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Just realized now what the OP is talking about. Can confirm what Bucake says to be true, left and up are more sensitive than right and down. It's most noticeable with the speargun for me. In actual practice it doesn't affect me as much because my sensitivity is turned up quite high.

I recall sirlemonhead giving me a version of AvPx to try out that seemed to fix the deadzone/sensitivity issue, though I'm not sure it was released in the latest patch. This issue will most assuredly NOT be fixed by Rebellion in an official patch. My suggestion is to turn up the sensitivity so it doesn't take much effort either way and is therefore less noticeable.
Post edited March 31, 2016 by Olde72
sirlemonhead has indeed made a tiny patch that fixed the dead-zones, as well as the difference in sensitivity between up and down, as well as between left and right.

vertical mouse movement is still different from horizontal mouse movement, but i have not tested if this is only true in certain circumstances. (you can test this by physically moving your mouse in a circle, and you'll see that you actually move in ovals in-game.) but of course this can be 'fixed' by having different vertical and horizontal sensitivity settings..
i also wasn't aware of the sensitivity differences between species. they sure did a funny job coding the handling of mouse input. :-)

FreedomWings, in what version did sensitivity go up with V-Sync off?
because i know the original version has issues with high fps, including the ammo-counter and physics, but this should have been fixed in the steam- and gog releases.

sirlemonhead went dark on me in june 2015 (we had some contact by e-mail), so i kind of lost my interest in the game. the funny sensitivity is just annoying me too much (can't help it!).
Post edited March 31, 2016 by Bucake
Bucake: sirlemonhead has indeed made a tiny patch that fixed the dead-zones, as well as the difference in sensitivity between up and down, as well as between left and right.
Ah yes, I see the change note now. Any idea if it was a hard-code change or if it was like a .dll thing? Basically my question is if the change can be applied to the AvP Classic release on the user end.
Olde72: Ah yes, I see the change note now. Any idea if it was a hard-code change or if it was like a .dll thing? Basically my question is if the change can be applied to the AvP Classic release on the user end.
for me, it worked on both Avp Gold (original) and the GoG version. i assume it should work for the Steam version as well.
he just gave me a .rar file that had an .exe and a .dll file in it. i just had to extract them to the AvP folder and then start the game using his .exe. simple enough!

what i think i forgot to mention is that he also fixed that when you crouch, the sensitivity changes. he added an option to enable/disable it.
Post edited April 01, 2016 by Bucake
Bucake: sirlemonhead has indeed made a tiny patch that fixed the dead-zones, as well as the difference in sensitivity between up and down, as well as between left and right.

vertical mouse movement is still different from horizontal mouse movement, but i have not tested if this is only true in certain circumstances. (you can test this by physically moving your mouse in a circle, and you'll see that you actually move in ovals in-game.) but of course this can be 'fixed' by having different vertical and horizontal sensitivity settings..
i also wasn't aware of the sensitivity differences between species. they sure did a funny job coding the handling of mouse input. :-)

FreedomWings, in what version did sensitivity go up with V-Sync off?
because i know the original version has issues with high fps, including the ammo-counter and physics, but this should have been fixed in the steam- and gog releases.

sirlemonhead went dark on me in june 2015 (we had some contact by e-mail), so i kind of lost my interest in the game. the funny sensitivity is just annoying me too much (can't help it!).
I am using the latest version from Sirlemonheads site. V-sync as far as I know can not be turned off in the gog or steam versions. The gog and steam versions are the same it seems. Also Rebellion actually used Sirlemonhead's code for the steam and gog releases, but they did not up date it to Sirlemonhead's latest code.

Olde72: Ah yes, I see the change note now. Any idea if it was a hard-code change or if it was like a .dll thing? Basically my question is if the change can be applied to the AvP Classic release on the user end.
Bucake: for me, it worked on both Avp Gold (original) and the GoG version. i assume it should work for the Steam version as well.
he just gave me a .rar file that had an .exe and a .dll file in it. i just had to extract them to the AvP folder and then start the game using his .exe. simple enough!

what i think i forgot to mention is that he also fixed that when you crouch, the sensitivity changes. he added an option to enable/disable it.
Can that be downloaded anywhere?
Post edited April 02, 2016 by FreedomWings
no idea - i don't see the file on his page. i could upload the zip file for you if you want. in that case, just give me an upload site of your choice. i could also mail it if you prefer that.

so they just fixed it by forcing v-sync? lol. i figured they had actually (properly) fixed it. if that's true then i guess forcing V-sync off through nvidia panel or CCC would mess up the physics again.

