Posted November 19, 2010
high rated
NOTE: This guide is slightly outdated. Look up guide and new assets here
Here is a promo fan-made video of Freespace 2 SCP - The Best Space Sim:
This guide covers MANUAL installation of latest 3.6.12 version of FS2_open on Windows (W7 64-bit to be specific). Yet Another Good Thing: outcast1 wrote a quick guide for Linux:
Note: Not all mods/campaigns have been tested with the current version yet. If you encounter compatibility issue, use 3.6.10 respectively. I guess 3.6.12 works flawlessly with original campaign.
Step #1
Install FreeSpace 2 to eg.
C:\\Freespace 2
Note: it is not recommended to choose long directory paths, eg. "Program Files". It worked fine for me but better be safe.
Step #2
Download and install OpenAL.
Step #3
Download FS2 Open Launcher for Windows (current v. 5.5g) and extract to Freespace 2 main directory (eg. C:\\Freespace 2). (mirror)
Only use launcher to start the game.
Step #4
Download archive containing main 3.6.12 exe (engine) files and extract it to FreeSpace 2 main directory. (mirror)
This is Inferno Build (for future reference)
Step #5
Download archive containing MediaVPs 3.6.12 (textures, effects etc.) and extract it to FreeSpace 2 main directory.
Step #6
Run launcher and configure it:
a) browse and select exe file ( fs2_open_3_6_12r_INF_SSE2.exe )
b) tab Video: select OpenGL (DO NOT USE DirectX - it's obsolete for FS2 SCP) desired resolution, 32-bit color depth, Trilinear filtering, adjust processing, check "use large textures" ("hi res pack" should be checked already).
c) tab Features:
- select all features on
- list graphics: select all but disable scale-to-window for movies
- list HUD: enable info next to target, enable 3d radar, rearm completion time
- list gameplay: enable 3d warp, flash upon warp
- list audio: enable preload mission game sounds
- list experimental: enable post processing
d) tab MOD:
- click "select mod" and browse to MediaVPs 3.6.12 directory, eg. C:\\Freespace 2\mediavps_3612
e) click APPLY to save changes
Step #7
Move these files to \data\movies\ directory in order to get all cutscenes work. If \data\movies directory does not exist, create it.
Note: You can replace original cinematic files with those in OGG format for better quality:
Step #8
Run the game, adjust in-game graphics settings to maximum and check other settings.
Missing cutscenes?
Kalfireth advises:
If you got your copy of FS2 from Good Old Games, be advised that the cutscenes are located somewhere in \freespace2\data2\ or \freespace2\data3\ or something like that, in any case a folder with the name "data<some number>". They're the .mve files.
Why? Because FSO cannot read the cutscenes from that folder, so move them to \freespace2\data\movies\ .
Note: only the cutscenes are problematic. \data2\ and \data3\ contain other files as well, but they're redundant or empty and you can safely ignore them.
Refresh rate problem while using CRT monitor? You probably get 60 Hz, which is not enough, right?
One way to fix it is to run launcher and select Features > Dev Tool > check Run in fullscreen window. Then adjust game resolution to your desktop screen. It's done.
Note #1: This is a quick installation guide of CORE 3.6.12 FS2 Open files. Use links above or search forums for other methods, campaigns and mods, including online and offline installers. I just wanted to share it with you. Feel free to copy and rewrite.
Note #2: Works fine with Steam overlay, just add launcher to non Steam games.
Note #3: Technical problems? FreeSpace 2 Open Frequently Asked Questions (FSO FAQ) can be found here:
conrax85: There's a new and improved automated installer released by the folks over at the SCP - just point it at the GoG's setup package and it will automatically install the newest-and-prettiest version of the game.
The very first thing you should do with your FreeSpace 2 copy is installing FreeSpace 2 Source Code Project. If you don't know what FS2 SCP is, visit,, search Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, this forum or ask any knowledgeable gamer.
Here is a promo fan-made video of Freespace 2 SCP - The Best Space Sim:
This guide covers MANUAL installation of latest 3.6.12 version of FS2_open on Windows (W7 64-bit to be specific). Yet Another Good Thing: outcast1 wrote a quick guide for Linux:
Note: Not all mods/campaigns have been tested with the current version yet. If you encounter compatibility issue, use 3.6.10 respectively. I guess 3.6.12 works flawlessly with original campaign.
Step #1
Install FreeSpace 2 to eg.
C:\\Freespace 2
Note: it is not recommended to choose long directory paths, eg. "Program Files". It worked fine for me but better be safe.
Step #2
Download and install OpenAL.
Step #3
Download FS2 Open Launcher for Windows (current v. 5.5g) and extract to Freespace 2 main directory (eg. C:\\Freespace 2). (mirror)
Only use launcher to start the game.
Step #4
Download archive containing main 3.6.12 exe (engine) files and extract it to FreeSpace 2 main directory. (mirror)
This is Inferno Build (for future reference)
Step #5
Download archive containing MediaVPs 3.6.12 (textures, effects etc.) and extract it to FreeSpace 2 main directory.
Step #6
Run launcher and configure it:
a) browse and select exe file ( fs2_open_3_6_12r_INF_SSE2.exe )
b) tab Video: select OpenGL (DO NOT USE DirectX - it's obsolete for FS2 SCP) desired resolution, 32-bit color depth, Trilinear filtering, adjust processing, check "use large textures" ("hi res pack" should be checked already).
c) tab Features:
- select all features on
- list graphics: select all but disable scale-to-window for movies
- list HUD: enable info next to target, enable 3d radar, rearm completion time
- list gameplay: enable 3d warp, flash upon warp
- list audio: enable preload mission game sounds
- list experimental: enable post processing
d) tab MOD:
- click "select mod" and browse to MediaVPs 3.6.12 directory, eg. C:\\Freespace 2\mediavps_3612
e) click APPLY to save changes
Step #7
Move these files to \data\movies\ directory in order to get all cutscenes work. If \data\movies directory does not exist, create it.
Note: You can replace original cinematic files with those in OGG format for better quality:
Step #8
Run the game, adjust in-game graphics settings to maximum and check other settings.
Missing cutscenes?
Kalfireth advises:
If you got your copy of FS2 from Good Old Games, be advised that the cutscenes are located somewhere in \freespace2\data2\ or \freespace2\data3\ or something like that, in any case a folder with the name "data<some number>". They're the .mve files.
Why? Because FSO cannot read the cutscenes from that folder, so move them to \freespace2\data\movies\ .
Note: only the cutscenes are problematic. \data2\ and \data3\ contain other files as well, but they're redundant or empty and you can safely ignore them.
Refresh rate problem while using CRT monitor? You probably get 60 Hz, which is not enough, right?
One way to fix it is to run launcher and select Features > Dev Tool > check Run in fullscreen window. Then adjust game resolution to your desktop screen. It's done.
Note #1: This is a quick installation guide of CORE 3.6.12 FS2 Open files. Use links above or search forums for other methods, campaigns and mods, including online and offline installers. I just wanted to share it with you. Feel free to copy and rewrite.
Note #2: Works fine with Steam overlay, just add launcher to non Steam games.
Note #3: Technical problems? FreeSpace 2 Open Frequently Asked Questions (FSO FAQ) can be found here:
Post edited April 06, 2015 by OldEnt