Indyxt: I cannot even see the menu. What a shame. And it says on the store page that game is fixed for Win7. Yeah, right.
Win7-64bit, Optimus laptop (intel 3000HD + nvidia 540M GT).
Thanks for nothing, GOG.
The game
is fixed for Win7. In fact, most people can even run it on Windows 8, which is a testament to GOG's dedication to get old games up and running on modern systems without much hassle. You'd have way more trouble trying to get the original boxed copy to run -- or any illegal download, for that matter.
All people seem to do in these sub-forums is bitch and moan about GOG's service, when they don't even try to submit a report to GOG support. No one ever talks about the games themselves, except for the System Shock 2 owners, all sub-forums are riddled with technical questions and troubleshooting of some sort or another.
If I got Interstate '76 to run, you can get Dungeon Keeper to do so, as well. And stop blaming GOG, please. It's a miracle they even get old games to run on most computers, as some of these games were glitchy as hell to begin with, and their engines and components have long been discontinued and ceased being supported. It's not GOG's fault that the PC "Master Race" (LOL!) is a joke of a gaming platform in which a single variation in hardware and software combinations can make a game unplayable on a computer that's technically similar to another one which is able to run it out of the box. These threads are full of workarounds and solutions to people's problems, have you at least tried some of them? If none works, then contact GOG support, they're very competent and can work with you, individually, to sort things out with your specific machine.
I had to spend days trying to make Silent Hill 2 -- a game in which I spent a huge deal of money, mind you -- run decently on the computer I had back then. No one ever heard me complain and whine about it, I just found a fix, after browsing non-stop for days, and moved on to enjoy my game. Just be glad
all GOG games are optimized for modern systems, even if the small differences in hardware and software makes them a bit buggy at times.
[EDIT] For the record, I'm really sorry that you and many others can't run the game, but at least try being constructive when looking for ways to make it run, instead of the "thanks for nothing" approach.