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I tried Dragon Age on Ps3 and found it to be not even a game compared to kotor 1 and 2, jade empire and baldurs gate series. I found it to be unplayable because I cant explore around town, you cant do anything other than advance the plot, you get little to no choice in character variation for your class, the combat is basically just hack and slash with real time combat-none of the tactics and strategies work or apply.

Thats just what I can gather after playing 1 hour of the game. Can someone tell me its actually playable for 3 hours or is it really just the end of bioware as we know it. I found mass effect was playable (for about 8 or 9 hours) then that game ran dry.

I just cant find an honest opinion on any of these games but if thats the case that bioware threw in the towel then fine I will only play western rpgs on pc.
deathknight1728: I tried Dragon Age
You do realise that there is more than one Dragon Age game, right? So which are you complaining about?
I just cant find an honest opinion
There's a very simple answer to that: an opinion is just that... an opinion. Don't take them to heart. Make your own mind up.
I completed the game on both the PS3 and the PC. The PC version has a number of changes from the PS3 version in terms or UI and controls - the story stays the same. There is a tactical combat setting in the PC version which allows you to pause and command your individual characters similar to Baldur's Gate. The style of gameplay is different than Baldur's Gate, but I found it engaging enough to stick with twice over, so...

In all honesty, I enjoyed the stories in the Dragon Age series. Areas can be explored as they are quite large (for the time). It may not be a fully open-world game, but the lore is comprehensive and interesting. The game is somewhat linear until you get to a certain point, then opens up and allows you to travel to a number of places. Don't judge the game too harshly after only playing for an hour -- after you get through your character's origin story, you end up in a larger area where you can stretch out and explore more.

A couple more areas, and you'll be in Lothering. From there, the game's world opens up and you can travel about anywhere you like. If you have the Ultimate Edition, you can also access many of the DLC missions after Lothering as well. There are a couple that are separate from the main adventure and are accessed from the main menu instead.

Each Dragon Age game has a different pacing to combat that the other. Dragon Age II opts for a faster paced combat style with less control over the party members. There are fewer and smaller areas to explore than the previous game and the game does suffer from major map reuse. The story is also somewhat weaker. But, strangely enough, I really enjoyed the game despite its glaring flaws. The combat has a nice flow to it, feeling somewhat more fluid than the first game.

The story also leads directly into Dragon Age: Inquisition. It returns to the large areas to explore similar to the first game. It also retains the tactical combat option and even makes it available on the consoles. However, the combat doesn't feel as fluid as DA2. Also, the game feels something like an MMO in the way skills and other systems work in game. I still enjoyed the story though and the exploration areas are varied and well designed.

Overall, the first game is my favorite from a story perspective, but I enjoyed the combat in DA2 more. Party control is best in the first game with far more options for developing a companion's AI. DA:I is not bad - solidly in between DA:O and DA:2 in terms of story and combat.

Is it as good as BG? Too subjective. To me, I really enjoyed both series for different reasons. =)

deathknight1728: I tried Dragon Age on Ps3 and found it to be not even a game compared to kotor 1 and 2, jade empire and baldurs gate series. I found it to be unplayable because I cant explore around town, you cant do anything other than advance the plot, you get little to no choice in character variation for your class, the combat is basically just hack and slash with real time combat-none of the tactics and strategies work or apply.

Thats just what I can gather after playing 1 hour of the game. Can someone tell me its actually playable for 3 hours or is it really just the end of bioware as we know it. I found mass effect was playable (for about 8 or 9 hours) then that game ran dry.

I just cant find an honest opinion on any of these games but if thats the case that bioware threw in the towel then fine I will only play western rpgs on pc.
You are generally right about your critics. There are only 3 classes and very few races. In DA2 there is only 1 race: Human. Before I go let me give some of my personal ratings before i continue.

Baldur's Gate I and II: 10
NWN 1: 8
Dragon Age Origins: 9
Dragon Age 2 : 6
Mass Effect series : 8

DA:O gives you amazing feeling of being on adventure. Your companions will often talk about situations and you will feel the power growing inside you. There are 6 origin stories which can be considered tutorial but the places you can explore will be wide once you set on foot to your adventure.

