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ArchMechasis: You need to edit both config files. That is if you also want to change all the prompts, like interacting with things, to a different button than F.

These are the files:
UserSettings.json in the folder C:/Users/%USERNAME%/AppData/Local/CD Projekt RED/Cyberpunk 2077 (replace %USERNAME% with your Windows username)
inputUserMappings.xml in the folder C:/Games/Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config (or wherever you installed the game)

The UserSettings.json file is for all in-game bindable keys. Here you can make sure your ESDF keys are bound properly, including F which refuses to bind in-game. Same deal if you want arrow keys, or something else that refuses to bind in-game.

The InputUserMappings.xml file hosts all keybinds. That includes functions that can't be bound in-game at all, like interact prompts.
Open in Notepad. Use Ctrl+F to search for the key you want to replace "F" interact prompts with. In my case I want Q to be interact, so I search for "IK_Q". Replace all instances with different buttons, in my case IK_W (W), as it should be free.
Then look for all instances of "IK_F". There are dozens of these. Replace them with your interact key of choice, in this case "IK_Q" for Q.
Note that you don't have to do any functions that already have a "overridableUI" value. These are all bindable in-game and controlled from the UserSettings.json file. So might as well ignore them here.

The game now properly has ESDF movement while responding to Q for interact and other prompts. Interesting to note: now Q does not rebind in-game, but it's fine as the binds are good now. Obviously you can also do the same for arrow keys and a different interact button.

Note that the inputUserMappings.XML file in the game folder may be quite likely to be replaced on updates. And there's hundreds of hardcoded binds with no bind options in-game.

This may take a while for them to fix.
This worked for me as well. Once you go in and change the F key binds, you can use it to all binds. I did it, but screwed a few keys up, but went into the keybinds in the game and I could rebind F through the game. So the key is just changing the "IK_F" binds listed to what you want to use for interact. Thanks man!
Blee_Blee: Guys, follow this method, he saved my life. Although there're still alot of hard coded keys out there, at least I can use ESDF move and G for interact. You also need to change drop body key and hack key, they were binded to E and F.

I can't believe they don't even test for key rebinding in 2020 for pc players. Those key design are awful, something like you press M to open man, if you want to press M to leave Map, nono, it perform another action in map...ewww
Korpen81: Ok thats all and well how do i find the Holster/draw keybind??? Cause changing R key doesnt make it possible to holster i either has to use a gamepad or im stuck brandishing weapons....OMG this game
holster/draw weapons was default binded to ALT, I changed to W key. You need to modify UserSettings.json file
it is like this for me now :
"name": "switchItem",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_W",
"default_value": "IK_Alt"

I can use W to switch weapons, double W to hostler
Korpen81: Ok thats all and well how do i find the Holster/draw keybind??? Cause changing R key doesnt make it possible to holster i either has to use a gamepad or im stuck brandishing weapons....OMG this game
Blee_Blee: holster/draw weapons was default binded to ALT, I changed to W key. You need to modify UserSettings.json file
it is like this for me now :
"name": "switchItem",
"type": "name",
"value": "IK_W",
"default_value": "IK_Alt"

I can use W to switch weapons, double W to hostler
Thx man that did it. We shouldnt need to fix this like this anyway...they need to patch that.
Korpen81: Yeah both F and R are hardcoded. So i can change to the arrow keys replacing WASD using notepad but FRIGGGIN F and R keys are hardcoded and doesnt exist so in game i need to reach out far away using my 3rd arm i somehow have and push 2 buttons to either grab enemies and/or take up stuff!!!! They should have playtested this long ago!
I know the feeling, in these cases one of my usual workarounds is to remap via mouse software these keys to mouse side or extra buttons. Not sure if all software works in this game, I use a Razer mouse with the much hated Synapse, and it lets me remap F and R to side buttons, which then work as intended in game.

As a left handed player, remapping is in my DNA, been doing it for decades, but this game truly needs a rework for its keybindings menu, to allow more flexibility, because I've been doing some modifications to the .xml config file too, as suggested in this thread, and those will probably get reverted in updates (so I also did back up these files, just in case, both original and modified ones).

I mean, the Witcher 3 also had some trouble with hardcoded keys but it wasn't as severe, I could play that game since day one with my very, very left handed arrow keys, del-end-pgdn and numpad keys setup, no problems. And it also had a "walk" key, which CP 2077 doesn't, haha :P (they'are aware of this one too, I read on their twitter).
Korpen81: Yeah both F and R are hardcoded. So i can change to the arrow keys replacing WASD using notepad but FRIGGGIN F and R keys are hardcoded and doesnt exist so in game i need to reach out far away using my 3rd arm i somehow have and push 2 buttons to either grab enemies and/or take up stuff!!!! They should have playtested this long ago!
Sholva: I know the feeling, in these cases one of my usual workarounds is to remap via mouse software these keys to mouse side or extra buttons. Not sure if all software works in this game, I use a Razer mouse with the much hated Synapse, and it lets me remap F and R to side buttons, which then work as intended in game.