and it's a shame there wasn't something like a collab or whatever. i remember sirlemonhead mentioning another few fixes he'd done, but these fixes are not present in the Rebellion release..
i also think they never credited him for the code they took. :-/ oh well
Bucake: no idea - i don't see the file on his page. i could upload the zip file for you if you want. in that case, just give me an upload site of your choice. i could also mail it if you prefer that.

so they just fixed it by forcing v-sync? lol. i figured they had actually (properly) fixed it. if that's true then i guess forcing V-sync off through nvidia panel or CCC would mess up the physics again.

and it's a shame there wasn't something like a collab or whatever. i remember sirlemonhead mentioning another few fixes he'd done, but these fixes are not present in the Rebellion release..
i also think they never credited him for the code they took. :-/ oh well
I'm interested in seeing this, too. Google Drive or Dropbox would be preferable for me, or I can give you an email address if need be.
i hope i did it right, i've actually never used google drive before. here's the link:
let me know if i messed something up.

these are the notes he gave me concerning the sensitivity changing when you crouch:

Also, I’ve added a config option to disable the halving of turn speed when walking/crouched. Load the game one, exit out and open the AliensVsPredator.cfg file. Mine is in C:\Users\Barry\Documents\My Games\Aliens versus Predator so check your equivalent of that.

It’s set to true by default, as it’s original game behaviour. Just replace

TurnSpeedAdjust = true


TurnSpeedAdjust = false

to get the behaviour you want.

edit: i think all you have to do is extract both files to your root AvP folder (afaik it works on every AvP version).
i do believe enet.dll is already present, so i suggest backing the file up, in case. :-)

and in case you have questions or even requests, i suggest you try e-mailing the maker directly:
(address taken from [url=][/url]/).
when i e-mailed him myself he was very approachable and friendly, so i wouldn't hesitate if you have a question.
Post edited April 05, 2016 by Bucake

Yeah, please do e-mail me. I did lose a lot of interest in working on this after the Rebellion version was released but if I can find time and I know what needs fixing, I'll try. Or if there's anything you'd like toggle-able via a config file option.
Bucake: i hope i did it right, i've actually never used google drive before. here's the link
Thanks for that, yes it did work and I got the files.

I'm still seeing the deadzone in the Steam version and I think it's because of the implementation of the pop-up menu to choose between servers. Since the game now has to give you a choice between using Steam or Crossplay servers, it no longer reads avp.exe in the main folder. That file is now sitting at a happy 0 KB. Clicking play in the Steam library now boots up Avp_Goldlauncher.exe from the "Launcher" folder, which is a pop-up menu. This gives you a selection of the version with Steam servers (located in the "bin" folder) and the version with both Steam and GoG servers (located in the "bin_Crossplay" folder). Normally this wouldn't be a problem--I would just place the AvPx_lookfix_2.exe and enet.dll in the "bin" and "bin_Crossplay" folders. However, the game .exe that is run is now called AvP_Classic.exe, not avp.exe. So I'm thinking that since AvPx_lookfix_2.exe is built to modify avp.exe, the change here won't apply anymore due to this name change. It's a stupid theory, but hey, I'm a stupid guy.

Bucake: Also, I’ve added a config option to disable the halving of turn speed when walking/crouched. Load the game one, exit out and open the AliensVsPredator.cfg file. Mine is in C:\Users\Barry\Documents\My Games\Aliens versus Predator so check your equivalent of that.

It’s set to true by default, as it’s original game behaviour. Just replace

TurnSpeedAdjust = true


TurnSpeedAdjust = false

to get the behaviour you want.
This is odd because TurnSpeedAdjust isn't located in my version of this config file. Here's what I have:

SampleRate = 44100

UnlimitedSaves = false

UseMusic = true

IncomingBandwidth = 0
OutgoingBandwidth = 0
PortNumber = 23513

Height = 600
ShaderPath = shaders/
UseTripleBuffering = false
UseVSync = true
Width = 800
Where should the TurnSpeedAdjust be located?
Post edited April 05, 2016 by Olde72
TurnSpeedAdjust should appear in a new section called [Gameplay] when you run that test lookfix version.

You have to run and exit the game once before the new config.txt is written.

Mine looks like this:

SampleRate = 44100

TurnSpeedAdjust = true

UnlimitedSaves = false

UseMusic = true

IncomingBandwidth = 0
OutgoingBandwidth = 0
PortNumber = 23513

Height = 1024
ShaderPath = shaders/
UseTripleBuffering = false
UseVSync = true
Width = 1280
This *should* be the very very latest release - could you try this please?

Post edited April 06, 2016 by sirlemonhead
sirlemonhead: This *should* be the very very latest release - could you try this please?

