1Macready: There is a beta of the new EasyTutu installer available. Feedback is encouraged - I'm particularly interested in hearing from anyone who was struggling with the old installer. The purpose of this new version is to solve such problems on newer O/Ses (Vista/7) and hardware (x64).
Also, this version was developed using gog.com distributions of BG1 and 2.
Follow this link for details:
http://forums.pocketplane.net/index.php/topic,27712.msg327556.html#msg327556 Works great. I like the simple interface and install procedure, too.
Your list of EasyTutu mods and install order page is also a great resource.
Thanks for putting in all this effort - it's much appreciated! I never completed BG1 when it first came out, it's going to happen this time around.
For others reading this and who're purchasing these games, here's the sequence I followed, using the threads here and the list of mods and install orders at
- Download BG1 & 2 (I still have the original discs, but re-purchased to support GoG and also to get the two expansions).
- Run the new EasyTutu installer linked-to in the quote above.
- Run BGConfig from your EasyTutu install directory to turn up hardware specs to max, enable 3D acceleration, etc. You can also do this from the BG2 install directory *before* running EasyTutu as EasyTutu docs say. This step is flaky for me (enabling 3D), so I use BGConfig to turn up all the other settings and then enable 3D by hand in the ini file. Enabling 3D stops the cursor from flickering, interestingly.
- Optionally, run the de-greenifier linked-to from
http://www.usoutpost31.com/easytutu/ This takes about 1.5 GB as the docs say.
- Then the widescreen mod linked earlier in this thread.
- If you have a high DPI screen (1680x1050 on my 15" laptop screen, for eg), you'll need a bigger font. While there are large font mods out there, they don't preserve the feel of the original BG font using as they do everyday fonts. A good alternative is the normal.bam file you can find by googling for "TotSC font normal.bam". It's the larger font included on the Tales of the Sword Coast CD. Copy the normal.bam file into the override directory in your EasyTutu-created install location - makes a huge difference in readability. It's also the same font as BG's normal font, just larger.
- Install any other mods mentioned on the EasyTutu page you like, respecting the install order. The Spawn Randomizer seems to be a requirement.
- Install other mods (Unfinished Business seems to be recommended, so I installed that).
Forgot to mention: a huge thank-you to rartino and xenobrain for their stickied threads. I'm essentially rehashing their advice in the context of 1MacReady's updated EasyTutu installer.
It'd be good to mention the Bioware-created and provided normal.bam font file in those two stickied topics, however. It makes playing at 130+ DPI possible at full res.