As a left handed player, remapping is in my DNA, been doing it for decades, but this game truly needs a rework for its keybindings menu, to allow more flexibility, because I've been doing some modifications to the .xml config file too, as suggested in this thread, and those will probably get reverted in updates (so I also did back up these files, just in case, both original and modified ones).

I mean, the Witcher 3 also had some trouble with hardcoded keys but it wasn't as severe, I could play that game since day one with my very, very left handed arrow keys, del-end-pgdn and numpad keys setup, no problems. And it also had a "walk" key, which CP 2077 doesn't, haha :P (they'are aware of this one too, I read on their twitter).
Good idea copying the modified files i should do that too :). Yeah lets hope the devs get on it in early patches.
So, I nearly refunded the game after about 100min of "configuration", but I think I finally have it.
AutoHotKey doesn't work. Just updating your config file doesn't work.

So what does work?

Go to your install directory, into ./r6/config and edit inputUserMappings.xml and uiInputActions.xml.
Replace the keys with your preferred bindings. For me it was the 'F' key which was causing problems.
So I switched it over to 'Q'. Just be careful with 'search & replace' when looking for the F key. Add the quotes behind it, or you might fuck up for F1 to F10 keys.

Have fun!
MojoVersion8: I cannot rebind move forward from W to the up arrow key, it just says "binding failed".
As a lefty I cannot play this game with WASD so this is ridiculous.

Possibly a bug though since I can rebind accelerate to up arrow.
Same problem. I need to rebind to the arrow keys on the left and it won't let me.
I wouldn't expect a game of this magnitude to have binding issues :(

I hope they fix it :( :(

I can't believe F is hard coded. Nothing should be hardcoded for accessibility for binding. Lots of games just jse a different graphic so the tutorial shows you the key it is bound to. I use the far right hand side of the keyboard it's bad enough I can't bind the arrow keys but now I can't do "F" either?????????????

Korpen81: Yeah both F and R are hardcoded. So i can change to the arrow keys replacing WASD using notepad but FRIGGGIN F and R keys are hardcoded and doesnt exist so in game i need to reach out far away using my 3rd arm i somehow have and push 2 buttons to either grab enemies and/or take up stuff!!!! They should have playtested this long ago!
yes same issue I need those two keys on the far right else I'm in trouble too. Goodness this should not be a problem rebind is a normal thing :(
Korpen81: Yeah both F and R are hardcoded. So i can change to the arrow keys replacing WASD using notepad but FRIGGGIN F and R keys are hardcoded and doesnt exist so in game i need to reach out far away using my 3rd arm i somehow have and push 2 buttons to either grab enemies and/or take up stuff!!!! They should have playtested this long ago!
Sholva: I know the feeling, in these cases one of my usual workarounds is to remap via mouse software these keys to mouse side or extra buttons. Not sure if all software works in this game, I use a Razer mouse with the much hated Synapse, and it lets me remap F and R to side buttons, which then work as intended in game.

As a left handed player, remapping is in my DNA, been doing it for decades, but this game truly needs a rework for its keybindings menu, to allow more flexibility, because I've been doing some modifications to the .xml config file too, as suggested in this thread, and those will probably get reverted in updates (so I also did back up these files, just in case, both original and modified ones).

I mean, the Witcher 3 also had some trouble with hardcoded keys but it wasn't as severe, I could play that game since day one with my very, very left handed arrow keys, del-end-pgdn and numpad keys setup, no problems. And it also had a "walk" key, which CP 2077 doesn't, haha :P (they'are aware of this one too, I read on their twitter).
I can't believe in 2020 they still don't understand key binding :(
Post edited December 11, 2020 by styggron
zero_koop: This really sucks. Why does everyone forget about left-handed people? WE DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH WASD! Guess I'll have to use a gamepad until they fix this.
I know. EVERY time. Most games all have full rebind, for some reason CDPR still don't understand how important rebind is!!!!!
I'm also a ESDF player. Its the natural typing position, so I'm surprised why it isn't default. You also get many more keys that are closer.

Its not just CDPR that did this with games, Bethesda does it, Ubisoft too. For sure others that I cant think of right now.

It really does screw up accessibility.
I cannot get any of these keybindings to stick on ver 1.04. ( I have never tried ver 1.03) When I start up the game I get a message saying my config settings are corrupt and it defaults to a backup copy of the UserSettings.json file.

The Only setting I'm changing are forward and back under SettingsLocomotion and I'm replacing IK_W with IK_Up and IK_S with IK_Down . Saving the file as UserSettings.json and overwriting the original ( which i have backed up)

I have to replace the file because the editor I'm using Microsoft Json Editor will not let me just save the edited file, I have to choose Save As and replace the original file.

Can anyone help please? Thank you!