The dead-zoning fix works when I launch the AvPx.exe from the Steam "bin" folder. However, I think we're talking about (or at least I'm talking about) having this fix apply to the Steam version, which might not even be possible. Anyway, the AvPx.exe works--deadzone issue fixed--but this thing right here:
Bucake: for me, it worked on both Avp Gold (original) and the GoG version. i assume it should work for the Steam version as well.
doesn't because the Steam version of the program is named "AvP_Classic.exe" and not "avp.exe". And renaming AvP_Classic.exe to avp.exe doesn't load the game up at all; you get an error message saying it can't find the program. I haven't tried it with Gold Edition or GoG but I'll assume Bucake is correct. Basically what this means is that in order for the fix to apply to the Steam version, there must be a version of AvPx that uses as its basis a program not titled "avp.exe" but instead "AvP_Classic.exe." And that's just my theory; even then it might not work for any number of additional reasons.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by Olde72
I haven't run the Steam version in a while but my .exe isn't a drop in replacement for that.

You should be able to use all the asset data files from the release but you wont be able to get the game directly running with steam with my .exe, unless you add it as a third party application...
sirlemonhead: This *should* be the very very latest release - could you try this please?

thanks for stopping by!

this works. (tested with the GoG version.)
there's no dead-zone, and TurnSpeedAdjust also works.
i don't have a steam copy, so i can't test there..

observed things:
- the "frame timer" issue (forgotten the correct term) is a bee
- vertical mouse movement is a lot slower than horizontal mouse movement if both sliders are set to the default notches (as far as we know this might not actually be a bug, but an option to disable this would be amazing)
- my crosshair looks funny!

i'll also check what i can confirm from this post:
FreedomWings: I also found some other quirks. V-sync slows mouse aim down significantly. Turning off V-sync causes the mouse aim to become extremely sensitive. I am betting that would also be the case in the steam version since the steam version does not allow V-sync to be turned off. The Marine's ammo counter on the pulse rifle does not work when V-sync is off. And I was very surprised to find that mouse aim sensitivity differs between species. The sensitivity is higher when playing the predator or the alien, even though the setting in the controls menu has not changed. This is true for both the steam/gog version of the game and your renderer. "

I have been looking through some of the source code by Sirlemonhead. But I don't really know what I am doing or where to start. I've just been looking at some bits of code in various files. I saw what tweaks Sirlemonhead made, there is no problem there I can see. I am not sure where to look there must be something buried/scattered deep in the source code.

Or I wonder if since the build engine games exhibit similar behavior, could it be something wrong with what is used to build the game code, some bugged library or something?
edit: few tests done. my monitor was set to 144hz while doing these tests, without forcing v-sync.

- in AvPx, the fps gets capped to 60 in the main menu, but otherwise the fps is uncapped (in cutscenes and in-game).
- in Classic, the fps gets capped to 120 in the main menu and in-game, but for cutscenes it gets capped to 30.
- i can confirm that my sensitivity is higher in AvPx, so i assume FreedomWings was correct and that fps directly influences sensitivity somehow (common in older engines - sometimes even happens in newer engines).

i'll try to do some more tests i guess, with v-sync and sensitivity.

edit: played around with v-sync a bit.

- forcing v-sync when my monitor is set to 120hz seems to fix the frame timer issue in AvPx. this also lowered the sensitivity, which is more evidence that points to having increased sensitivity when the game runs at more fps.
- forcing v-sync when my monitor is set to 60hz lowered sensitivity even further.
- Classic does not force v-sync

and concerning the frame timer stuff - i haven't detected any changes between 60fps and 120fps, but i am not sure how i could properly test this.

edit: i've done some testing with all 3 species (in AvPx) and am relatively certain that:

- all species have the exact same sensitivity
- when the sensitivity sliders are positioned at the default notches, horizontal sensitivity seems to be 2x vertical sensitivity

what the results make me think is that the game works with pitch and yaw, similar to other fps games, but uses a value for yaw that's twice as high as the value used for pitch.

to test this stuff, i simply moved a (reliable) mouse across a ruler while taking my cursor from point to point, and then noted how many centimeters the mouse had traveled. i did multiple tests with all species, and kept getting the same results.
these specific tests were done with v-sync on and 120hz to make sure that there would be no fluctuation in fps (and thus giving me consistent sensitivity).

i might go back and do some tests with the sensitivity sliders because that data could point to something, but surely that will be incredibly tedious. :-(

lastly; the reason why fps affects mouse sensitivity probably sits too deep into the code. fixing this would likely mean a re-write of a huge part of the code. it's probably even worse with the frame timer stuff.
though, modern computers can easily run this old game at a consistent 120fps, so that's probably why Rebellion just went the route of capping the fps that the game runs on.
Post edited April 09, 2016 by Bucake