Posted March 04, 2017

The Doom Wiki mentions a number of changes to Doom and Doom 2 when using the BFG Edition version of these IWADs.

Most of these changes concern the source port integrated with the BFG edition. The pill graphics are the only changes to doom.wad. In addition to that doom2.wad features the butchered secret levels and the missing TITLEPIC. The changes to Doom 2 are horrible. Very lackluster. I've seen suggestions by someone from the Doom community to change the swastica the same way it was changed in E1M4. That would have been a clever and funny way to censor the game…
Edit: Found the post by NeuralStunner.
Would it appear as a separate episode like in BFG or would it be part of the main game?
As for the swastika idea, they could add to that and erase Hitler's moustache on the portraits so he looks like his sprite in the shit version of the Nintendo game: Hitler's Revival: Top Secret as an Easter egg for that game.
Post edited March 04, 2017 by darkredshift