Generally the maps follow the tactics of Neverwinter Nights 2. There is a narrow path and you can only follow these roads. You cant roam freely inside maps. But on world map, you can go almost anywhere.

Your relations with your companions matter which can give them special abilities. They will react to your most decisions but dont forget that you can always gift them and earn their trust.

There is Morrigan. She is alone the reason to play this game for me ;)

Character progression is very limited compared to D&D rules, especially D&D 3.0. However, I found it enough satisfying to finish the game twice.

Game play is perfect for me. You can think it an advanced version of KOTOR.
Dragon age 1 = tactical game... the right spell/ damage type at the right time = you win.
Dragon age 2 = mesh the fire buttion... some tactics but aimed at young kids to play.
Dragon age 3 = boring... not so much a game as pretty screenshots.
If the OP liked BG then keep playing DA:O until you get to Denerim. The only problem with Dragon Age is that if you do like the tactical style, especially on harder settings, then you will be very disappointed in the sequels. Disappointed enough so that I changed my mind and now recommend the OP to NOT play Dragon Age.
ussnorway: Dragon age 1 = tactical game... the right spell/ damage type at the right time = you win.
Dragon age 2 = mesh the fire buttion... some tactics but aimed at young kids to play.
Dragon age 3 = boring... not so much a game as pretty screenshots.
That pretty much sums it up.
FlynnArrowstarr: Each Dragon Age game has a different pacing to combat that the other. Dragon Age II opts for a faster paced combat style with less control over the party members. There are fewer and smaller areas to explore than the previous game and the game does suffer from major map reuse. The story is also somewhat weaker. But, strangely enough, I really enjoyed the game despite its glaring flaws. The combat has a nice flow to it, feeling somewhat more fluid than the first game.

The story also leads directly into Dragon Age: Inquisition. It returns to the large areas to explore similar to the first game. It also retains the tactical combat option and even makes it available on the consoles. However, the combat doesn't feel as fluid as DA2. Also, the game feels something like an MMO in the way skills and other systems work in game. I still enjoyed the story though and the exploration areas are varied and well designed.

Overall, the first game is my favorite from a story perspective, but I enjoyed the combat in DA2 more. Party control is best in the first game with far more options for developing a companion's AI. DA:I is not bad - solidly in between DA:O and DA:2 in terms of story and combat.

Is it as good as BG? Too subjective. To me, I really enjoyed both series for different reasons. =)

I personally, love more the setting of Dragon Ages Origins than the one in Faerun (D&D settings in the videogames).
And the good work of voice is amazing. Pillars of Eternity and Origins have a similar scene (Big meeting, everything changes from that event, etc.) and honestly, the surprises with Origins have better feeling due the voice work and cinematic.

But yes, DA2 has the weakness you say, if Bioware (or EA?) had accepted this game should be a classic hack & slash many poor choices could had been (A LOT) better. The other problem, the history is almost insignificant, this game is like Avengers 2: Ultron is nice, but was useless because is the transition to Avengers 3.

So, my humble opinion my favorites games of RPG with european medieval setting are (right now):
Pillars of Eternity
Dragon Age Origins
The multiplayer of NWN 1 & 2 (Stupids PWs )
Planescape Torment
Baldurs Gate Series

P.d. I just finished playing DA2 yesterday and beginning to play Inquisition, so, I only can say that playing DA3 after DA1 is like playing witcher 3 after Witcher 1 (and most if the transition between Witcher 1 & 2 didn't like you).
Post edited February 06, 2016 by Belsirk
I did not enjoy the Dragon Age: Orgins story. I don't like how it forced you down paths that a character may definitely not take.
I loved both BG, and my opinion of Dragon Age Origins is bit contrasted. The story, characters and choices in DA:O are good, they make a nice RPG, but the gameplay itself is very far from Infinity Engine gameplay. There is much less exploration, much less side-quests, much less freedom, it's a much more railroaded serie of fights, it feels much more actionish. It's also full of metagaming things like achievements which to me are a drain on immersion.
Dragon Age Origins is pretty great. Its sequels... not so much.
I loved both BGs and have played pretty much every cRPG that has been released since.

