minority of GOG's customers, which is to say, the numbers aren't high enough to accomplish anything more in regards to getting GOG to do something about Devotion, and/or fess up to what they did wrong and why they did it, at this point.
Without any sense of nearly-unanimous mass outrage at GOG, there is no sustenance with which to sustain any kind of meaningful boycott against GOG, not in regards to Devotion, nor any other issue either.
And if another new Devotion-like and/or Hitman GOTY-like debacle is to arise, then the best place to post about the mass outrage over that will be in the new threads that will emerge in regards to those new debacles, and not in this old boycott thread that isn't about those potentially-coming new problems.
Accordingly, I concur that there is nothing more useful or meaningful that will ever come out of this particular boycott thread.
It's like the saying goes: "stick a fork in it, it's done."

gut geist
Registered: May 2017
From Australia
Posted September 09, 2022
Dies Virtutis
Having long supported the boycott for ideals shown to be incompatible with GOG's current business operation, I'm here to enlighten the value of this thread. Those of us that started the boycott at the beginning of the 2021 have been asked if we'd like to continue this for the year 2022. The ones who agreed and others to come are reflected in the current list.
The thread has long persevered with issues on:
-the totality of the boycott (inclusion/interpretation of partial boycott)
-thread renaming and issue delineation (required voting from those of the list)
-whether other boycott reasons can be included (Russia/Belarus users of GOG)
Those that asked to be part of the boycott and are currently listed had/has functional accounts at the time of being included in the boycott. A lot have understandably left GOG due to persisting issues and we simply can't stop those that wanted to make the ultimate form of swearing of GOG (deleting their accounts).
For posterity's sake and to preserve the voices/opinions of those that signed on (no less than others) we shouldn't devalue their input just to restructure/upend the list to please another group.
I stand by my commitment, honesty and integrity to uphold the boycott when I said I'd do it for 2022.
Some that see this to be at a dead-end/useless don't need to derail or miscontrue what others have set out to do.
If some users want to boycott at least until the end of 2022, then let us and pay no mind (we aren't deliberating to seek harm on others, nor wish it). Those that would go to such efforts to get this thread locked are showing others which side of censorship they are on.
Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you have a great day. Cheers.
Having long supported the boycott for ideals shown to be incompatible with GOG's current business operation, I'm here to enlighten the value of this thread. Those of us that started the boycott at the beginning of the 2021 have been asked if we'd like to continue this for the year 2022. The ones who agreed and others to come are reflected in the current list.
The thread has long persevered with issues on:
-the totality of the boycott (inclusion/interpretation of partial boycott)
-thread renaming and issue delineation (required voting from those of the list)
-whether other boycott reasons can be included (Russia/Belarus users of GOG)
Those that asked to be part of the boycott and are currently listed had/has functional accounts at the time of being included in the boycott. A lot have understandably left GOG due to persisting issues and we simply can't stop those that wanted to make the ultimate form of swearing of GOG (deleting their accounts).
For posterity's sake and to preserve the voices/opinions of those that signed on (no less than others) we shouldn't devalue their input just to restructure/upend the list to please another group.
I stand by my commitment, honesty and integrity to uphold the boycott when I said I'd do it for 2022.
Some that see this to be at a dead-end/useless don't need to derail or miscontrue what others have set out to do.
If some users want to boycott at least until the end of 2022, then let us and pay no mind (we aren't deliberating to seek harm on others, nor wish it). Those that would go to such efforts to get this thread locked are showing others which side of censorship they are on.
Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you have a great day. Cheers.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted September 09, 2022

Having long supported the boycott for ideals shown to be incompatible with GOG's current business operation, I'm here to enlighten the value of this thread. Those of us that started the boycott at the beginning of the 2021 have been asked if we'd like to continue this for the year 2022. The ones who agreed and others to come are reflected in the current list.
The thread has long persevered with issues on:
-the totality of the boycott (inclusion/interpretation of partial boycott)
-thread renaming and issue delineation (required voting from those of the list)
-whether other boycott reasons can be included (Russia/Belarus users of GOG)
Those that asked to be part of the boycott and are currently listed had/has functional accounts at the time of being included in the boycott. A lot have understandably left GOG due to persisting issues and we simply can't stop those that wanted to make the ultimate form of swearing of GOG (deleting their accounts).
For posterity's sake and to preserve the voices/opinions of those that signed on (no less than others) we shouldn't devalue their input just to restructure/upend the list to please another group.
I stand by my commitment, honesty and integrity to uphold the boycott when I said I'd do it for 2022.
Some that see this to be at a dead-end/useless don't need to derail or miscontrue what others have set out to do.
If some users want to boycott at least until the end of 2022, then let us and pay no mind (we aren't deliberating to seek harm on others, nor wish it). Those that would go to such efforts to get this thread locked are showing others which side of censorship they are on.
Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you have a great day. Cheers.
Barring that it's a boycott in name only.
Post edited September 09, 2022 by richlind33

New User
Registered: Aug 2018
From United States
Posted September 10, 2022
Hi. Been ages since I was on here and I'm not into reading 100 pages of recent posts.
-Did GOG ever address the Devotion situation in any way? Obviously they aren't selling it but was there ever any clarification or further statements?
-Did we get a solid line on DRM? I know they tried to vaguely define it at one point (which I will admit is at least an effort) but have they started marking titles or features as DRM in page listings? I know there are endless discussions about what qualified as DRM but I'm asking if they're highlighting it using their own criteria?
As was mentioned many have moved on. The two listed subjects are the ones most important to me personally. I have other games I purchase physically (as well as a glut of games to get through), other hobbies, and career stuff to keep me busy so I don't truly "need" GOG. That's not intended as an insult honestly. I'll just check in every few months to see if the store is someplace I'd like to spend money again based on actions taken/not taken.
Boycotts tend to get a lot of attention in the early days but usually the issue gets resolved or it becomes a long quiet cycle as both sides attempt to wait the other out. I think we're solidly in that phase now. I'm not coming on here once a week to talk about all the stuff I'm not buying. Maybe one day some changes will happen to make me be a little more vocal again. In the meantime everyone take care, do whatever you feel is right for you, enjoy life, and I'll see you in a few months.
-Did GOG ever address the Devotion situation in any way? Obviously they aren't selling it but was there ever any clarification or further statements?
-Did we get a solid line on DRM? I know they tried to vaguely define it at one point (which I will admit is at least an effort) but have they started marking titles or features as DRM in page listings? I know there are endless discussions about what qualified as DRM but I'm asking if they're highlighting it using their own criteria?
As was mentioned many have moved on. The two listed subjects are the ones most important to me personally. I have other games I purchase physically (as well as a glut of games to get through), other hobbies, and career stuff to keep me busy so I don't truly "need" GOG. That's not intended as an insult honestly. I'll just check in every few months to see if the store is someplace I'd like to spend money again based on actions taken/not taken.
Boycotts tend to get a lot of attention in the early days but usually the issue gets resolved or it becomes a long quiet cycle as both sides attempt to wait the other out. I think we're solidly in that phase now. I'm not coming on here once a week to talk about all the stuff I'm not buying. Maybe one day some changes will happen to make me be a little more vocal again. In the meantime everyone take care, do whatever you feel is right for you, enjoy life, and I'll see you in a few months.