Posted February 21, 2016

I just got into Dungeons and Dragons Tabletop and imo that is my favorite. I play 1 time a week for like 4 hours and that is just awesome as the amount of class combinations are even higher than Baldurs gate. It is definitely clutch and I hope to get the player's manual soon so I can come up with better characters.

The only game i am looking for to come out now is Baldurs Gate Siege of Dragonspear as i obviously dont like Pillars of eternity and dragon age.
I find that of the games i have played and beaten, there are like 5 series of the 60-70 games i have beaten that i play always. The rest are fun but just not fun enough to warrant a second playthrough.
Dungeons and dragons definitely are one of my fav area/realm of games i like to play. I like the world, there are many games of it, and on top of that, its easier to stay into the game because i have played its games for so long.