DA:O has fun gameplay, interesting and engaging characters some interesting side-missions and an awful, cliché story.
DA 2 has dumbed-down gameplay (compared to one) awful level-design and reuse of maps, boring side-missions and a very interesting story that is overshadowing by a very otherwise lackluster game.
DA:I has dumbed down gameplay, a big open and uninhabited world with nothing interesting to do in it. It has a pretty by-the-numbers story and you need the expansion(s) to get a proper ending, too. Feels mostly like an MMO-turned-single-player.

I would recommend DA:O and for you to steer clear of the sequels.
deathknight1728: I just cant find an honest opinion on any of these games but if thats the case that bioware threw in the towel then fine I will only play western rpgs on pc.
I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins...despite its pandering to over-sexed teenagers who haven't gotten any yet.
I've played 1 hour (or so) of DA2...2 minutes of DA3.

IMHO, yes, Bioware has sold out or had its creative people forced out..

Origins, despite the gratuitous sex and community "I unlocked it!" pseudo-rewards, actually has a better (read: more realistic) storyline than BG I & II -- how many gods have you run into. Yes, it isn't as open-ended, but after a while you don't even notice because you want to know how the story will progress. (Let's face facts, everyone knew the good guys would win in BG, but how many knew which characters in DA:O would do what?)

My first problem with DA2 was the inability to create my own character's name. That was followed by the Japanese slo-mo martial arts scenes...I didn't realize I had bought Mortal Kombat, I pushed on for another hour or two, and then just shelved it.

The reason I never went past the credit scene with DA:Inquisition was the 'Origin' software. If I want the world to know I'm playing a game, I'll play an MMO. If I buy a PC game, I expect to be able to play it -- without having to reset defaults -- on my machine, by myself, without the world or Origin knowing.

Why did I buy Inquisition after the disappointment of DA2? I'm an idiot, a sucker, an old man who still feels some sort of loyalty towards a company who could care less...Oh yes, and I've been a Jets fan since the 60's, and a Brooklyn Dodger fan until Sandy Koufax retired.
vsommers12: If the OP liked BG then keep playing DA:O until you get to Denerim. The only problem with Dragon Age is that if you do like the tactical style, especially on harder settings, then you will be very disappointed in the sequels. Disappointed enough so that I changed my mind and now recommend the OP to NOT play Dragon Age.
I tried playing it a game but its like a chore just staying interested. This was my last choice/attempt for a oldschool baldurs gate type game on a console but i guess I just dont like it. Oh well.

I just got into Dungeons and Dragons Tabletop and imo that is my favorite. I play 1 time a week for like 4 hours and that is just awesome as the amount of class combinations are even higher than Baldurs gate. It is definitely clutch and I hope to get the player's manual soon so I can come up with better characters.
vsommers12: If the OP liked BG then keep playing DA:O until you get to Denerim. The only problem with Dragon Age is that if you do like the tactical style, especially on harder settings, then you will be very disappointed in the sequels. Disappointed enough so that I changed my mind and now recommend the OP to NOT play Dragon Age.
deathknight1728: I tried playing it a game but its like a chore just staying interested. This was my last choice/attempt for a oldschool baldurs gate type game on a console but i guess I just dont like it. Oh well.

I just got into Dungeons and Dragons Tabletop and imo that is my favorite. I play 1 time a week for like 4 hours and that is just awesome as the amount of class combinations are even higher than Baldurs gate. It is definitely clutch and I hope to get the player's manual soon so I can come up with better characters.
If you're playing on a console I'm going to guess it's not Origins. But anyway, if you're looking for a more BG experience, or table top experience you are probably going to want to look at computer games. On a console maybe divinity original sin.